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  • @5018 wrote:

    @SkyBeam a telephone on the analog port?

    I rarely say it, but do a reset.

    Yes, of course. As written, DECT and WLAN are deactivated. Where else can I connect an analog cable telephone?

    And as already written: I have already reset SEVERAL TIMES. Even after a complete reset the same problems again. Currently it’s still running 13.20.26 and there hasn’t been an auto-upgrade yet. I’ll stick with it for now and, as I said, I’ll try a reset before and after installing the firmware. But I’ve probably done 10 resets by now and I actually don’t feel like starting with a reset and complete reconfiguration (which also takes time) every time I upgrade.

    But for now I have a solution.

    Originalsprache (Deutsch) anzeigen

  • @5018 wrote:


    My finding is that the FW needs an hour or two until everything works properly due to major changes in the background. If the box has the new FW, just wait. Otherwise restart and wait and if that doesn’t help, then do a reset and wait.

    @5018: Because you always praise “your” Swisscom IB to the skies, I’ve never had to carry out such a stupid procedure with “my” second-rate Fritzbox


    @Everyone else: I’m not saying that the solution to the problem is wrong. It’s just not entirely up to date.


    Originalsprache (Deutsch) anzeigen
  • @SkyBeam

    The 14.00.50 has been widely tested for months and, according to my information, it did not cause any problems across the board during the various rollout phases. This is very nice to see, as the calls to the hotline then increase. This doesn’t help you directly at first, but it shows that it is more of an isolated problem and you now have to see what the problem is.

    My finding is that the FW needs an hour or two until everything works properly due to major changes in the background. If the box has the new FW, just wait. Otherwise restart and wait and if that doesn’t help, then do a reset and wait.

    Otherwise it can of course always be the case that a hardware defect occurs (memory). Then have the box replaced.

    And you could say which devices are connected to the IB2.

    Originalsprache (Deutsch) anzeigen
  • @SkyBeam Your router will soon automatically upgrade itself again

    Unfortunately I can’t report whether I also have these problems, my Wingo IB is still on 13.20.40 (a firmware that never existed for Swisscom as far as I know)

    Originalsprache (Deutsch) anzeigen
  • @SkyBeam

    The process is as follows. A FW version is developed within 2-4 months. During this time, a new version is made available to a group of testers (including many super users from this forum) every 3 weeks and tested. This already covers a lot of cases. In addition, of course, the supplier and internally the router team test all possible use cases.

    As development nears the end, the FW will be distributed to up to 3000 employees (automatically), then in the next step to 10000 customers, then 100000 customers, then full rollout. Feedback is constantly collected and monitored to see whether everything is working or whether errors occur. Unfortunately, some things can only be seen in the full rollout because the errors appear in such small quantities that they are not noticeable in smaller quantities.

    By the way, the procedure is very similar for TV.

    I know too. that the use case you mentioned is available to a tester. There were no problems there.

    Back then, I asked my former team to offer the almost finished versions as a beta for everyone. Unfortunately, there wasn’t much interest from testers and the feedback didn’t really provide any new insights. Therefore the benefit is rather very small.

    However, there are sometimes situations in which, for example, there is an error in a current FW that affects a small group of customers and which is solved in the new FW. Then it might make sense to publish a beta, which has already been done.

    Originalsprache (Deutsch) anzeigen

  • @SkyBeam wrote:

    I only noticed one thing: the firmware 13.20.26/13.20.18/01923 was installed on the IB2. And yes, I’m sure that happened tonight because I checked the firmware yesterday.

    Yes, the mass rollout of FW 13.20.26 is currently underway (staggered).

    Originalsprache (Deutsch) anzeigen

    ….keep on rockin'

  • @hed wrote:


    I assume that the IB is simply overwhelmed for more complex cases like yours. I assume that this will not change that quickly, because the IB is primarily developed for the estimated 98% of customers who do not have downstream routers/firewalls/proxy/DMZ/DHCP servers/etc. use.

    I already know that. But the functionality seems to be there. I simply suspect a bug in the firewall GUI.

    Actually, I don’t want to use a downstream firewall at the moment; it’s just about the standard use case where the IB sits as a gateway between the Internet and a flat LAN structure. So the simplest possible use case.

    However, incoming connections on IPv4 and IPv6 should be blocked (as is actually quite common). With the exception of a few devices that should also have incoming connections enabled on certain ports. This is obviously intended that way because you can create rules for exactly that.

    The only unfortunate thing is the fact (a bug?) that you cannot select IPv6 devices with an IPv6 rule.

