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  • I have followed the instructions written on https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/Router-Hardware/IB-with-USG-Unifi-Security-Gateway/td-p/626803

    1. Put IB on, network mask Set DHCP range in IB to

    2. Add static DHCP route for USG in IB configuration, give it

    3. Factory reset USG, connect to IB 1 gbps LAN port

    4. Put USG in DMZ in IB config

    5. Restart AP, adopt USG

    But on my UNIX system Unify application does not detect USG.

    So maybe there are some alternatives for setting up a VLAN with IB3.

  • Virtual LAN Vlan


    how can I create VLAN - virtual LAN sub networks within LAN to isolate traffic generated by IoT devices. Would you recommend some proven solutions that work with IB3 and WLAN Boxes.

    I’ve tried to connect Unifi Security Gateway enbaling DMZ on Internet Box 3 but Unifi Controller is not able to detect USG router.

    Thank you.