
I have now thought about the text of paragraph 6 for quite a long time and have come to the conclusion that it only makes sense if the terms user and contract holder are clearly differentiated from one another.

On this basis, my interpretation of the content is as follows:

With this section, Swisscom secures the right to use individual email addresses of other clearly identifiable natural persons who are currently in a shared subscription with the contract owner, even against the will of the formal contract owner, at the explicit request of the “real” user of an email address to be able to remove it from the “community subscription”.

A practical use case for this would be, for example, a divorce with two or more email addresses within a shared email subscription, which should now be distributed between two independent people and two different logins.

If this required the consent of the previous contract owner in any case, he would otherwise be able to monopolize all email addresses previously used in the family exclusively for himself in the long term.

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Hobby-Nerd ohne wirtschaftliche Abhängigkeiten zur Swisscom

a month later

The new bluewin webmail is still completely undeveloped, the problems:

- Switching on takes far too long compared to before

- the constant request to redownload the app. The app is hardly renewed every day!!!

- I can’t easily find my previous emails anymore

- Under “Sent” the first thing I see is my name instead of the recipient’s!

The following functions have been completely eliminated:

- Function forwarding to a second email address

- Function marking important emails

Questions: What does “archive” mean?

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I’m turning more and more away from my Bluewin email. There are definitely better email providers and they’re free too… so guys, I don’t want to discuss it anymore.

Bluewin can only catch up if you learn from free email providers


Rainer, Zurich

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Hello @Dinteirief41

- it takes far too long to connect compared to before

- the constant request to redownload the app. The app is hardly renewed every day!!!

Bluewin Webmail is a website that is operated via a browser. There is no app to download.

- under “Sent” the first thing I see is my name instead of the recipient’s!

For me, all emails in the Sent folder are displayed in the first column with the recipient name or address.

- Function forwarding to a second email address

A forwarding is not configured in webmail but in Kundencenter:

In Bluewin Webmail at the top right on Gear menu -> Manage email account -> Login (if necessary) -> E- Manage mail accounts -> Select address (if multiple) -> Settings -> Manage automatic forwarding

- Function marking important emails

Mark the desired email(s) or open -> click on the flag symbol above and select the desired color.

Archiving means that the email in question is moved to the archive folder and there to a yearly folder (2022, 2023, 2025,…). Otherwise it has no further function.

How else Bluewin Webmail can be configured was shown here:

E-Mail classic view

Mark emails

New mail system

My experiences have almost always been very positive. For example, a much-requested “Allow/block” function for email addresses or domains is now a reality.

Some things aren’t entirely obvious, but after a bit of searching and trying, you’ll find that too. There’s a bit of a problem in one or two places, but that will certainly be fixed. The interface responds very quickly, only switching between different mailboxes takes longer than before.

Just “play” with the many options and the training won’t be so bad. Or ask here again (instead of complaining 😃).

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Lesen, was auf dem Bildschirm steht.

13 days later

A little story of experience.

I already commented here in April, and of course at first without thinking and irritated because something is becoming more expensive (TV from 5 francs to 14.90) or email has to be charged if you use more than 1GB of memory or more than 1 email address has.

Writing about all the possibilities and alternatives here would result in far too much text. Except that I notice that if I were to move somewhere else, everything wouldn’t be much cheaper there either, or there wouldn’t be everything I want, elsewhere only paid support is offered, the super prices are only valid for 1 or 2 years (And then? Change again?) Yes, of course, it’s cheaper somewhere else, but if I want the same services, the price differences are so small that I was able to get a discount from Swisscom.

Discount? My approach was (which I did many years ago) to call customer service and politely and kindly say that I wanted to cancel my TV or that I didn’t agree to the new TV and email subscriptions. I’m also thinking about taking a look at competing offers in the short to medium term. Without even being connected to the Customer Rescue Desk (or whatever it’s called) or other special departments, I was told that I had already been a long-standing customer and was asked whether I was satisfied apart from the subscription changes/prices. I said yes and received the new TV subscription, but also a discount for the next 2 years, so that despite the new prices I now pay a lot less than before.

A statement like this was also made: New customers are of course lured and lured in with discounts and gifts, but existing customers theoretically also have something that is good for them, they just have to “pick it up” or “ask for it” from time to time.

