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I couldn’t find the option to create the block list in MySwisscom. After contacting your call center, it is not possible to do this for mobile phones. It would be wise to indicate it here. It would be great to implement this, these days the UK +44* advertising numbers are becoming unbearable.

Show original language (French)
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You must use the Swisscom Cockpit application

Cockpit: Enter your mobile number (

Activate Callfilter

Do you have a Swisscom Mobile subscription? To activate the Callfilter on your mobile, go to Cockpit Swisscom in the “Call settings” section. You can then activate and deactivate the Callfilter and display the last 20 blocked calls.

The Callfilter for the landline can be activated and deactivated with a single click in My Swisscom

To do this, click on the “Activate” or “Modify/deactivate” button in the “Callfilter” box. You can choose to simply block advertising calls or all anonymous calls or calls without a calling number.

Show original language (French)

Thanks @Black Mamba, but that’s not my problem. I have already activated the Callfilter in Cockpit. I want to block all calls from numbers starting with +44 (e.g.). In the paragraph “Blocking and authorizing individual numbers” above, you announce that this is possible with My Swisscom and a blocking list. Unable to find this option in My Swisscom (I also checked in the cockpit).

Show original language (French)


follow the following path

> My Swisscom

> Telephony…

> Block or pass numbers manually

> Numbers to block manually

Your phone will not signal (no ringing or light signal, etc.) calls from numbers on this list of manually blocked numbers. You can enter 200 telephone numbers. Tip: Here’s how to block telephone numbers starting with the same number combination: enter the common number combination and end with “star” (*). Example national format “044 1234*” international format “0041 44 1234*” or “+41 44 1234*”

Block and allow individual numbers

In [My Swisscom]( =1440786850&mode=showPersonalListEdit&lang=fr), you You can create a block list and save up to 200 numbers there. This list can be modified at any time. If you want to block all numbers from a particular canton or country, enter the common combination of numbers and add a star (for example England with the country code +44 12*). You can also report unwanted advertising calls directly to your landline or block private numbers. To add the number of the last caller to your block list, dial the combination *00# immediately after the call. On Swisscom HD-Phones, call blocking also works via the crown button (explanatory video)

Show original language (French)

@Black Mamba Thank you for your response. Unfortunately, this is where I can no longer move forward. Unable to find the suggested path in My Swisscom. I can’t find “Telephony” or “Block or leave…”. I would like to point out again that I am talking about my mobile number. Is there a direct link to this option? Thanks for your help.

Show original language (French)

Hello @Jackary,

I would also be very interested in this possibility; unfortunately, I fear this is reserved for landlines (and not mobiles). I can’t find it on myswisscom for my mobile either.


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Cordialement, Prelude

You’re right, I hadn’t checked. You can just enable/disable the filter. No white-list and black-list and no settings for calls without a number. The only function is the display of the last 20 blocked numbers.

Show original language (French)
21 days later

Hello @Jackary, hello everyone,

Since yesterday, mobile customers have also been able to manually block/unblock phone numbers. This function is offered to all mobile customers (private and SMEs) with subscriptions or prepaid plans 😊.

It is possible to block a number from the Cockpit under the “Numbers blocked manually” section.

Beautiful day

Show original language (French)
5 months later

Swisscom’s call filter is certainly a good thing, but I receive calls from highly dubious “brokers” (scammers) with European numbers that are displayed but are not assigned. Callback ends in nirvana… It would be an advantage, especially in this day and age with the technological possibilities, that a telephone number is displayed. it can be checked whether this number is actually assigned.

That would be very helpful, as blocking it is not worth the effort.

Thank you very much


Show original language (German)
a month later

Hello, how can I block SMS messages from, among others, 044 552 xx xx? Phone numbers from a porn site. And how to block SMS messages without any identifier, therefore without a number displayed?

Show original language (French)
a month later


thanks for the contribution

>… I would like to block all those insistent numbers that come to my landline thanks…

for 5 months the links can be found in the article above by CorinaS and MiriamF (Swisscom)

for Landline see Help | Swisscom

Activate Callfilter and block numbers - Help | Swisscom

Block unwanted calls with Callfilter or manually, disable numbers (e.g. 0900 numbers) or report advertising calls

Show original language (Italian)
a month later