One Connect Box

  • Good evening,

    With the Swisscom offer (Samsung TV), you need to buy a One Contect Box. However, I can’t find this device anywhere in the Swisscom shop. Can’t this television work with Box 5? If so, where can I buy the One Connect Box and how much does it cost? Is this a reliable system?
    Thank you for your help.
    (I’m still hesitating to buy this TV set for around 700 francs instead of 1800! It seems too good an offer!)

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    • Freimmientis36

      Hurry up and get it if you want to change your TV set. For the price, the same model is on special offer in other stores from CHF 1099 instead of CHF 1499. Samsung is a really good brand; personally, I’ve been using this brand for years, and my first TV from 2012 still works perfectly, in a parents’ bedroom.


    Where does it say you need to buy a One Connect Box? You won’t find this part on sale, as it is supplied as standard with the TV. All Samsung flat screen TVs come with this part. As for the promotional price for Swisscom customers, it’s perfectly fair, without any abuse on the part of the blue giant.


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      Thanks for your reply.
      Oops! oops! oops! I’ve just checked… and the box does come with the TV!
      Reading the German offer too quickly made me confuse One with “ohne”!
      You’ve got to do it!

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      • Doremi has responded to this post.


        No. I’m not talking about abuse, not at all.
        I simply find such a price difference hard to understand! Or Swisscom is really
        really spoils us. For such a low price compared to the list price, you wonder whether it’s a case of end of series or devices with slight defects, I don’t know.
        In short, the question is: should I really change my Philips appliance, which dates from 2012, or should I wait?
        I’m having trouble making up my mind!

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        Hurry up and get it if you want to change your TV set. For the price, the same model is on special offer in other stores from CHF 1099 instead of CHF 1499. Samsung is a really good brand; personally, I’ve been using this brand for years, and my first TV from 2012 still works perfectly, in a parents’ bedroom.

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