Wlan from standard Wi-Fi connects with guest Wi-Fi (Internet 2)

Wlan from standard Wi-Fi connects with guest Wi-Fi

Good morning,

**For 1 to 2 months, when I turn on the guest Wi-Fi on my Internet Box-2 (black and white Box), the normal Wi-Fi also turns on at the same time. Guest Wi-Fi will automatically turn on after 6 hours while normal Wi-Fi does not.

It’s quite annoying, at the time I opted for the new Internet Box, especially since the guest Wi-Fi was triggered by itself. In fact, over time, Wi-Fi gives me headaches.

So: This guest Wi-Fi becomes useless and your advertising no longer corresponds to reality!

I called your Hotline this Monday, January 18, 2016, around 2:00 p.m. and I was told that it was certainly due to the new program version of this Box.

Your Hotline also suggested that I activate the Internet-Box Manager on the swisscom website ([http://internetbox.home/#wifi/scheduler)](http://internetbox.home/# wifi/scheduler)) for triggering at scheduled times, but it does not work, the Wlan and guest Wlan do not trigger!


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7 days later


Hello, have you thought once in the interface of your router to switch to expert mode in order to be able to independently adjust the settings of your 2 guest and normal WLANs? Then save the settings and if necessary restart your router:smileyhappy:

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Good morning,

Thank you for your response with “test” solution. But that doesn’t solve anything:

I was already in Expert, I came back to Standard, restarted the Modem, that didn’t solve anything.

I persist in mentioning that this is a bug in the program, since Swisscom released a new release (version) of this program.

So, as a result, this product no longer corresponds to what is advertised and in large part, why I had changed by going to this new Internet.

I would like Swisscom to recognize this error and do what is necessary to correct it as quickly as possible and to inform us when it is OK.

Below, screen copy of the advertisement which mentions Wlan-guest, etc.

Internet-Box plus.JPG

Internet-Box plus-2.JPG

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I don’t understand your “If it’s a bug, SWISSCOM will fix it”.! (the “White Jackal” answer)
- Is this a statement?
- Are you positioning yourself on behalf of Swisscom?
So, please. tell me when you’re going to do it and notify me when it’s OK!

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Hello @jpg I have just tested this functionality with the latest version available for the Internet-box plus, it works as indicated in the AD.

Putting the text in bold shows irritation on your part, I understand, we are just trying to help you. It is important to describe the manipulations and to stipulate in which mode you have already carried them out, this will save you from reading a solution (already tested by you) kindly proposed by someone who wants you!!! For my part I only see two solutions 1 your Internet-box plus is not up to date 2 there is definitely a bug but I can’t see Swisscom resolving a bug which is between the channel.. and the cla….

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7 days later

Good morning,

I’m a little “surprised” by the comments. I could expect to have proposed solutions or, if we don’t have any, to refrain from participating, to absolutely want to leave a message that does nothing to advance the schmilblick.

I don’t mind being taken for a fool, but if I say it doesn’t work, that’s because it doesn’t work! However, for the one we take for a simpleton, it worked for about 2 years and for 1 to 2 months it has stopped working. It’s not my fault if you don’t use exactly the same features as me, don’t understand or don’t encounter the same problem.

For your information 1, I did a complete [Reset] of my Modem (black/white Modem, in the small one-millimeter hole). This reset everything to “zero”, in the “factory” configuration of all parameters. Among other things, this deleted all my Contacts saved on my phones. Fortunately I had made a backup of my Internet box. But otherwise, it didn’t solve anything. FYI, I don’t have any special configuration in my modem.

FYI 2, I would not say that my Wi-Fi or especially the guest Wi-Fi is not working! It works too well and does not turn on automatically after 6 hours, as it should, according to what is indicated: on the advertisement, on the Modem, on the Internet-box, etc.

So, if someone had a solution to provide, rather than bla-bla, it could be more beneficial to me!

Maybe you will tell me that I am the only one having this problem, so in that case, I would be interested to know Why am I the only one having this problem?

Apart from that, I see that the bold writing irritates “Ro_CI-1004”, I can’t do anything about it, isn’t bold used to be used?


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7 days later

Hello @jpg no one takes you for an idiot, I’m just explaining to you that your annoyance towards people who just want to help you is not justified. These people take the time to write, dedicate a little of their time to your problem and even if it doesn’t help the story move forward, they can just say thank you. But anyway, I carried out (wrote) a small test protocol on this WLAN function and reproduced your problem in point 1 and a temporary solution in point 2.

Unfortunately I cannot attach my file to the post, but I will be happy to send it to you via e-mail if you send me your e-mail via private channel (it’s not blah blah blah blah).


Joined 10.06.16


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