ATTENTION: Of course, this is not a guarantee that everyone who calls the hotline will automatically receive discounts. I think it certainly depends on how many years you have been a customer, what subscriptions you have, and certainly whether you are simply polite, right makes cheeky demands for things that are not your fault. (Demanding and being rude can lead to people saying, yes, they will do that if they are no longer satisfied.) The word “possible termination” also usually triggers mechanisms so that Swisscom does not scare away or lose long-standing customers . When I then asked what would happen after these 2 years? They said that by then there would probably be new subscriptions and offers anyway, so I should just call again and we’d see what we could do with the subscriptions or the price.

Another experience I had was, no matter how rarely I call customer service: If you have the feeling that you are not being listened to, or that support cannot/does not want to help, you end the conversation (no time left, or you try again yourself, or you think about it again, etc.) and then just call again, sometimes you have better luck on the second call.

It almost sounds like an advertisement, but I just wanted to say that I was positively surprised by the customer service, that my loyal customer was rewarded, and that I remain a satisfied Swisscom customer. And before you complain too much, just think about what you want or, above all, need, whether you can manage a change of provider yourself (replacing devices, setting up new email, etc.) or simply getting advice, which is no shame. Unfortunately, in my opinion, many people simply have too expensive subscriptions from all providers and providers with things that they don’t need (especially with mobile subscriptions) because as a new customer they accept bait offers, are tied to them for a while, and then don’t change again. Or not thinking in advance about what I actually need.

Sorry for this huge text, but perhaps interesting and thought-provoking. And otherwise just ignore it 🙂

At this point I would also like to thank some of the supporters here in the forum who help a lot and I think at least one has been here for well over 20 years and has talked shop with me about ADSL problems with the Netopia routers 🙂

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Good day

It may be that there is already a conversation on this topic, but unfortunately I will soon no longer have the patience to spend hours looking for things when it comes to technology because I have to start from scratch again.

I followed the instructions, but how do I transfer the contacts to my second email address? Unfortunately, neither importing nor exporting worked and I can no longer see my original distribution list. Before I completely freak out, I would like to ask you. Thank you very much.

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@curlysue wrote:

I followed the instructions, but how do I transfer the contacts to my second email address? Unfortunately neither importing nor exporting worked and I can no longer see my original distribution list…

Followed these instructions?

[https://www.swisscom.ch/de/privatkunden/hilfe/e-mail/datenexport.html#kontakte](https://www.swisscom.ch/de/privatkunden/hilfe/e-mail/datenexport. html#contacts)

I just did it and after 2 minutes the contacts were transferred (export and then import) to the other email account.

Where exactly is the problem?

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….keep on rockin'

@Chittugau46 wrote:

And how can I switch from Bluewin E-mail basic to Bluewin E-mail light?

The switch button doesn’t work!

This only works once you are on the new email platform.

Then you have 3 months to change - without any costs for the basic

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….keep on rockin'

I was also migrated to the new webmail.
I have 5 email addresses in my account, is it possible to assign these so that ultimately all of my email addresses are “light”?

So I would have to go through “Transfer email account” 4 times and then finally convert my main account email to Light?
If so, can I enter my cell phone number and my name under “Pass email account” so that I can “create” multiple Light accounts with the same cell phone number?

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Yes, you can.

When transferring, simply clone 100% of all personal data including mobile number.

The one-time password for the new additional Swisscom login will then be sent to the mobile number as an SMS.

If you use email clients, you must then enter the previous IMAP password for the respective email address again as a new IMAP password for each new Swisscom login.

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Hobby-Nerd ohne wirtschaftliche Abhängigkeiten zur Swisscom

As a last tip:

It’s best to first run through the entire process with a single email address, including setting the passwords, logging out and logging in again using the Swisscom login and send/receive tests in web mail and on mail clients, and only move on to “series production” of the remaining email addresses if it is completely successful 🙂

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Hobby-Nerd ohne wirtschaftliche Abhängigkeiten zur Swisscom

I received the message on August 30th and made the switch on September 2nd. It went smoothly with the friendly help of the helpdesk (the first attempt with the chat was a disaster).

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