VPN or not VPN?

  • Good evening

    I’ve read the many messages in the VPN discussions, but I haven’t found the answer I was looking for.
    So I’d like to ask my question. Swisscom’s MySecurity says: "Activate VPN to protect your online activity. Does this really help?
    Thanks for your help.

    Show original language (French)
    • No, because for communication directly from the home network, if the external VPN service that you have subscribed to with mySecurity works at all, you are only exchanging your trust in Swisscom for trust in an opaque external service where you don’t even know in which country it takes place and if you are travelling on the move, where it can make sense to only use encrypted communication when travelling, you can simply use the free VPN connection directly back to the switchable VPN server of your own Internet box and are already protected against any possible “spying attempts” by hotel and other public WLANs.

    No, because for communication directly from the home network, if the external VPN service that you have subscribed to with mySecurity works at all, you are only exchanging your trust in Swisscom for trust in an opaque external service where you don’t even know in which country it takes place and if you are travelling on the move, where it can make sense to only use encrypted communication when travelling, you can simply use the free VPN connection directly back to the switchable VPN server of your own Internet box and are already protected against any possible “spying attempts” by hotel and other public WLANs.

    Show original language (German)
    changed by Werner

    Hobby-Nerd ohne wirtschaftliche Abhängigkeiten zur Swisscom

      Thank you for your reply.
      I don’t understand why Swisscom is making this recommendation, which doesn’t make much sense.
      When I’m abroad, I only use my smartphone and never use hotel or other networks.
      That way, I think I’m safer.
      (I’m as scared as the wolf of those “numbers” they give out in hotels to get the connection).
      Have a good evening.

      Show original language (French)
      • Werner has responded to this post.


        If you’re wondering why Swisscom has F-Secure products as resellers in its range at all, the answer is quite simple: even as a middleman you can earn a little money with them.

        The bottom line from the Swisscom marketing perspective is simple: “non olet” (money doesn’t stink)

        Show original language (German)
        changed by Werner

        Hobby-Nerd ohne wirtschaftliche Abhängigkeiten zur Swisscom