WiFi cell phone network

  • I may have a slightly specific question:

    I live in an area where Swisscom coverage is somewhat weak, but I also have the WiFi network activated on my cell phone.

    Question 1

    Do I have to take action or does my cell phone automatically use the better connection?

    I currently have the problem that I cannot install the connection (in the Husqvarna app) to my lawnmower

    Mobile phone Huwei P30 with Swisscom subscription. It worked with the business cell phone, iPhone and Sunrise.

    Question 2

    Booster 5G brings what to mount on the window? My electrician said no (I live in the Grub SG region).

    Greetings Martin

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    • @Wassermann

      Regarding question 1:

      You don’t have to do anything else for the data connections; the cell phone takes care of this independently.

      If you also want WiFi calling, you have to activate it, see here:

      WiFi Calling: better phone connection with WiFi… | Swisscom Community

      When it comes to lawnmowers, you can narrow down whether it’s the provider or the device if you try cross-exchanging the SIM. However, I see no reason why it should be the provider’s fault, because the WLAN part of the cell phone is independent of the provider.

      Regarding question 2:

      Are you offered the 5G booster option in the checker? If so, what kind of data is displayed there:



    With the WLAN from the cell phone, do you mean whether it uses Wi-Fi calling instead of the normal mobile network?

    Where is this WiFi in a house with good internet?

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    Installationen, Netzwerk, Internet, Computertechnik, OS Windows, Apple und Linux.


    Regarding question 1:

    You don’t have to do anything else for the data connections; the cell phone takes care of this independently.

    If you also want WiFi calling, you have to activate it, see here:

    WiFi Calling: better phone connection with WiFi… | Swisscom Community

    When it comes to lawnmowers, you can narrow down whether it’s the provider or the device if you try cross-exchanging the SIM. However, I see no reason why it should be the provider’s fault, because the WLAN part of the cell phone is independent of the provider.

    Regarding question 2:

    Are you offered the 5G booster option in the checker? If so, what kind of data is displayed there:


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      Hi Walter

      Then I’m with my cell phone in the area of ​​the router (seat next to the living room where a router is also located.)

      Good is always relative………

      But reach the data volumes from Swisscom’s basic offer. Currently the main street is expanded with fiber optics, but the district street is still with copper, should be completed by 2023 (is in progress by the municipality).

      Greetings Martin

      The fact that the Weko stop only affects the house connection

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      Click here for information from Swisscom on the subject of WiFi calling:

      [https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/telefonie-Wissensbox/WiFi-Calling-bessere-telefonleitung-mit-WLAN- Call/ta-p/692302#:~:text=At%20WiFi%20Calling%20w%C3%A4hlt%20dein,du%20in%20der%20N%C3%A4he%20bist] (https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/telefonie-Wissensbox/WiFi-Calling-bessere-telefonleitung-mit-WLAN- Call/ta-p/692302#:~:text=When%20WiFi%20Calling%20w%C3%A4hlt%20your,you%20in%20der%20N%C3%A4he%20bist).

      Regarding the 5G booster, you can massively increase the speed if the booster is in the optimal position, but the values ​​given are not guaranteed. As far as I know, the booster has a 14-day return policy, which means you could test it without risk.

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      Hi Hed

      Swisscom only has the instructions for cell phones that you have in its range………

      I have a Huwei P30 (with 2 SIM cards) which is unfortunately not on it.

      I’ll probably have to search the internet

      Greetings Martin

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      Consult the technical specifications of the lawn mower and find out how the radio connection to the lawn mower works: mobile communications, IoT, WLAN, Bluetooth or another radio technology?

      Become aware that modern windows on houses, road vehicles and rail vehicles are equipped with a wafer-thin, invisible metal coating for thermal protection. This metal coating on or in the window glass makes it impossible for radio waves to penetrate through the window glass. See:



      Therefore, it plays an important role whether the mobile phone antenna is mounted on the outside/weather side (outdoor) or on the inside of the window glass (indoor/indoor).

      Cell phone reception with the information at:

      [https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/Mobile/4G-VoLTE-telefonieren-mit-externer-antenna-oder-analogem-telefon/m-p/638463#M8231] (https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/Mobile/4G-VoLTE-telefonieren-mit-externer-Antenne-oder-analogem-telefon/m-p/638463#M8231)

      measure with a “Network Monitor”.

      Information on in-house mobile phone reception at:

      [https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/Mobile/Handy-Empfang-im-Minergiehaus-besser/m-p/569594](https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/Mobile/Handy-Empfang-im- Minergie house-bad/m-p/569594)

      observe. Also pay attention to page 2!

      General information on 4G/LTE mobile reception is available at:

      [https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/Mobile/4G-VoLTE-telefonieren-mit-externer-antenna-oder-analogem-telefon/m-p/638463](https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/ Mobile/4G-VoLTE-telephoning-with-external-antenna-or-analog-phone/m-p/638463)

      observe. The statements regarding 4G/LTE mobile reception also apply without restriction to 5G mobile reception!

      Measure WiFi reception with a smartphone/tablet app. See:

      [https://www.lancom-forum.de/lancom-wireless-aktuelle-accesspoints-f35/leitungsabbrueche-im-wlan-t17257.html](https://www.lancom-forum.de/lancom-wireless- current-accesspoints-f35/abrupt connections-im-wlan-t17257.html)

      Become aware of what noticeably limits the range of a radio system:

      [https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reichbreite\_(Radio Technology)](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reichweit_(Radio Technology))

      [https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/Mobile/2G-Abschaltung-2020-neue-weisse-Flecken-kein-Empfang/m-p/618372] (https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/Mobile/2G-Abschaltung-2020-neue-weisse-Flecken-kein-Empfang/m-p/618372)


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