    Originalsprache (Deutsch) anzeigen
  • @SkyBeam

    I assume that the IB is simply overwhelmed for more complex cases like yours. I assume that this will not change that quickly, because the IB is primarily developed for the estimated 98% of customers who do not have downstream routers/firewalls/proxy/DMZ/DHCP servers/etc. use.

    Originalsprache (Deutsch) anzeigen

  • @SkyBeam wrote:

    Only a complete reset helped me.

    Uh, that’s relatively unfortunate if that’s the case everywhere. Especially since the migration is described as complete.

    A large proportion of customers are not interested in the technology at all and are essentially left in limbo.

    Originalsprache (Deutsch) anzeigen

  • @Werner wrote:


    If you don’t have a static prefix (which Swisscom doesn’t offer on private connections), you might be able to pay attention in the future to how often the prefix is ​​renewed by Swisscom on the network side, because for dealing with the delegated dynamic prefix in In a local network, I think this is crucial information, which Swisscom has not yet communicated.


    Maybe some information about the renewal interval of the dynamic IPv6 prefix for private customers in the Swisscom network?

    @Werner I have experience from my Anschluss:

    - the IPv4 has not changed since mid-May 2021 -> so the same public IPv4 address for 1 ½ years

    - the IPv6 has not changed since the end of February 2022 -> so the same public IPv6 address for over 9 months.

    Originalsprache (Deutsch) anzeigen
  • @SkyBeam

    If you don’t have a static prefix (which Swisscom doesn’t offer on private connections), you might be able to pay attention in the future to how often the prefix is ​​renewed by Swisscom on the network side, in order to deal with the delegated dynamic prefix in one local network, I think this is crucial information, which Swisscom has not yet communicated.


    Maybe some information about the renewal interval of the dynamic IPv6 prefix for private customers in the Swisscom network?

    Originalsprache (Deutsch) anzeigen

    Hobby-Nerd ohne wirtschaftliche Abhängigkeiten zur Swisscom

  • @SkyBeam I’m happy to read that your setup now works.

    Although I haven’t heard of anything that has changed in this setup in the last few days…. (from the network)

    let me know if you don’t want to anymore…



    Originalsprache (Deutsch) anzeigen

    Swisscom Network Engineer IP+ AS3303,

  • @SkyBeam Two or three things are not entirely clear to me, sorry for asking.

    On the wan side you get “only” this /64, who will forgive you for this?

    The further question, you write, you just can’t reach AS3303 internally, the other one works, what does the trace route look like?

    is the last hop that is visible 2001:4D98:A000::3F?

    is Pathmtudiscovery running?

    Am I correct in assuming that this setup is based on a PF?

    greetings and thanks


    Originalsprache (Deutsch) anzeigen

    Swisscom Network Engineer IP+ AS3303,

  • Thanks for the links @Werner and @SkyBeam, I checked all drivers a second time, unfortunately without success. I’m now the proud owner of a new graphics driver, so that shouldn’t hurt.

    I will be able to reset the firmware of the IB3 this evening when the home office day is over. If it behaves the same as @SkyBeam, then I would be happy to provide my system’s data in more detail.

    Originalsprache (Deutsch) anzeigen
  • @SkyBeam

    I know that you have already tried everything possible, but so that you don’t feel so alone, a similar insight about the WLAN connection with the older Apple TV 3 boxes.

    These have no problem with WiFi 6, but they can no longer find the WiFi as soon as the encryption on the router is set to WPA2/WPA3.

    If you set the encryption back to WPA2 only, you will immediately reconnect to the router.

    Compatibility issues between routers and wireless adapters seem to occur for a variety of reasons, and as the adapter ages, the likelihood of this probably just increases.

    Originalsprache (Deutsch) anzeigen

    Hobby-Nerd ohne wirtschaftliche Abhängigkeiten zur Swisscom

  • @SkyBeam

    Now you can only hope that @JonasB is in the network (community) and then maybe he will have an idea.

    I had a similar problem myself with an older HP where there was no longer any software for the WLAN and since we wanted to keep Wi-Fi 6 for the other devices, we connected this HP notebook to the WLAN-Box via LAN and then used this to establish the WLAN connection made for IB3.

    Originalsprache (Deutsch) anzeigen

    Installationen, Netzwerk, Internet, Computertechnik, OS Windows, Apple und Linux.

  • @SkyBeam wrote:
    No. Unfortunately a link MTU and local MTU/MSS of 1480 does NOT work for me on web-pages. Still timing out (not getting any response at all).

    bizarre. Now it also has stopped working for me. Go figure.

    Looks like we’re still stuck with the issue. Time to put my machine’s MTU back at 1472.

    I wonder why it was working before…
