You can complain using the contact form Contact
They’ll definitely pass it on. But always remain decent. Then you will achieve the most.
But describe what exactly isn’t working and what has already been done.
@Dracoargon wrote:
I also wonder whether Swisscom is even capable of healthy criticism! I’ve been trying to contact Swisscom by email for a month, but it’s apparently impossible! I wonder how a company like this is so unfriendly to customers! Despite the profit! Absolutely crazy! Greetings Marco
which email address?
There are sometimes good reasons why an email goes unanswered - it doesn’t have to be due to sloppiness or incompetence. And depending on how you call into the forest… but let’s leave it alone. If in doubt, call the hotline or stop by the shop. Or describe your problem here, maybe we can help you.
Have you tried turning it off and on again?
First of all, I’m happy with what I have with my Swisscom TV Plus when it doesn’t even spin, which is the case regularly!
I have also written an email to Swisscom many times when I had a small problem (for larger ones I always called the hotline). And each time it took 3-5 days for them to respond or usually call!
I recently reported a problem by email that hasn’t been solved yet, namely that programs that I have programmed for recording simply disappear from the “Scheduled Recordings” list on their own! That’s annoying! You want to record something and you program it and in the end it doesn’t record! That’s annoying!
I reported this and after about 3 days I got a call from Swisscom and had to explain the whole thing again, even though I had described it in detail in the email! Then the woman told me why I didn’t call him, it would be much quicker! I told her that I didn’t feel like spending an eternity on the phone with Swisscom in the evening when I got off work. The longest time was 1.5 hours until they solved the problem)! Because I always have to wait in the queue for the first 15 minutes or longer! Every time I call they are always busy! That can’t be true! I’ll describe two things from this!
1. Either this hotline doesn’t have many employees (I don’t know how many are there around the clock) who process customer complaints because it’s always so busy or
2. There are enough people, but at Swisscom there are always so many problems that everyone is always busy around the clock! I just find it weird!
And then not even good music, ok, that’s a good thing, but then with the crappy advertising in between where they try to sell you something if you have a problem, that’s what annoys me! And then when I do catch someone, I almost always have the misfortune of catching someone who has no idea! Until now I have rarely had someone who was competent!
And then the woman who called me about my last problem told me, when I told her I didn’t feel like waiting on hold for so long, “Oh, that’s not a bad thing, I could make myself a coffee and enjoy the music” and laughed stupidly! I don’t think that’s okay! Another time I was deliberately and brazenly lied to on the hotline!
I just don’t think all of Swisscom’s customer service is worthy of such a big company! I’m glad this forum exists here! I’ve had more help here from you than from Swisscom! Thank you!
Sorry for my novel, but I just had to let off some steam, even though I didn’t even write half of my anger to you! I’ve had so much unnecessary trouble with the Swisscom hotline that I just wanted to get rid of it!
I only had problems with support once: I was redirected 3 times with a 15 minute break each time - at the end a German supporter picked up and said “Yes?” Me: “Yes, what?” he: “Who is there?” I gave my name and asked him if he even knew what my problem was about, he said: “They could have explained it to me in that time.” That was too much for me, I asked for his name and called support again said I didn’t feel like telling every supporter the same story. A day later someone from customer service called me and listened to my story and apologized to me including a credit.
Otherwise, our speakers are running perfectly and I have always been treated in a friendly and competent manner. Swisscom has increased enormously and has also invested a lot in support and is constantly expanding it as the number of customers is also increasing. Sometimes it can make you stupid like it did me, but that was a unique story.
If you knew how I would like to let off steam via Swisscom:smileymad:
Swisscom is building a fiber optic line across our village to VSZ Niederstocken, but leaving all residents on the very old copper lines…
However, we are always put off until 2020, and according to this Super Swisscom it may then be that we will only be served through the air, this in a village with a fiber optic cable, and the best thing is: all the surrounding villages have been developed.
