
There is probably no such thing as the perfect photo. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. However, there are certain principles that you can follow. These 10 tips will show you how to take fantastic photos.

  1. Take several photos

    It is helpful to take a whole series of photos, particularly for group shots. If you have lots of photos to choose from, you can weed out those with closed eyes or funny expressions and simply delete the ones you don’t need.

  2. Move closer rather than zooming-in

    Zooming-in can degrade image quality. Use your legs instead of the zoom to get closer to the subject. You can also set the best resolution (‘High Efficiency’) for your photos in Settings > Camera > Format.

  3. Adjust the exposure

    When the lighting conditions are challenging, such as at night time, you need to tell the camera what to focus on. Click the area in question on the screen and use the slider to set the light sensitivity of the photo.

  4. Make deliberate choices about the composition of the picture

    The composition of a picture is almost as important as its resolution. The ‘golden ratio’ is a way of dividing up your image that is thought to be particularly harmonious. A grid will help you to arrange your composition (Settings > Camera > Grid).

  5. Play with the perspective

    You can change the focus of your picture depending on the angle used to take the photo. If you want to make something seem powerful, then take the photo from below (frog perspective). If you want your subject to appear small, take the photo from above (bird’s eye view). You should ideally take portraits at eye level.

  6. Use the side button to take your photos

    As well as regulating the volume, the button on the side of your mobile can also be used to take photos. Depending on the positioning of your phone, this can be easier than tapping the button on the screen.

  7. Clean the lens

    If the photos are suddenly blurry and the colours strangely opaque, a dirty camera lens may be to blame. Adjusting your settings won’t make any difference – just give it a good clean!

  8. Avoid using the flash

    The flash is a useful tool if you’re looking for something in the dark – but not for high-quality photos. The glaring light does nothing for the aesthetics of your pictures and red eyes are inevitable. Try to have the light source behind you so that your subject is ideally lit. 

  9. Share photos using AirDrop

    To preserve the quality of your image, don’t send your photos via WhatsApp or Snapchat if possible. Instead, use myCloud TransferWeTransfer or AirDrop.

  10. Choose the right lens

    If your smartphone has different camera lenses, you will see this on the screen above the release button. Using the appropriate lens will enable you to frame the subject more effectively. For example, use the wide-angle lens for photos of large groups. 

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Black Mamba
Super User

thanks @NicolasW & @ThomasS  


the advice provided is practical, simple and very useful 😀👍