Standard Internet box impossible to connect to the internet

Good morning,

We have an internet box light box that works. Given that we need to use two telephone lines, we purchased a standard internet box. When we try to plug in the device, the front LED flashes alternately white/red.

We called the hotline and after discussion with the technician, the box was changed. After plugging in, still the same result. Called the hotline again and still unable to connect said box. Even with a notebook connected to the case, nothing works. It is also impossible to reach the Swisscom site with this telephone socket, an error message telling us that the internet is not connected. From another connection, it is easy to access the Swisscom account and see the incriminated device. But here, big surprise, it is only possible to configure the box on the line corresponding to the account telephone number…

Donations after 10 days of discussion, two hours of telephone conversation, two round trips to Fribourg, it doesn’t work. And still no trace of the emails and SMS promised by the hotline.

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4 days later

Good morning,
Alternating red/white flashing indicates that your router is in communication (DHCP protocol) with the “central”, it is trying to do pairing (recording the Mac address). To carry out this operation, Swisscom must authorize the change of equipment. You can also test: open IE “or other” and type to arrive on the registration page, complete the form and finish.
Good day

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18 days later

Hello dear colleagues…

yes I understand you…..

well at least I’m not the only one in this situation

If you come to Valais I will offer you one of our craft beers to forget these miseries!!!!

Beautiful sunny day

Jean Musy

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