What the blue TV abbreviations and icons mean
You will encounter a lot of abbreviations on blue TV. You may already be familliar with some of them, like FSK. Others, like OV or SD, may mean nothing to you. No problem - we can provice an overview.
Age recommendation (FSK, SVV, TCE)
The abbreviations are guidelines or recommendations for age ratings from various organisations:
- FSK <age>: Freiwilligen Selbstkontrolle der Filmwirtschaft (FSK, Self-Regulatory Body of the Movie Industry) (Germany)
- SVV <age>: Schweizerischen Video-Verband (Swiss Videogram Association) (Switzerland)
- TCE <age>: Teleclub recommendation where there is no FSK or SVV information available.
Language, subtitles and audio format
- DE: OV (original version, without subtitles) and OmU (original language with German subtitles)
- FR: V.O. (original version) and VOST (original language with subtitles in French)
- IT: V.O. (original version) and V.O./sott. (original language with subtitles in Italian)
The abbreviations CH, RM, DE, ES, EN, IT, FR etc. indicate the language of the content. This is followed by the audio format, if available (e.g. “CH 5.1: Dolby Digital 5.1 soundtrack”). The audio format icons are:
Resolution (SD, HD, UHD, HDR)
- SD: Standard Definition
- HD: High definition
- UHD: Ultra-High Definition
- HDR: High Dynamic Range (HDR10 for video content / HLG [Hybrid Log-Gamma] for live TV content)
- 3D: Content is broadcast in 3D (3D glasses required)
Replay advertising (Ad)
Certain channels broadcast Replay adverts. You cannot skip the adverts on Replay-TV unless you have added the Replay Comfort option to your blue TV M, L or X subscription.
The following icons help you see the accessibility of TV content:
Do you want to record a programme or watch it later? The following icons help you get started:
If you would like recommendations from the blue TV editorial team, the following icons will help: