
@Andreas Strahm wrote:

The checker is not always reliable. Until a few weeks ago I was told that the expansion had been postponed for unknown reasons.

Now I have the following values:


What’s interesting is that I also achieve 25Mbit/s when uploading.:smileyvery-happy:

The copper limit of 100/20 is apparently no longer set in stone.


I also had such good values ​​at the beginning (only 40 m copper).

After a long time, the downstream was reduced from 110,077 kbit/s to 99,000 kbit/s - without me ever having any problems with the internet connection.

From a net 95,000 kbit/s I suddenly have to make do with 79,000 kbit/s to 84,000 kbit/s. The house installation is top.

Screenshot 2016-07-21 at 09.55.22.png

Called the hotline yesterday, but it didn’t help: “It’s the system that decides how fast you can surf, it all happens fully automatically…”

What is your net speed measured with the Internetbox?

It’s great that things stay the way they are.

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It is the sum of various automatically collected measured values ​​that ultimately defines the speed. It’s better to have all points met at 99 Mbps than certain errors at 110 Mbps.

In addition, in everyday use (without a stopwatch or comparison measurement) you probably won’t notice any difference whether you have 110, 99 or just 80 Mbps.

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Now I have another question. In Kundencenter I had the announcement that my location would be expanded with fiber optics and then it was written that ultra-fast Internet of 100 Mbit/s download and 20 Mbit/s upload.

I have the Vivo-M subscription, so why not upload with 100 Mbit/s?

I’m unsure again whether I will really receive fiber optics in Biel/Bienne or just a G-Fast? This would be cosmic, because Swisscom promised over two years ago that the entire city of Biel/Bienne would receive fiber optics.

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  • Xris has responded to this post.

    Thanks for your explanation @Anonymous. Well, happy too soon. Since I’ll be editing more videos from home again, this upload doesn’t do much for me, they are raw files, like prproj files, that I have to load on the server and I finally wanted a timed upload.

    It’s a shame, because the SC has always communicated that all Biel residents will have fiber optics, of course up to the apartment, what was laid in the street doesn’t interest me much. But maybe this rumor was intentional. I myself am from cable to SC, I really like the TV product at SC, but the internet…

    So no real fiber optics in Biel/Bienne, I’m actually disappointed again.

    I have to think about this in peace and quiet, as I still have cable Anschluss in the apartment.

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    The announcement at the time probably said that Biel would be fully developed with glass. However, this does not necessarily have to mean FTTH; this statement is also fulfilled with FTTS.

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    You’re absolutely right, I had cable until November 1st, 2015 and really wanted a working TV product (which is the case now) and glass. I knew that I would have to wait another year for glass.

    But now it’s clear that I’ll only get 100/20, with the funny title, Ultrafast Broadband Internet.

    I don’t think it’s so great that glass is not just glass, and yet the name glass is deliberately used on the website and in the advertisements, without any information about the fact that glass is not just glass. But let’s leave that alone.

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    • kaetho has responded to this post.


      @Andreas Strahm wrote:

      @Xris wrote:

      What is your net speed measured with the Internetbox?

      The Internet box measures 92 Mbit/s in the DOWNLOAD and 26 Mbit/s in the UPLOAD.

      Other tools measure 99 Mbit/s in the DL.

      Most tools give the fastest second, which is not very relevant. For me, the more meaningful 10-second average is over 10 Mbit/s lower. See below:

      Screenshot 2016-07-22 at 11.23.57.png

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      CapsLock wrote:

      I don’t think it’s so great that glass is not just glass, and yet the name glass is deliberately used on the website and in the advertisements, without any information about the fact that glass is not just glass. But let’s leave that alone.

      The differentiation is definitely made and explained here:


      ps: By the way, in Kundencenter it says like this:


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      Yes, it’s well hidden.
      As I see it, a future customer has to read the page under “Help/Solution/Expansion Info” before he has even received any material. I can’t really believe whether a new customer reads the entire help page before installing the SC material they received.

      The difference between fiber optic and fiber optic technology is a PR gag and so the confusion is perfect.

      By the way, the first variant, fiber optics, is also a technology.

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      Someone who wants to switch to Swisscom does so for a specific reason. For you it was the TV offer? If someone wants to change because they want fiber optics in the house, they will clarify in advance whether that will be the case. You don’t need to study the help pages, just a Swisscom employee who does his (consulting) job properly. But they cannot see into the future either, at least not further than what is stated in the checker.

      If the difference were a PR stunt, there wouldn’t be today’s difference in speed values ​​(1000/1000 to max 100/20). Because it is precisely the underlying technology that is crucial for the access speed.

      I am also more of the opinion that sooner or later a Vivo-M on glass (100/100) will no longer be able to achieve the same performance as a Vivo-M on copper (max 100/20).


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      I simply trusted Swisscom’s statement that the city of Biel would get fiber optics.

      No matter how you spin it, the customer is always the stupid one.

      Have a nice weekend

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      She’ll probably get it, just when. And it’s precisely for such reasons that appointments are rarely mentioned, because then you’re even more in trouble for explanations. There are still parts of the city of Zurich that do NOT have fiber optics and outsiders said Zurich would get fiber optics or would be converted.

      I couldn’t imagine that Biel would be converted to fiber optics. Maybe Biel will be tackled, but that too will take time.

      And what does the stupid guy mean, how much Mbit do you get?

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      @CapsLock wrote:


      Yes, it’s well hidden.
      As I see it, a future customer has to read the page under “Help/Solution/Expansion Info” before he has even received any material. I can’t really believe whether a new customer reads the entire help page before installing the SC material they received.

      The difference between fiber optics and fiber optic technology is a PR gag and so the confusion is perfect.

      By the way, the first variant, fiber optics, is also a technology.

      Before you order something, you can find out more via Checker:

      And there, for example, in my case the following is written:

      "Information on network expansion

      Between December 2016 and January 2017, the site will be expanded with fiber optic technology. This means you can now benefit from ultra-fast internet with an estimated 100 Mbit/s download and 20 Mbit/s upload."

      Communication is clear and transparent, not only about the technology but also the expected speed.

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      Right now I have 33 Mbps and maybe in a year 100 Mbps and only 20 Mbps upload.

      But I had an “ultra-fast broadband internet” of 100 Mbit/s 10 years ago and last year I had 250 Mbit/s.

      I’m just wondering, what should the competition now name their 500 Mbit/s or 1 Gbit/s Internet?

      OK, for those who have fiber optic you can keep this title, but for the fiber optic light version the title should be changed.

      I can guarantee that last September there was nothing about “information on network expansion” in the Checker at my address. As I said, I was hoping for Galas fiber in 2017 according to various media, but I completely misunderstood it because fiber optic technology has nothing to do with the fiber optic product, as I found out today.

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      Then the expansion was probably not yet known in detail in September.

      In addition, the checker is not always 100% error-free.

      And anyone who trusts terms like Mega, Giga, Ultra, Top, Turbo, Super, High, Ultimate, Extreme, Power,… in advertising is only to blame or naive.

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      So I have 12 Mbit with Vivo M and I don’t think I’m the stupid one. Opposite me is Croesus and you could operate three speakers at the same time. Of course for UHD it would be a few Mbit too few, but on the Swisscom side you’re not that bad off.

      I have corporate customers in the city of Zurich who are on 2.4 Mbit and that is in Zurich. They had the misfortune that Zurich wanted to convert to fiber optics (which they did in recent years), but this meant that no new TZs were built or the possibilities of FTTS and vectoring were exhausted.

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