
It’s just hard to argue about money, because the local cable providers usually do better there. Therefore -> you have to come up with your arguments yourself 😉

My arguments for staying with Swisscom despite better price offers from the regional cable provider:

- Swisscom TV 2.0 is simply unbeatable when it comes to comfort, operation, recording capacity and channel selection

- With the Internet I have a guaranteed speed that I don’t have to share with anyone (how important this will be after the network is expanded, n.a.)

- our regional cable provider has not been able to provide advertised features for years or only very poorly (currently the network is being expanded, maybe it will be better after that)

- Swisscom’s support is better overall (includes everything, not just telephone support)

You see where the problem is?


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why do you have to find counterarguments? These or other internet providers rent from the municipal utilities or Swisscom and have absolutely nothing to do with the maintenance or disruptions on the line. Swisscom advances the money and also has to offer some kind of basic service, then thousands of employees - a 24-hour service, etc

Only then will you perhaps notice a difference. These internet providers may have 3 people in the whole of Switzerland, so Swisscom could certainly operate more cheaply.

You could also ask why so many people have their cell phones with Swisscom and not with Orange or Cablecom etc.

As a customer, you can choose what suits you best. Swisscom is the most expensive, but Swisscom is still overrun, so how can it justify itself?

I don’t do that either, I cost so much per installation (according to various criteria, which only concern me) - it doesn’t matter if someone else does it for half the price. If I no longer have any customers, I have to change something, then I’m either bad or too expensive.

I don’t understand why people don’t just switch, especially if you only have a small line that has to do with the telephone exchange. I WANT the best television product (from VIVO M) and I don’t blame Swisscom for doing so take advantage of me. I want to watch TV optimally, otherwise I have to take a smaller Vivo (and make compromises) or go somewhere else.

Not that I would wish that on anyone, but I think the paying customer only has the opportunity to change the whole thing if they choose the provider that is the cheapest (not the cheapest) and that seems to be Swissom despite the high prices

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Before many other users get in touch here - I actually just want to ask (as written in the subject) Swisscom to convince me that I will at least stay with them with the fixed network. I’m running out of arguments for myself, and it’s only for nostalgic reasons that the 240 p.a. is a nice chunk too many.

Nevertheless, just briefly @serienfreak: The cable provider took over the regional GGA, so nothing to enrich it with “at someone else’s expense”. Service has been good so far - but certainly not as good as that of Swisscom, I admit that. Unfortunately, as a customer, I cannot make a complete selection because Swisscom cannot offer the desired products due to older technology (and lacked the courage to use the solution I suggested). I was actually amazed at the amount of effort involved in measuring on site with technicians etc. instead of just wiring the second pair of wires and it’s good.

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"My arguments for staying with Swisscom despite better price offers from the regional cable provider:

- Swisscom TV 2.0 is simply unbeatable when it comes to comfort, operation, recording capacity and channel selection That’s why I would have liked to use Swisscom!

- With the Internet I have a guaranteed speed that I don’t have to share with anyone (how important this will be after a network expansion, n.a.) Ditto cable provider

- Our regional cable provider hasn’t been able to provide advertised features for years or has done so very poorly (currently the network is being expanded, maybe things will be better after that) Ours is, or is really accelerating at the moment. Take a look at his homepage…

- Swisscom’s support is better overall (includes everything, not just telephone support) I agree with you here!

You see where the problem is?" As always with the user - and a little with Swisscom, which is unfortunately not very flexible… (topic 2 basic connections until the bandwidth can be increased).

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@swisscom-user wrote:

Hello Swisscom

This year I wanted to move “everything” to Swisscom: Vivo**** for 2 TVs and an HD recorder as well as 3 cell phones and Teleclub HD and Internet… Result: Vivo***\ * doesn’t work, too little bandwidth (18 Mbps). My suggestion to elegantly circumvent the bottleneck by using both pairs of wires was rejected - unless I paid for two basic subscribers. Hello?

Incidentally, VIVO M **** works with 18 Mbit for 2 boxes, even HD (although some users think it should be 22 Mbit) - but it depends on how much internet is otherwise needed. In the worst case, you can “switch” the less important box to SD so that you have more bandwidth. Whoever told you that, it’s not true.

Incidentally, for multiroom, for example, you also have to pay for Horizon at UPC twice

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@swisscom-user wrote:

Before many other users get in touch here - I actually just want to ask Swisscom (as written in the subject) to convince me that I will at least stay with them with the fixed network. I’m running out of arguments for myself, and it’s only for nostalgic reasons that the 240 p.a. is a nice chunk too many.

If you want an answer directly from Swisscom, you are in the wrong forum with your question, this is the community Customers help customers and not the Swisscom management!!


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Installationen, Netzwerk, Internet, Computertechnik, OS Windows, Apple und Linux.

You’re still a joker, boy… - with your old identity as well as your new identity!

As an advanced super-turbo-schibischabi mentor, you would know what this forum is primarily for. If not, there are good courses to find out. You have enough time anyway.:smileyvery-happy:

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@serienfreak wrote:

@swisscom-user wrote:

Hello Swisscom

This year I wanted to move “everything” to Swisscom: Vivo**** for 2 TVs and an HD recorder as well as 3 cell phones and Teleclub HD and Internet… Result: Vivo*** * doesn’t work, too little bandwidth (18 Mbps). My suggestion to elegantly circumvent the bottleneck by using both pairs of wires was rejected - unless I paid for two basic subscribers. Hello?

Incidentally, VIVO M **** works with 18 Mbit for 2 boxes, even HD (although some users think it should be 22 Mbit) - but it depends on how much internet is otherwise needed. In the worst case, you can “switch” the less important box to SD so that you have more bandwidth. Whoever told you that, it’s not true.

Incidentally, for multiroom, for example, you also have to pay for Horizon twice at UPC

So, with a “15” setting, the SC technician on site strangely measured 22 - with the “18” setup, which is absolutely necessary for two HD sets (that’s what the SC technician on site told me). 98% utilization was then measured - too close for peaks and possibly internet again. Therefore rejected and not offered as an option. Otherwise I would have risked it. Well, I now have 3 HDs in parallel for less money and can surf without any problems. But BTT - now the question is why stick with the old analogue landline connection.

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@swisscom-user wrote:

Hello Swisscom

Now the decision to downgrade the landline network to VoIP in 2017. From an administrative perspective, this is certainly an extremely lucrative solution for Swisscom.

I challenge you to give me good and really meaningful arguments. You can keep advertising slogans. Attention, ready, go…

I wouldn’t worry about 2017 just yet…

Maybe by then CC will switch too.

This saves “last mile” fees.

And it is questionable whether all of them will be switched with a click.

Btw. Do you already have an appointment for 2017 or why are you so “aggressive”?

And here is a user-helps-user forum.

And if you already have your solution ready, you don’t need to ask.:smileywink:

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You have to answer this question yourself - Swisscom won’t do it for you. Costs you 25.35 per month + calls

I have HD channels with 10.5 Mbit and am totally happy with Vivo M, even if theoretically I only get a quarter of the paid internet, but I am a total fan of SC TV 2.0

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@rohners wrote:

Be lucky if you have more than one provider, we have very bad conditions in the country, only Swisscom!!!

I’m only moving to where there is at least Swisscom. And even in a city with dozens of providers, I would only be able to use Swisscom because of TV. Despite intensive internet use, around 12 Mbit is enough for everything. What more do I want?

These internet providers with GB of bandwidth are only found where there are a lot of people and that won’t change.

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