WiFi repeater freezes or reception worse

I have had the Swisscom repeater for several months ([https://www.swisscom.ch/de/privatkunden/hilfe/geraet/heimvernetzung/wlan-repeater.html](https://www.swisscom.ch/de/ private customers/help/geraet/heimvernetzung/wlan-repeater.html)) in use. So far it has always been running at 5Ghz without any problems.

Suddenly the device said goodbye and just flashed red, meaning it no longer had reception. Restarting several times, including from the base station, didn’t help. So I reset the repeater and reconnected it. Although the repeater was 1m next to the base station, it lost the connection again after about 1 hour. A restart helped briefly, but the repeater only runs at 2.4Ghz.

Nothing was changed in the apartment. Why the drop in performance? Defective, should I send it back (guarantee)?

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… and now the WiFi repeater is missing from the device list. As if by magic he is gone…? And that even though it still lights up green and I also use WiFi through it?

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