The beta of WLANBox 2 is already available: wb2_11-03-13.rui

But for WLANBox 1, the beta firmware of WLANBox 2 has been published (wb2_11-03-13.rui).

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I also installed beta 11.03.24 on my IB2. This solved the problem for me that the phone number was no longer signaled on the analogue Anschluss for external calls. See also here.

So far no other abnormalities.

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7 days later

The beta 11.03.24.rui for the Internet-Box-plus is defective.

Wrong file

The 11.03.24.acs for the Internet-Box-plus works.

Incidentally, it seems to me that Swisscom is having some problems with the firmware.

1 hour ago around 2 a.m. my internet connection was interrupted and a new old firmware was installed on my Internet-Box-plus.

Previously it had 10.05.44.rui on it, after the restart it had firmware 10.04.46.rui on it, which you cannot download from the Internet-Box-plus website. An older version than mine was installed with the rui firmware.

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Maybe a user close to Swisscom can download the correct beta firmware.

As I described tonight under “New Beta…….”, the Internet-Box-Plus is on the download page

Beta version of firmware incorrect.

There is an ib2_np-11-03-24.rui offered for download instead of the correct ibp_np_11-03-24.rui. The size of the file of 64.0MB for the Internet-Box-Plus cannot be correct either, it is usually around 45.1MB in size.

At the same time, at around 2 a.m., Swisscomm installed a 10-04-46.rui on the Internet-Box-Plus, even though I had the 10-05-44 on the Internet-Box-Plus. I was automatically installed tonight downgraded to a 10-04-46!!

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Would it be possible to finally make the correct firmware for the Internet-Box-Plus available as a beta download?

The version beta that you get for the Internet-Box Plus is an ib2_np_11-03-24.rui for the Internet-Box 2 instead of the probably correct firmware for the Internet-Box-Plus, the ibp_np_11-03 -24.rui should be.


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  • WalterB has responded to this post.

    You are absolutely right, the beta is linked incorrectly. I can’t say why an old FW was installed. Seems strange to me, unless Swisscom suddenly found a major error in 10.05.44 and wants peace and quiet before Christmas.

    I’ll address it.

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    The 10.05.xx for the IBP and IBS has shown a negative effect. Until this is analyzed and eliminated, there is a transitional firmware that already contains various improvements from 10.05.xx. Therefore it is correct that a new 10.04.xx was installed.

    To the beta. - I can’t say anything about Link yet. Think that will be corrected.

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    Among other things, problems relating to WPA3 encryption have been resolved, which is currently not activated as standard anyway. However, I recommend that everyone activate the WLAN point (WPA3/2 - Mode).

    Otherwise stable and performant.

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    Thank you for the answers about incorrect firmware for the IB-plus and also the explanations as to why a different firmware was suddenly installed.

    But now I’ll run the betas, which have also been changed, and see how it goes.

    Despite the unpleasant events due to Covid, I wish you all a hopefully pleasant Christmas and stay healthy

    Greetings from Glarnerland

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