Mobile phone subscriptions are also massively cheaper than the premium subscriptions from Swisscom. This is possible, even with the Swisscom network, for under 20 per month. And even cheaper if you take a prepaid, that’s enough.
And a suitable cell phone for 2FA is also available very cheaply, it doesn’t have to be an overpriced high-end model from Apple or Samsung. An A-Class model from Samsung is sufficient.
Thanks Eddy14!
Which steps exactly do I have to follow? I just logged in and out several times and the “skip” didn’t appear at all. When I want to click on “Verbindungsnachweis” appears
in an otherwise white window. What do I have to do now? I’m also afraid that one day I’ll even be cut off from the forum.
I don’t want a cell phone, it takes up far too much of my life to deal with it. I had a simple one in the late 90’s (Motorola Startac), but the battery was long gone and the manufacturer stopped making them, and about 2 years ago it was shut down because it only ran on 2G.
Hello @Monique
When that happens, you no longer have any options. At the moment it is no longer possible to continue without a mobile phone.
The best you can do is continue to besiege customer service.
But as @r00t already wrote, the letter may have been sent before you called. So it could be that there is more to come.
Hi @Monique
(Sorry, I’m a little behind with answers 😉)
Maybe my call was interpreted as an expression of interest in the company and automatically triggered the sending of advertising.
And then Swisscom sent you a letter 2 days before your call? 😉 Let’s just let the advertising be advertising, I’m sure there’ll be another letter to come. However, I’m not sure if this will actually help you, but let’s stop speculating and wait for the facts.
Maintaining a smartphone, which I can then switch off at any time under any new excuse.
Why should Swisscom switch off a cell phone under a “pretext”? Just to be clear: introducing 2FA is not a diabolical plan to make your life difficult. There are many valid reasons for 2FA, we are simply criticizing the implementation here.
IT security is probably in very bad shape that we are being asked to pay so much for it. Swisscom has the mandate to provide basic services hmm.
I can’t really follow you here, as others have said, a cell phone with a pre-paid SIM without a contract is sufficient to receive the SMS. I have already mentioned in previous posts that this is not a good solution. In addition, you don’t need a 1000CHF+ expensive cell phone to receive an SMS, there are significantly [cheaper variants]( -dual-sim-4g-smartphone-20644077).
If I can be called at any time within 10 seconds, there is definitely AI behind it.
This has nothing to do with AI. Instead of you calling Swisscom and telling the hotline robot which queue to put your call in, you select the queue online and the “in 10 seconds” button then throws you into the appropriate queue - so it doesn’t have to be 24/7 someone waiting for the call.
Edit: I filtered through galaxus and got an incompatible cell phone. I have now replaced the link. Thanks @Stephan_76 for the tip 😊
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Thank you!
You can’t tell from the envelope/letterhead when the letter was sent. In any case, nothing has come today.
They switched off my previous cell phone because the technology was outdated.
Oh dear, I read in the edit that you got an incompatible cell phone. How can you prevent something like this if you don’t know what you’re doing? The one you suggested doesn’t have great reviews (I don’t care about battery capacity because I would only use it at home for identification, but I don’t want to pay any additional costs for games I don’t want). Here’s another one I would like (foldable like my Startac and with easy-to-read instructions):
[éléphonie-tablette-et-montre-connectée/téléphone-mobile/téléphones-mobiles--c411000/doro-6620-no-cradle-2-8-3-mp- blanc-noir–p0002631405] (éléphonie-tablette-et-montre-connectée/téléphone-mobile/téléphones-mobiles--c411000/doro-6620-no-cradle-2-8-3-mp- blanc-noir–p0002631405)
[]( easy-phones/doro-6620)
How do I know if this is compatible? And which provider go to? I stopped by the Jungle Compass on the weekend and no one had received an answer on the forum for almost a year. – It just occurred to me that I had bought another cell phone in a Swisscom shop and the seller had assured me that I could turn off the internet on it and only make calls/text messages. But that didn’t work and they refused to turn off “their own services” on the hotline. Only after several years did I come across a salesman who turned it off for me. In total, I used it once to make calls (0 SMS). I don’t want to experience that again.
Hello Monique
They switched off my previous cell phone because the technology was outdated.
Swisscom hasn’t done anything to your cell phone. Swisscom has switched off the 2G network. If you go to Germany with your cell phone and insert a German SIM card, the device will work.
