It’s a shame that it’s so complicated, why not just send the APK via email to the test users? Or a link for the test users to download the APK??

Unfortunately nothing works for me, registered correctly… no display…

Too bad…

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@Chips was the same for me - since it is a personal account. From what I saw, you logged in with the private account, but it was already in Azure in the background. If @CamielC sees you, it should actually work…

@CamielC great, it worked now! I got a new email for IOS and Android, which worked straight away.

  • The app is mind-blowing! Really successful design.
  • What bothers me at first glance, however, is that it somehow doesn’t fit in with Swisscom’s other apps and websites in terms of design. If you compare the broad and enormously large elements in the community with this app…
  • What’s another small drawback, I think it’s a bit of a shame that you’re sometimes called “on your own” and sometimes “spoken”. I just find it much more personal if you stay completely on the “you” path.
  • Finally, the profile picture - it would be nice if that could be edited, since I’m not actually a woman, but there is a woman in the picture.
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Kærar kveðjur - herzliche Grüsse

Unfortunately I can’t ‘delete’ people and log them back in because I don’t know which email address belongs to the community username.

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@Jean-Pierre_Feron it works in the other languages ​​too! At least if you click on Francais after setup it is translated.

(It would be nice if there was a Romansh edition; just to represent all the languages ​​of Switzerland. 😉)

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Kærar kveðjur - herzliche Grüsse

@DomiP The one with the profile picture is listed on Know Issues. So it will be fixed then. And yes, that’s right, it doesn’t fit SC’s design line. But perhaps all other apps will also be adapted. I have already taken part in various My Swisscom and other beta tests and the design of My Swisscom was always a little different than all the others. Things were much worse back then with iOS. That didn’t fit at all.

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I’m taking a break for a few hours now and will try again later or tomorrow. Once logged in incorrectly at Microsoft almost always means logged in incorrectly.

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@Cruncher can you “follow” these Know Issues somewhere?

Would still be practical, otherwise there may be some repetitions.

But good to hear that work is already underway on this.

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Kærar kveðjur - herzliche Grüsse

To the Android users where it doesn’t work: Otherwise try using the Visual Studio App Center app. You also have access to the apps there!

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Kærar kveðjur - herzliche Grüsse

Hello everyone

Thank you very much @CamielC for your help. I can offer those for whom it still doesn’t work that I’ll give you a quick call tomorrow. Send me your number via private message and when it suits you best.

I’ll then call you and we’ll solve the problem.

Best regards


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Thanks for your suggestion. I’m currently in Tenerife and can only be reached via WhatsApp on my iPhone. But I don’t know how I can make calls with it and install the app at the same time. As far as I know, I’m not making a mistake, I simply can’t end up on the Microsoft Azure page because I’m immediately redirected to the “normal” Microsoft page. I could also make calls via VPN via Home App, but I only have a cell phone… Maybe you can find a way for such difficult undertakings. 😉 There would still be the option of making phone calls with my wife’s iPhone, but I’d rather not do that…😂

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hahaha you take the complexity to the next level! 🤣
Do you have Zoom? We could do screen sharing here. Just start WhatsApp and then we’ll see. Inshalle it works! 😉

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I have another suggestion:

  • Show the locations and opening times with a native map, compare with Snap Map.
  • Design is still a bit incontinent: tiles on the home page have a frame radius and the others in the detailed view of the subscription do not.
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Kærar kveðjur - herzliche Grüsse