The beta 11.03.24.rui for the Internet-Box-plus is defective.
Wrong file
The 11.03.24.acs for the Internet-Box-plus works.
Incidentally, it seems to me that Swisscom is having some problems with the firmware.
1 hour ago around 2 a.m. my internet connection was interrupted and a new old firmware was installed on my Internet-Box-plus.
Previously it had 10.05.44.rui on it, after the restart it had firmware 10.04.46.rui on it, which you cannot download from the Internet-Box-plus website. An older version than mine was installed with the rui firmware.
Maybe a user close to Swisscom can download the correct beta firmware.
As I described tonight under “New Beta…….”, the Internet-Box-Plus is on the download page
Beta version of firmware incorrect.
There is an ib2_np-11-03-24.rui offered for download instead of the correct ibp_np_11-03-24.rui. The size of the file of 64.0MB for the Internet-Box-Plus cannot be correct either, it is usually around 45.1MB in size.
At the same time, at around 2 a.m., Swisscomm installed a 10-04-46.rui on the Internet-Box-Plus, even though I had the 10-05-44 on the Internet-Box-Plus. I was automatically installed tonight downgraded to a 10-04-46!!
Would it be possible to finally make the correct firmware for the Internet-Box-Plus available as a beta download?
The version beta that you get for the Internet-Box Plus is an ib2_np_11-03-24.rui for the Internet-Box 2 instead of the probably correct firmware for the Internet-Box-Plus, the ibp_np_11-03 -24.rui should be.
The error still exists in the IB+ Beta firmware.
[]( internet/firmware-update-internet-box.html#tab=internetboxplus)
Installationen, Netzwerk, Internet, Computertechnik, OS Windows, Apple und Linux.
The 10.05.xx for the IBP and IBS has shown a negative effect. Until this is analyzed and eliminated, there is a transitional firmware that already contains various improvements from 10.05.xx. Therefore it is correct that a new 10.04.xx was installed.
To the beta. - I can’t say anything about Link yet. Think that will be corrected.
Thank you for the answers about incorrect firmware for the IB-plus and also the explanations as to why a different firmware was suddenly installed.
But now I’ll run the betas, which have also been changed, and see how it goes.
Despite the unpleasant events due to Covid, I wish you all a hopefully pleasant Christmas and stay healthy
Greetings from Glarnerland