Oh dear, I read in the edit that you got an incompatible cell phone. How can you prevent something like this if you don’t know? How can I know if this is compatible?
At Digitec, for example, you can filter by mobile phone standard:
First click on “More filters”.
Then click on Cellular Standard
I myself would now only take 4G and 5G. And no 3G I’ll explain the reason below.
I find it a bit arrogant that Digitec still sells 2G at all.
but I don’t want to pay any additional costs for games that I don’t want)
Simply turn off the mobile internet. Depending on the device, this is easier or more difficult.
Here’s another one that I would like (foldable like my Startac and with easy-to-read instructions for use):
[éléphonie-tablette-et-montre-connectée/téléphone-mobile/téléphones-…]( téléphonie-tablette-et-montre-connectée/téléphone-mobile/téléphones-mobiles–c411000/doro-6620-no-cradle-2-8-3-mp-blanc-noir–p0002631405)[]( /easy-phones/doro-6620)
The Doro uses the 3G network. But be careful, Swisscom is expected to switch off 3G at the end of 2025. So I wouldn’t buy a 3G phone. And with 4G make sure that it supports VoLTE. If necessary, write down which models you would use and then find out whether they support VoLTE
Swisscom will operate 3G mobile technology until the end of 2025
My buying tip at the moment would be the Nokia linked by @r00t. According to Nokia, VoLTE can also do this and is therefore future-oriented.
If you currently want to buy a simple cell phone, it is very important to make sure that it is 4G capable, as it is to be expected that the 3G mobile network in Switzerland will not be available for much longer.
Without a 4G mobile network there is no future viability.
In your situation, I would still wait and see whether Swisscom makes a move, but if you actually want to buy a simple cell phone, I would recommend a classic 4G-capable Nokia, e.g. this one with a battery that lasts a really long time :
[ -4g-8445894.html?utm_source=Top prices&utm_campaign=Price comparison&utm_medium=cp c]( -mp-4g-8445894.html?utm_source=Top prices&utm_campaign=Price comparison&utm_medium=cpc)
As a SIM card, any prepaid SIM card, if it is for the Swisscom network, probably from Mucho Mobile for infrequent users, because the SIM is free and if you want to do a little more with it, there are also very cheap small monthly packages.
Hobby-Nerd ohne wirtschaftliche Abhängigkeiten zur Swisscom
Hi Monique
They switched off my previous cell phone because the technology was outdated.
But that has less to do with your cell phone and primarily the cell phone network. Occasionally you have to get rid of legacy issues, after all, 2G ran from 1993 to 2022, so almost 30 years. If you didn’t do this, the cell phone antennas would eventually look like a Christmas tree and you wouldn’t be able to reuse frequencies. In addition, radiation exposure is continually being reduced by more modern antennas.
Oh dear, I read in the edit that you got an incompatible cell phone. How can you prevent something like this if you don’t know what you’re doing?
Not like me, just looking for links in the middle of the night 😉. When buying a cell phone today, I would make sure that it supports 4G (LTE).
The Doro 6620 cell phone you linked only seems to support 3G. [This will probably be switched off in 2025]( %2DMobile technology%20even more powerful%20and%20more climate-friendly%20than%203G.). (was introduced in 2004, so will have been in operation for 21 years.)
But there is the Doro 6820 model, which can do 4G + VoLTE ( @Stephan_76 would you like to check briefly? 😉):
[ 3%A9phone-mobile/t%C3%A9l%C3%A9phones-mobiles–c411000/doro-6820-2-8-2-mp-rouge-blanc–p0006393172] ( 3%A9phone-mobile/t%C3%A9l%C3%A9phones-mobiles–c411000/doro-6820-2-8-2-mp-rouge-blanc–p0006393172)
At Brack and It is [Galaxus]. cheaper than at Interdiscount. I personally have no experience with Doro.
[]( /easy-phones/doro-6820/)
And which provider go to?
It doesn’t really matter, unless you live (like me) on the edge of civilization, where cell phone reception is sometimes difficult to achieve. However, I would recommend that you don’t take out a subscription, but rather buy a pre-paid SIM card - then it should matter even less in terms of cost, as you will only receive SMS - (which is free) e.g. the Swisscom pre- paid basic tariff.
