So schützt du deine Handy-Daten

How to protect your mobile phone data

Numerous apps syphon personal data from your smartphone. With the right settings, you can largely determine yourself what you want to disclose.

A firewall is installed on your computer and your tablet has a virus scanner. But how do you protect your smartphone? When it comes to data protection, don’t forget about the constant companion in your pocket.

Disable unnecessary accesses

Your apps often have automatic access to your microphone, camera or calendar. Check which app needs which access – and deny the rest.

> Instructions for iPhone/iPad

> Instructions for Android devices

6 tips to protect your smartphone

The rules for other digital devices also apply to your smartphone. This checklist will help you remember the main points:

  1. Set a difficult-to-crack passcode, a face ID or a fingerprint.
  2. Check the apps you download carefully. Fake apps circulate that closely resemble the original and may incur costs after installation.
  3. Never give out personal data based on e-mail requests and only click on links you can trust.
  4. Surf safely. Switch off automatic connections to available WLAN networks. If you do need a network, use a VPN app to encrypt your data.
  5. Activate automatic updates and update your apps regularly to avoid security vulnerabilities.
  6. Make regular back-ups to your myCloud or other external storage.
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Illustration of a man with a laptop

More tips:

- Only install apps that you absolutely need

- Activate the location service selectively only for apps that absolutely need it (e.g. hiking app)

- Only turn on WiFi and Bluetooth temporarily when you need them

- Clear the browser cache regularly

- Turn off the manufacturer’s usage, diagnostics and analytics data feature

- When not in use, turn off your smartphone or at least use airplane mode

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13 days later

Your indications and applications regarding safety are appreciated. mci. As for mms, why is the image not sent to certain recipients?

Show original language (French)


>… As for MMS, why is the image not sent to certain recipients?…

please specify the devices used and how MMS are sent and received

attach any error messages and explicit screenshots

do not forget that MMS will be stopped from January 10, 2023

here are the alternatives proposed in the following discussion

[Farewell to MMS: Swisscom stops its service on January 10, 2023]( -january-2023/m-p/698302)

Nowadays, photos, videos and other files mainly go through iMessage, RCS or messaging apps like Threema, WhatsApp and others. Thanks to smartphones, there are many ways to communicate with our loved ones. Faced with these numerous alternatives…

Show original language (French)
18 days later
Illustration of a man with a laptop