Save config - reset router - load config - the hundred and twenty-fifth:smileysad: - and now it also works with Android and IPv6.

It would be really practical if the modems also had a second RouterReset button, which could be used to start “Save Config -> Reset -> Load Config”.

[ The Android tool Ping&DNS showed Timed out - DNS server 2a02:120b:c3e6:9460:aad3:f7ff:fe59:9710 53 UPD for DNS queries and now it shows OK again and names are resolved correctly. ]

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Short feedback:
The router or the connection to the Internet went dead twice in a row today between 9:30 p.m. and 10:10 p.m. All devices connected via WLAN and LAN were completely separated. And a special phenomenon also happened: the Swisscom UHD box showed the time 4:03 p.m. For whatever reason….

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This afternoon my ibplus with the latest beta crashed while making a phone call, the phone dead box flashed red then started up again flashing white

All she knew was constant, I still couldn’t make phone calls, but there was always a busy signal when I set a number.

The internet no longer worked, no telephone

I then switched off the ibplus and after about 1 minute set up the box to boot up normally. Now everything is working fine again.

Was it a problem with the beta software?

According to the swisscom app, there is no problem, everything is ok

Today was the first time I’ve seen the crash. I’ll report back then

mfg Goldwing

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I’ve had a phenomenon with my HD Phone Locarno since today. Since putting it on the charging station it has been in a boot loop. So search for new firmware, reboot. The only exciting thing is when I manage to get into the phone’s menu, it stops and I can even make a call. After hanging up it continues to boot happily… Beta probs?

I have already done the logout and login process as well as the Bendienteil reset.,…

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My IB Plus and the IB Standard of my Eltern have port forwarding set up for webcams and Dyndns is also active, both IBs have had absolutely no problems with the current beta since it was released.

The Gigaset S850HX registered directly to the IB boxes also work without any problems with this beta firmware.

But I also have to say that the WLAN is deactivated on both Internet boxes because an ASUS RT-AC68U is responsible for the WLAN for me and an ASUS RT-N66U in access point mode is responsible for the WLAN for my Eltern.

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Applies to IBS - Expert Mode -> Network -> PortForwarding -> UPnP enabled

Tested with: Windows 10 / HNetCfg.NATUPnP

I can only add port forwardings via UPnP that affect THE network card through which I am connected to the router. For example, if I am connected to via LAN, then I can only add port forwarding to Adding port forwarding to any other address will be rejected.

Delete port forwarding. Ditto here. If I am connected via, then I can only delete port forwardings to this internal address via UPnP.

At the Centro Grande, UPnP works perfectly.

Is this a general problem or does this only occur with my IBS?

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Whatever your problem with port forwarding / UPNp etc., I have/had to put my Internet-Box Plus on ice and have reinstalled my CentroGrandePirelli with the latest firmware from Swisscom 6.14.06 and the problems are with said UPNp and port forwarding no longer exists. Also IP telephone with Rousseau and Swisscom TV etc. without any problems.

It seems to me that the new Internet boxes still have to survive a number of construction sites.

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@myrica We would have liked to take a closer look at your problem, but if I remember correctly, you didn’t send me your data via PM. But we’ve put the topic of port forwarding on the list of things we’re taking a closer look at.

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I think that with my contributions in this topic area Beta and especially my contribution from May 5th, 2016 here with a precise description and thanks to GuidoT, I have provided enough data for detail.

I also submitted the article mentioned on May 5, 2016 about 4 weeks ago on the Swisscom beta page under “Report problems”.

As a result, Tecnik/Kundencenter? was received by two different people in the same week. a call with questions about the problem and they will look at it, etc. I am not aware of any further news about this and my dialogues with the hotline/Kundencenter about these topics about 1 ½ months ago are in my Kundencenter under messages etc. as completed marked.

Since this problem, among other things, occurs again and again throughout the entire beta area with the new Internet box, I think that I am not the only one who sometimes has problems with the port forwarding issue.

As mentioned in the previous post, among other things, the same thing that I want to do with the Internet-Box Plus and doesn’t work, the same thing works perfectly with the Centro Grande Pirelli.

Unfortunately I can’t contribute more to this.

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Your description was very good and it’s good if people reported it because you reported it. If you had sent me your data via PM, the developers would have been able to immediately see what exactly was happening in your box. That’s why I try to speed up interesting cases.

But good. I really thank you for your effort. That helped us either way.

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@myrica wrote:

Whatever your problem with port forwarding / UPNp etc., I have/had to put my Internet-Box Plus on ice and reinstalled my CentroGrandePirelli with the latest firmware from Swisscom 6.14.06 and the problems with said UPNp and port forwarding are no longer available. Also IP telephone with Rousseau and Swisscom TV etc. without any problems.

It seems to me that the new Internet boxes still have to survive a number of construction sites.

Hello myrica

Well, I haven’t received a response to my own post yet - so I don’t know if no one here uses UPnP or if it’s just my IBS that’s affected.

I don’t notice significantly more glitches when I use port forwarding.

Both manually entered redirects and those via UPnP work; with UPnP but only with restrictions [which are not present in the Centro Grande].

Unfortunately, as already mentioned, UPnP port forwarding can only be entered if the IP address of the device that wants to enter the forwarding and the forwarding (destination) address match. Example: I cannot have a device with an IP address forwarded to an IP address via UPnP. My IBS blocks such a request. [For example, my notebook is assigned the address 104 for a LAN connection and 109 for a WLAN connection. So I can’t have my notebook connected via LAN register any forwarding for my WLAN connection.]

