The Swisscom view is that only the owner of the Swisscom login is authorised for 2FA - i.e. also for all email addresses received in this account.
Legal aspects quickly come into play, e.g. in the case of (prospective) divorces etc. That’s why it’s supposedly not soooo easy to provide separate 2FA for each e-mail address in the same Swisscom account.

So be consistent and use separate Swisscom logins for separate Bluewin mail addresses, then there will also be separate 2FA channels.

Or even better:
use an alternative mail provider instead of Bluewin - and if you still want it to be Swiss, then is a good choice.

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changed by POGO 1104

….keep on rockin'

    POGO 1104 & All here

    These arguments are clearly too short-sighted and practically only related to e-mail.

    We only have one network and telephone connection, a router, a TV box and a contract in the flat. We can only manage and control all of this via one access point. With 2FA, this access can only be used if the one smartphone is available. What happens if the access is not available due to absence or other factors was already discussed here last week in another enquiry.

    If Swisscom would at least allow an authenticator app with more than one code for the 2FA, multiple devices would not be a problem. And you could still choose exactly what to use would be great.

    I use Mobile-ID. If I cancel it, the system sends me an SMS. I always have a bad feeling when I use Cockpit on my smartphone, for example, and then receive an SMS on the same device. The smartphone is probably PIN-protected but the uneasy feeling remains, 2 devices are not necessary, even if the protection at Swisscom is not bad but just too inflexible.

    I’m also not as convinced as some people here that e-mail, for example, is better or more secure with another provider. Any company can disappear or change its services to the detriment of its customers. I’ve been a Swisscom customer virtually since I was allowed to sign up myself and have never had a real problem with any service.

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    changed by GuidoL

    Lesen, was auf dem Bildschirm steht.

    [unknown] POGO 1104 & All here

    Your arguments are clearly too short-sighted and practically only related to e-mail.

    These are not my arguments - I have only reproduced the arguments of Swisscom above….

    Show original language (German)

    ….keep on rockin'

    • GuidoL has responded to this post.

      Nevertheless, as long as Swisscom does not change the login construct here (and it looks like it will), this will unfortunately remain the case….

      It is probably unique worldwide that webmail is not accessed with the mail password (=SMTP/IMAP password), but with a customer account password.

      We’ve also been waiting ages for a user administration for BlueTV…..

      Show original language (German)

      ….keep on rockin'

        POGO 1104 Probably unique in the world that the webmail is not called up with the mail password (=SMTP/IMAP password), but with a customer account password.

        In order to maintain the long-standing habits of Bluewin webmail users, Swisscom has (unfortunately from my personal point of view) also gone to a lot of extra effort for the new mail platform in order to be able to continue to offer a login not via the e-mail password, but via the contract login outside of any standard software.

        This has now (presumably quite expensively) bought some advantages and disadvantages.

        - customers can continue to use several mailboxes in parallel within a single web mail login, even if switching between the individual mailboxes is quite “wooden” and no virtual overall views of several mailboxes within a contract are possible

        - no user administration is possible at the level of the individual mailbox
        - 2FA is not possible at the level of the individual mailbox

        Of course, it’s up to each customer to decide how best to deal with the new mail platform; my own solution is up to date:

        - at least one separate Swisscom login per person, i.e. no Basic or Advanced Mail for shared use by several people

        - do not use Bluewin contacts and calendars to synchronise calendars and contacts across all technical platforms and devices, but instead use a personal Google account per person

        - use Bluewin mail addresses in their respective web mail only in absolutely exceptional cases, normal operation consistently with explicit mail programmes such as “Thunderbird” and/or “Outlook” and on mobiles with the mail apps of the respective manufacturers.

        - do not limit the use of e-mail to Bluewin mail addresses alone

        Show original language (German)
        changed by Werner

        Hobby-Nerd ohne wirtschaftliche Abhängigkeiten zur Swisscom