charlie2 check your monitor model on the net to see if there is PWM flickering (especially at low frequencies). And consider buying an IPS 4K monitor e.g. from LG (only 200.-) with 400cd brightness. Since I bought 4K monitors, I’ve never had any more problems. But for everyone, it can either be the resolution (because it’s too close to the monitor), the wrong screen technology or the PWM flickering that causes headaches.
Sooner or later the copper network will be switched off. Germany and the other countries around us are planning to do the same.
It’s not worth running every house on glass and copper. You have double the costs for maintenance and and and….
At some point there will be no more replacement hardware in the copper sector or it will become unaffordable. The same was the case with the old analogue central office. First it was switched off and then at some point the control centres were cleared out.
If, for example, an entire neighbourhood, every house, every flat is shot with glass, the basic supply is ensured there again.
And then the copper is turned off there and then built back.
But that won’t happen overnight.
Greetings Lorenz