@Teimisso40 wrote:

We find it unreasonable that the end customer has to accept the advertising if he is not prepared to pay!

It borders on blackmail.

But during the pandemic we were able to learn a lot from the state about how it works to coerce customers or citizens!


Urs Burri


For the sake of peace, I think it would be better if we limit ourselves to the topic of advertising and webmail and not have any political discussions. Especially not about the pandemic.


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Yes, I see it that way too, I’m thinking about whether I want to leave Swisscom. Until now, the effort involved in communicating another email was too great for me. I’ve been with Swisscom almost forever and pay a lot more there than with other providers. I think with this approach I need to take a closer look at the change. It’s about the principle that you can’t allow yourself to be offered everything, especially not if you’ve been paying a higher price for years

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Hello @Praufrieschau79

Considering a change is certainly also a solution. But not everything that glitters is gold when it comes to competitors. Example:

UPC made a great announcement that nothing would change with the merger with Sunrise. Shortly afterwards, the price for Phone CH was raised by 5 francs. So if you want the landline flat rate, you now pay 5.- more. There is no extraordinary right of termination; you can only do without Phone CH.

But if you don’t use Simply Digital yet, this might be something for you. You save 10.- and maybe invest 1.90 of that in advertising-free. Still a saving of 8.10.

Otherwise there would be various options so that no advertising appears. I have written an article about this => Alternatives to Swisscom Webmail with advertising

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I find it strange that as a Swisscom moderator you also give a quick answer to someone who talks about coercion and blackmail and violates online etiquette?

Is it useful if those who shout the loudest get an answer straight away, while other people who use quieter tones hardly hear anything from Swisscom? No.

Incomprehensible to me? 😢

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Hello @Loxiran thank you for your feedback. It is absolutely not our style to act like this. The topic of Bluewin is currently very present and we can respond immediately with an answer. Thank you very much for your tireless commitment to our community. Kind regards, MirkoP

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Liebe Grüsse / Salut et à bientôt / Ciao e a presto / Cheers, see you soon!

@Loxiran wrote:

Please limit yourself to the topic of Swisscom. The gender star is now omnipresent and accepted in modern society.

Of course with a full quote, as it should be.

How accepted this is can be seen from the ratings and user numbers of those browser add-ons:

[https://addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon/binnen-i-be-gone/](https://addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon/binnen-i-be-gone /)
[https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/binnen-i-be-gone/ginkajgcbeolbiflkjomlkcdapbegaff?hl=de](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/binnen-i-be- gone/ginkajgcbeolbiflkjomlkcdapbegaff?hl=de)


There is similar acceptance for that advertising banner in webmail.


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Good evening Swisscom Managing Director


Now I wanted to write to you that the Bluemail concept is just a dirty business by Swisscom.

It would be different if the speed could be increased for 2 CHF.

I and many Swisscom customers will cancel the contract and sign a contract with other internet providers.

I hope that with this letter as many Swisscom customers will draw attention and protest against this rip-off.

Thank you very much for these early Christmas presents.

Best regards

Xavier B.

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This pays for the advertiser’s loss of income because someone doesn’t want to see advertising. What I still don’t know is how this Betrag is calculated…..

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I feel the same way. Unfortunately, there are also the toggle contracts (1 or 2 years) if you want an additional product. I’m letting the contracts expire now and will look for another provider.

By the way, the advertisements on the Internet are also annoying.

You are generally flooded with it, be it on the Internet, TV, print, posters, etc.

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Swisscom advertising: Pure money-making without, really WITHOUT, additional service for the user. The little bit more storage space is of no use.

Does Swisscom need this so urgently? It’s just eyewash!

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You would have to write to them with the majority of shares which will benefit!

Swisscom is 51% owned by the federal government and is one of the most sustainable and innovative companies in Switzerland. 😀

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Installationen, Netzwerk, Internet, Computertechnik, OS Windows, Apple und Linux.

>Swisscom advertising: Pure money-making without, really WITHOUT

>additional service for the user. The little bit more storage space is of no use.

Sometimes I wonder whether such regular table discussions come from people who have no idea about the subject. A few calculations to think about:

How many people have bluewin addresses? Let’s take a nice number: Example 200,000 (of course there are more bluewin addresses, but just for calculation purposes), let’s assume 2 GB per user. Oh yes, the data is in the cloud, so no hardware is required. How much does a hard drive cost?

For a mail server it’s not easy: "I’ll buy an i7 PC to play games for 2,000 francs, that’s the mail server at Swisscom. The whole thing also has to be redundant. And how many employees does it need to operate and maintain? And the part has to be secure Run 24 hours a day x 365 days a year, and you need employees who also have to be there on the weekends. They don’t get paid on the weekends, right? Mail server is surely given as a gift?

Do some math…

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you should differentiate a bit here. With advertising in webmail, Swisscom generates guaranteed additional income without any real additional effort. Either through the advertising itself (then Swisscom gets money from whoever places the advertising) or from you as a user if you switch off the advertising and pay 1.90/month for it. Either way, Swisscom takes in more money and 100% of the money goes into Swisscom’s pocket.

Things look a little different with TV. Swisscom takes a third-party product (live stream from TV channels) and prepares it so that we as customers can record it and skip advertising. Those who advertise on TV stations have now noticed this. Since more advertising tends to be skipped than watched, those who want to place advertising are now logically looking for other channels and paying TV stations less to broadcast advertising. And so, logically, TV channels make less money from advertising.

This shortfall in income can be calculated using a simple comparison. And this loss is now compensated for by the distributors of the TV programs (such as Swisscom, Sunrise or Salt) to the TV stations, because otherwise we would not be able to skip replay or advertising because the TV stations would not allow that.

That’s why we end up paying more on TV if we want to skip advertising. By the way, we’ve been paying for it since Swisscom TV came into existence. There will probably just be a little more in the future…

In the end it’s the same: without advertising it costs more. The money just doesn’t flow to the same places.

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@Dani CH nice calculation example. But think about it:

Who dictates that storage space in webmail must be increased? And are you sure that 100% of the storage capacity is only provided for webmail and generates additional costs? What about blue TV and mycloud? There have only been changes recently.

You could also look at it a little differently:

blue-tv and mycloud require much more storage space in the cloud than webmail. The recently introduced “forced deletion” of TV recordings after 2 years (if you want more, you pay extra) and the limit in mycloud from 250 to 10 GB (if you want more, you pay extra), much more cloud storage capacity is freed up than increasing the mailbox size from 1 to 5GB/mailbox.

Why not do a calculation example 😉

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