Glasklare Sicht: So entfernst du leichte Kratzer auf dem Handy-Display

A crystal clear view: how to remove small scratches from your phone’s screen

No matter how careful you are, it’s virtually impossible to avoid small scratches on your smartphone display. Never mind accidentally dropping it on the pavement – a key or rough surface can often be enough to leave lasting traces. It doesn’t have to be this way.

Even though most smartphones today feature tough glass screens made from Gorilla Glass or similar shatterproof glass, they are not completely scratch-resistant.

A miracle anti-scratch paste

  • Toothpaste: the small, abrasive particles in the paste are able to virtually erase scratches in the glass.
  • Baking powder: this alternative has no abrasive particles and even less risk of damage. 2 heaped teaspoons of baking soda and 1 teaspoon of water make an ideal mixture.
  • Polishing paste from specialist retailers: these are suitable for touch screens and provide an effective, albeit slightly more expensive option for removing slight scratches.

How to use the polish of your choice:

  1. Tape over your phone’s speakers, microphone and buttons
  2. Apply the polish paste with a microfibre cloth or cotton towel
  3. Using circular motions, carefully polish the affected areas for about three minutes
  4. Remove polish residue with a slightly damp cloth
  5. Repeat if scratches are still clearly visible


  • Be sure to use clean cloths, otherwise there is a risk of new scratches
  • Test any polishes in a corner of the display or on an old mobile phone
  • Success is not guaranteed
  • Frequent, vigorous or heavy-handed polishing may exacerbate the scratches
  • Flexible displays should not be polished

Display repairs

If the is cracked or very badly scratched, no amount of paste or polishing will help. In this case, you will need to replace the display glass. Attempting this yourself risks causing even more damage. That is why we advise to

hand over your device to the professionals and getting advice at a Swisscom Shop near you.

How to protect your phone in advance

Smartphone damage is both annoying and expensive. A PanzerGlass screen protector helps to prevent scratches, cracks and glass breakage. The PanzerGlass cleaning spray goes well with this. Phone cases also provide reliable protection from all kinds of damage.

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Illustration image of a woman with a laptop
20 days later


No, if you have a foil on it, it won’t do you any good, or it could possibly look even worse. It’s actually easiest with a foil. If it’s scratched, just take it away and put a new one on it, and you’re done.

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Prevention is even better than cure. I don’t know the problem with scratched displays, even though I have used the phones for up to 6 years and don’t use a case or a protective film. The only protective measure I take is to make sure that there are no other objects in my trouser bag or jacket pocket other than my smartphone.

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