All you can say is BRAVO state company!!!!!!!!
this is called fiber to the street, since they can’t keep up with fibert to the home. Maybe inquire more carefully, because that’s better than nothing at all, or ADSL. This means that Swisscom or others can then “link” a copper line from the fiber optic cable on the street and then achieve much higher speeds than from a telephone exchange that may be located at the other end of the town.
If it were about SC, they would want fiber optics everywhere, but who should pay for it in advance and, above all, who should pull the lines, etc. Why is there talk of a shortage of skilled workers everywhere - that’s where you can see it best.
Fiber optic expansion is also a political decision in many places. Just last week, SC had to stop the expansion somewhere because regional providers didn’t accept it.
And finally stop using the term state-owned company, Swisscom hasn’t been that for a long time. SC is a huge colossus and, thanks to the much worse competition, despite still having a lot of room for improvement, it is the best provider.
You can always complain, but shouting or shouting doesn’t help. If I screw up a supporter (who usually can’t do anything about it), I don’t have to expect to be dealt with quickly and that’s certainly the case everywhere
I just don’t think all of Swisscom’s customer service is worthy of such a big company! I’m glad this forum exists here! I’ve had more help here from you than from Swisscom! Thank you!
I would just wish you had a different provider for a week and you would come running back. Thousands of supporters work for Swisscom (some better, some worse), but lumping them all together is much more unworthy.
With Cablecom you wait over an hour and I’ve experienced that myself in the last few months. I don’t have that here, and that was the reason for moving here. And that’s worlds!!!
The customer forum is becoming more and more of a crazy forum, and there are a lot of people here who can help you. I would make any complaints or rants in writing to Swisscom, or is the information you provided incorrect? I definitely don’t necessarily believe it because there are processes and if it really takes that long then electricians are involved and there must be a problem.
@serienfreak wrote:
I just don’t think all of Swisscom’s customer service is worthy of such a big company! I’m glad this forum exists here! I’ve had more help here from you than from Swisscom! Thank you!
I would just wish you had a different provider for a week and you would come running back. Thousands of supporters work for Swisscom (some better, some worse), but lumping them all together is much more unworthy.
At Cablecom you wait for over an hour and I’ve experienced that myself in the last few months. I don’t have that here, and that was the reason for moving here. And that’s worlds!!!
The customer forum is becoming more and more of a crazy forum, but there are a lot of people here who can help you. I would make any complaints or rants in writing to Swisscom, or is the information you provided incorrect? I definitely don’t necessarily believe it because there are processes and if it really takes that long then electricians are involved and there must be a problem.
You’re right. I’ve been with Bluewin-TV/Swissom-TV almost since the beginning and we also had a problem, about 7 technicians came by to see why our internet was sporadically failing, but Bluewin-TV always ran without any problems. Finally they sent a developer over and we, I am a computer scientist myself, were able to eliminate a source of trouble. It was a switch (My Switch) that had sent incorrect packages. Of course it was unpleasant to have disruptions for months, but Swisscom always tried and what they certainly need to improve is the process with the disruption data so that as a user you don’t have to tell every new supporter the same story, that has worked out in my opinion improved and is a real challenge considering that users sometimes call because they accidentally pressed the “off” button on the router. But it’s not that easy there either; Some people feel insulted when you ask them if the router is turned on or if you accidentally turned off the WiFi button. So people finally see it, such a wide range of support is extreme and I think Swisscom does the job really well, it’s clear that not everyone is happy. I know Cablecom from my mother and all I can say is it’s horrible!!! About 1 hour waiting time with Düdel music and the supporters are hopelessly overwhelmed, that’s simply because they are still a few years behind Swiscomm.
@rohners wrote:
If we got FTTS we would be in heaven!!
But you don’t even want to do that, there are tons of excuses…
why excuses - ask other providers if they will provide you with a fiber optic network?