It just occurred to me that I had bought another cell phone in a Swisscom shop and the seller had assured me that I could turn off the internet on it and only make calls/text messages. But that didn’t work and they refused to turn off “their own services” on the hotline.
Simply deactivate mobile data (excerpt from the Doro instructions🙂
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Okay, it’s been a few years now and maybe things have improved a lot in the meantime, but I had to set up a Doro big-button cell phone for my blind father-in-law and then I said to myself:
Once and never again!
The most illogical operating system I have ever struggled with when setting up a cell phone, despite experience going back to 1994 🙂
In addition, all of the technology was already out of date when it was sold and the price/performance ratio wasn’t right either.
Hobby-Nerd ohne wirtschaftliche Abhängigkeiten zur Swisscom
Thank you all!
Thanks @r00t for the place in the manual on how to turn off the internet. On my previous cell phone it also said that if it didn’t work, you should contact your provider, and they then refused (and the cell phone was tied to Swisscom for 2 years).
Thanks also for the information about compatibility. When Swisscom switched off the 2G network, there was information that other Swiss providers were still using it, but I couldn’t decide to switch. Back then I didn’t have the problem with identification yet. I’ll be happy if I can still find a 3G device. Hopefully this identification problem will be solved in 2.5 years.
Mucho offers prepaid services, but you still have to pay fees on an ongoing basis. One-off 35.– activation + regular 2.–/month + the device is a bit much just to be able to see your own data in your login (the device could still justify itself because you can take photos with it). The Swisscom pre-paid basic tariff from @r00t would be better.
@Werner I don’t need a battery at home. I’ll probably manage the 30 seconds to copy an SMS code, or I’ll leave it online.
I still hope a little bit that something more will come from Swisscom.
Hi @Monique
I’ll be happy if I can still find a 3G device. Hopefully this identification problem will be solved in 2.5 years.
To do this, Swisscom would first have to acknowledge the problem, and I think things are currently too quiet from the official side for that. (Not just related to your case). I can also imagine that various services will follow suit. Then you’ll be happy if you already have a working cell phone.
Mucho offers prepaid services, but you still have to pay fees on an ongoing basis. One-off 35.– activation + regular 2.–/month + the device is a bit much just to be able to see your own data in your login (the device could still justify itself because you can take photos with it). The Swisscom pre-paid basic tariff from @r00t would be better.
There are various providers - just google it and compare 😉
I still hope a little bit that something more will come from Swisscom.
If nothing is there by Wednesday, I would call again if I were you and ask. If you want to skip the telephone robot at the beginning, use the “Call me” button [here]( login and passwords).
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I have the impression that Swisscom is always the first to introduce such things and thus puts pressure on others. That’s why I don’t want to support them unnecessarily. If it were just about data security, they could also accept a landline number for identification (I have an SMS-enabled phone). And making me an offer for CHF 80 per month, where you could have a prepaid for 20 centimes per year, which is 4,800 times cheaper, has absolutely nothing to do with data security.
So sleep twice more to see if anything else comes up.
I have no idea where you got your information about Mucho Mobile, but in fact it is simply wrong.
The SIM and the new number would simply be sent to you free of charge and there is no requirement for a prepaid package or subscription and no additional fees.
But it doesn’t matter at all, because you can simply take any prepaid from any provider and certainly not a subscription at all. The important thing is that there are no regular costs, since you really only want to be able to receive SMS with it.
P.S.: By the way, you shouldn’t overestimate the quality of the cameras on the cheap cell phones, because if photography were important to you, you would have to go at least two leagues higher in price, because really usable cameras are only available on the cell phones from approx. >= 300 CHF
Hobby-Nerd ohne wirtschaftliche Abhängigkeiten zur Swisscom
Mucho was unknown to me until today and I wouldn’t have any trust in this company. There is no imprint to be found on the entire website, which is also required in Switzerland today. It is also not written which Natel network the whole thing takes place over. The information about the best Swiss cell phone network is not enough for me. The Duomaxi is quite expensive for what it offers (39 CHF). Swisscom offers a lot more for me. 4 x Mucho = 156 CHF per month. With the Swisscom Mobile L I get significantly better services throughout Europe for my 4 devices (on one number) for a smaller Betrag (CHF79.90).
If I only needed a prepaid mobile phone, then M-Budget Prepaid would be my first choice! You know who is behind it (Migros and Swisscom).
I simply don’t understand “Monique’s” problem!
Kind regards