When deleting port forwardings, similar: I cannot delete a forwarding previously registered via UPnP to an address, unless the device that requested the deletion has the address

There are many “UPnP port forwarding managers”. Such software only works with severe limitations on an IBS like mine. Such a manager can normally run on a single device and manage UPnP forwarding for all of my devices. This works perfectly with the Centro - with the earlier netopias or Zyxels (that I know) too. The way my IBS works, with such a manager you could only manage the UPnP forwardings for a single device (only for the device on which the manager is running) and there, to a limited extent, only for a single type of connection [for example WLAN].

Another example: My notebook is connected via LAN cable. A program enters port forwarding on my notebook via UPnP - now I switch to WLAN. I quit the program, the program wants to delete port forwarding. This doesn’t work because IBS refuses to delete it.

I don’t know if it’s just my IBS that’s affected - maybe someone who programs IBS will write if that’s the case. If the restriction is “by design”, then a switch that could be used to remove the restriction would be almost mandatory. Maybe this switch already exists and I just don’t see it ;-).

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to Michael G

As I was able to follow your description, you actually want to have port forwarding carried out for the same device within your local network, either because it has an address of xxx for WLAN or because the same device has a different xxx for WAN-LAN.

Unfortunately, I can’t answer whether this works with the IB-Box (or CentroGrandePirelli).

In any case, this is not a classic port forwarding. As an example of a classic port forwarding that I need, it looks like this:

I have a PC with a fixed IP within my local network. This PC runs software that searches for a specific server on the Internet. This server now checks whether a specific service (port) on my local PC can be reached from the server on the Internet. I therefore have to enable this service (port) on my IB-Plus or Centro Grande Pirelli, both inbound and outbound.

To do this, I create a fixed rule under “Services” because it does not exist among the preconfigured rules.

To do this, I open a custom service with a name, for example “Portxxxx”. Then you first specify which incoming port, for example “123456”, then the outgoing port, in my case the same as the incoming one, i.e. “123456”, then whether TCP/UDP or just TCP, in my case TCP and then I save this service. Under Services I can now see my service “Portxxxx”.

Since the server on the Internet checks whether my local software sends the port command from the server on the Internet back to the server via the same port, only then will my local application finally start and function in interaction with the server in the WAN.

So I now go to the “Port forwardings” and open a new rule. You can now call up the corresponding service called “Portxxxx” and now I have to specify which local device with my fixed IP number 192.168.1. xxx

If I now start my local device and start the software, port “123456” must be

can get through my router into the WAN to said server and it sends the same port “123456” back to my software, so outgoing/incoming must work for port “123456”.

This works reliably with the Centro Grande Pirelli and as long as this application runs permanently.

You can also set exactly the above-mentioned procedure with the IBox-Plus and it then runs normally, but regularly only for around 15 minutes, sometimes up to several hours. But then I have these problems/errors as I have described in several posts.

(Partial reboot, no more internet connection, GUI no longer accessible, after a few minutes or longer suddenly internet again for a few minutes, then soon being offline again. During these undefined states, the LED always remains white, regardless of the status of the box .)

Unfortunately, I can only say for myself that the said procedure with the original IBox-Plus firmware and then with the Oster beta firmware and now with the new beta firmware doesn’t work, but the exact same procedure with the CentroGrandePirelli works without any complaints and, above all, is stable works including Swisscom TV / IP Rousseau telephone etc., so I have to work with the CentroGrande for better or worse.

I would simply like to use the new IBox-Plus with exactly the same parameters as they work without any problems on the CentroGrandePirelli, and also have exactly the same stability on the new IBox-Plus, nothing more or less, especially since the IBox-Plus WITHOUT these port things, So port forwarding and UPNp are completely switched off, then everything runs smoothly without any problems.

Maybe you can deduce something from my descriptions.


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The switch to the current BETA went smoothly; all settings were adopted except for the DECT phone names. (The DECT are not Swisscom Tel, so this is to be expected) No problems have arisen so far with the approximately 30 devices in the network. The WLAN diagnosis is very helpful because the location of the main 2.0 TV box has been changed and is connected as WLAN. With the distance of 8m and 2 walls, the location is borderline, but with the help of the WLAN diagnosis it was possible to place it in such a way that a good value could be achieved and it now runs without any problems, even if the 2nd box & 2 laptops are on the 5 GHz WLAN are logged in. In general, the stability of the WLAN is better than before. (There are only interruptions on the TV when the laptops use a lot of WiFi, but this is to be expected since there is no “bandwidth reservation” for the TV boxes. Most devices are registered on 2.4 GHz, simply because of the range. IP telephony from the Natel works also (not meant with the IB app)

What I’ve been missing for a long time (it used to work with IBP) is that WOW is no longer possible despite the rules being created. Even Magic Packets don’t get through, whether VPN or via dynDNS. WOL works.

Connection is glass subscription Vivo L

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@digi66 wrote:

I’m still using version 7.10.xx. Is 7.50.xx not released yet?

The latest official firmware is normally available at the link below!

[]( solution/firmware-updates-for-your-internet-box.html)

or the beta firmware

[]( private customers/help/solution/firmware-updates-for-your-internet-box/beta-version.html)

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Installationen, Netzwerk, Internet, Computertechnik, OS Windows, Apple und Linux.

Good morning

I have installed FW 7.50.39/7.50.34/1003.

No errors found so far.

LAN ok.

Port forward io.

WLAN 2.4 ok.

WiFi 5 ok.

VPN ok.

NAS ok.

Speed ​​test ok.

WLAN diagnosis ok.

TV-Box does not exist

Dect phones not available

IP phones not available

I wish you a nice weekend

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