Sorry, I hadn’t seen this post before I sent mine. I’m actually dreading setting up my phone now. That’s why I’ve already studied the instructions for use quite carefully, but of course without being able to actually try them out.

Of course it would be best if Swisscom offered me a solution.

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I have the impression that Swisscom is always the first to introduce such things and thus puts pressure on others. That’s why I don’t want to support them unnecessarily. If it were just about data security, they could also accept a landline number for identification (I have an SMS-enabled phone). And making me an offer for CHF 80 per month, where you could have a prepaid for 20 centimes per year, which is 4,800 times cheaper, has absolutely nothing to do with data security.

So sleep twice more to see if anything else comes up.

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I have no idea where you got your information about Mucho Mobile, but in fact it is simply wrong.

The SIM and the new number would simply be sent to you free of charge and there is no requirement for a prepaid package or subscription and no additional fees.

But it doesn’t matter at all, because you can simply take any prepaid from any provider and certainly not a subscription at all. The important thing is that there are no regular costs, since you really only want to be able to receive SMS with it.

P.S.: By the way, you shouldn’t overestimate the quality of the cameras on the cheap cell phones, because if photography were important to you, you would have to go at least two leagues higher in price, because really usable cameras are only available on the cell phones from approx. >= 300 CHF

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Hobby-Nerd ohne wirtschaftliche Abhängigkeiten zur Swisscom

Mucho was unknown to me until today and I wouldn’t have any trust in this company. There is no imprint to be found on the entire website, which is also required in Switzerland today. It is also not written which Natel network the whole thing takes place over. The information about the best Swiss cell phone network is not enough for me. The Duomaxi is quite expensive for what it offers (39 CHF). Swisscom offers a lot more for me. 4 x Mucho = 156 CHF per month. With the Swisscom Mobile L I get significantly better services throughout Europe for my 4 devices (on one number) for a smaller Betrag (CHF79.90).

If I only needed a prepaid mobile phone, then M-Budget Prepaid would be my first choice! You know who is behind it (Migros and Swisscom).

I simply don’t understand “Monique’s” problem!

Kind regards


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@gian mucho mobile use the Swisscom network see here:

[ z+hat+Mucho+Mobile%3F&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiSwsC4jqiAAxV6hP0HHR0dBJIQzmd6BAhAEAY&biw=1600&bih=700&dpr=1] ( z+hat+Mucho+Mobile%3F&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiSwsC4jqiAAxV6hP0HHR0dBJIQzmd6BAhAEAY&biw=1600&bih=700&dpr=1)

I don’t know why you’re railing against Mucho Mobile, to each their own.

live and let live.

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@user109 wrote:

@gian mucho mobile use the Swisscom network see here:

[ z+hat+Mucho+Mobile%3F&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiSwsC4jqiAAxV6hP0HHR0dBJIQzmd6BAhAEAY&biw=1600&bih=700&dpr=1] ( z+hat+Mucho+Mobile%3F&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiSwsC4jqiAAxV6hP0HHR0dBJIQzmd6BAhAEAY&biw=1600&bih=700&dpr=1)

I don’t know why you’re railing against Mucho Mobile, to each their own.

live and let live.

I’m not “ranting” against Mucho, but the network operator is not stated on their website and there is no mandatory imprint, nor is the data protection declaration, which has been required by law in Switzerland for some time! In my opinion, anyone who appears so veiled has something to hide and is not trustworthy! These omissions (data protection declaration and legal notice) can be costly for companies as well as private individuals, but that is not my problem!

“If you buy cheap, you buy twice!” still applies!

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  • Monique has responded to this post.


    I got it from here:

    “__Monthly Prepaid Account Management FeeMonthly fee deducted from the remaining balance in the event of non-use of a prepaid SIM for 60 consecutive days and no paid usage of at least CHF 2 in the last month. Non-use means, for example no outgoing calls or SMS, no data usage, no pack purchase, no top-up.”


    “Dossier fee for opening a new account”

    Did I misunderstand that?

    Thanks also for the warning about the camera. I don’t have any quality expectations. It’s more of a consolation for having to spend money just for identification.

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    @Monique Why should Swisscom put pressure on other providers? This 2FA is for security reasons. Unfortunately, the internet is full of scammers, crooks, etc. So companies just have to continue to develop. This 2FA will come more and more anyway. This is also mandatory for many companies. As for the 2G network… 2G required a relatively large amount of capacity. How many customers used a 2G only device? You can almost count them on one hand. Only Sunrise kept the 2G network running for a relatively long time, but not anymore because it is simply no longer up to date. Yes, development doesn’t stop.

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    Just forget about the Mucho Mobile option I mentioned.

    The really important part of the information was: Certainly a prepaid and not a subscription and no other ongoing costs.

    Both the Swisscom network and the Sunrise network have good coverage for the vast majority of locations in Switzerland, so you rarely have to consider the question of which network a prepaid is on, unless you live in a really remote location.

    I personally have absolutely nothing against Swisscom prepaids, of which I also have three.

    From a purely administrative point of view, these have become a little complicated over time when opening new ones, which is why I am increasingly turning to alternative providers when opening new ones.

    But simply as a conclusion:

    The question of which prepaid is completely unimportant to the actual problem and primarily I would still rely on the very best solution, namely that Swisscom itself really “gets on its feet” and continues to offer a landline solution for customers even without an additional cell phone .

    The fact that not every landline customer also has a cell phone has certainly not escaped Swisscom’s attention based on its own internal statistics, and I therefore see a certain obligation on Swisscom’s part to continue to provide its customers with access to their own data without their own additional cell phone Kundencenter to be granted.

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    Hobby-Nerd ohne wirtschaftliche Abhängigkeiten zur Swisscom

    Microsoft also offers F2A identification via landline or email.

    Why shouldn’t that be possible for Swisscom?

    If Swisscom continues to insist on SMS (which is not entirely certain) they would have to put together a special package with subscription/prepaid and Natel for F2A.

    That would make sense.

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    @user109 wrote:


    If Swisscom continues to insist on SMS (which is not so certain either) they would have to put together a special package with subscription/prepaid and Natel for F2A.

    That would make sense.

    Another special solution “from Swisscom, for Swisscom”? 😉

    This issue with 2FA is too important, your entire reputation depends on it. I don’t think we should allow ourselves to experiment any further.

    Broadly accepted solutions are needed.

    Sooner or later it will no longer work without 2FA.

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    Apple has also had SMS registration for a long time, but you can ignore it, which is not necessarily recommended.

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    Installationen, Netzwerk, Internet, Computertechnik, OS Windows, Apple und Linux.

    Thanks! Yes, exactly. And I would definitely add a small communication fee in case the landline breaks down. I was also thinking about something like the yellow card readers from Postfinance (they’re completely free). – Or landline/email.

    There was nothing in the mail today either. And I received the same advertisement (with a picture from my cell phone) by email as the one I received in the mail on Saturday. But I actually receive email advertisements like this on a regular basis. I never unsubscribed in the hope that I would receive paper advertising less often.

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    2FA via landline would also work, just not via SMS, but the code would be “read out”

    But we can argue back and forth for days, Swisscom does what it wants and what it thinks is right.

    Whether the solution offered is practical and correct is another matter…

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    ….keep on rockin'

    Why not? The more diverse the offers, the harder it is for hackers to get all of a person’s data. What’s the point of having people use a different password for each online shop if they’re then supposed to bring them all together again in one “password manager”?

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