Of course, some areas are preferred, but if that doesn’t happen, there are various reasons, even if they are just financial. There are still parts of the city in the middle of Zurich that have ADSL with 2.4 Mbit download.
The SC is spending 2 billion on this FTTH and has now switched to FTTS because they realize that not enough people are moving forward quickly. Skilled workers are becoming fewer and fewer (thanks to our coordination, this will certainly not accelerate) and there are also other providers who are “interfering” and blocking the expansion.
If you don’t have FTTS yet, then you’ll just have to see what other providers offer. It can’t be that Swisscom can be held responsible for everything.
If it does too much it is a monopoly or a state-owned company, if it does too little it is to blame for all the misery in the country.
@rohners wrote:
If we got FTTS we would be in heaven!!
But you don’t even want to do that, there are tons of excuses…
Maybe you can get Vectoring isn’t a bad deal either!!
Here in our residential center, the expansion of fiber optics has also been postponed and now with vectoring the speed is not bad either.
There are many hurdles when expanding that are not made public.
Installationen, Netzwerk, Internet, Computertechnik, OS Windows, Apple und Linux.
@Mediator wrote:
@serienfreak wrote:
I just don’t think all of Swisscom’s customer service is worthy of such a big company! I’m glad this forum exists here! I’ve had more help here from you than from Swisscom! Thank you!
I would just wish you had a different provider for a week and you would come running back. Thousands of supporters work for Swisscom (some better, some worse), but lumping them all together is much more unworthy.
At Cablecom you wait over an hour and I’ve experienced that myself in the last few months. I don’t have that here, and that was the reason for moving here. And that’s worlds!!!
The customer forum is becoming more and more of a crazy forum, but there are a lot of people here who can help you. I would make any complaints or rants in writing to Swisscom, or is the information you provided incorrect? I definitely don’t necessarily believe it because there are processes and if it really takes that long then electricians are involved and there must be a problem.
You’re right. I’ve been with Bluewin-TV/Swissom-TV almost since the beginning and we also had a problem, about 7 technicians came by to see why our internet was sporadically failing, but Bluewin-TV always ran without any problems. Finally they sent a developer over and we, I am a computer scientist myself, were able to eliminate a source of trouble. It was a switch (My Switch) that had sent incorrect packages. Of course it was unpleasant to have disruptions for months, but Swisscom always tried and what they certainly need to improve is the process with the disruption data so that as a user you don’t have to tell every new supporter the same story, that has worked out in my opinion improved and is a real challenge considering that users sometimes call because they accidentally pressed the “off” button on the router. But it’s not that easy there either; Some people feel insulted when you ask them if the router is turned on or if you accidentally turned off the WiFi button. So people finally see it, such a wide range of support is extreme and I think Swisscom does the job really well, it’s clear that not everyone is happy. I know Cablecom from my mother and all I can say is it’s horrible!!! About 1 hour waiting time with Düdel music and the supporters are hopelessly overwhelmed, that’s simply because they are still a few years behind Swiscomm.
Thank you for your posting, because sometimes you can get rightly “upset”, but many postings here were then “solved” upon closer inspection and the problem was often an external part on site, which solved all the problems after it was replaced. Unfortunately, you usually don’t read anything about them anymore and you’re the one who stands up and can “admit” that it’s not always Swisscom’s fault.
The whole IP stuff with TVs, powerliners, connection kits, third-party TVs, switches, Nas, etc. is becoming more obscure every day and many expect that Swisscom can fix all errors immediately and then send an electrician over on the same day and then everything should be free be. Even if Swisscom is certainly not impoverished, it cannot hire countless electricians and then sit around during idle times. Most of the time they are independent partners anyway, and unfortunately it may well be that some of them don’t find the error, because they don’t do more than the support person on site.
I also think the fluctuation among supporters these days is a problem, because the job is certainly not super paid and not all customers are as insightful as you, so I don’t necessarily think any pigeonholing (anything else) is great. There are such and such in all professions