Locked display (Smartphone Samsung Galaxy

  • SIM card: Where can I find the unlock PIN?

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    • Plachestio98 and WalterB have responded to this post.
    • POGO 1104

      Thank you very much for the effort. Swisscom is no help (already visited several shops).

      They’d rather just sell!

      This concludes my call for help to the Swisscom community.

      A big thank you to everyone for their help!

      In your MySwisscom customer centre:

      But in the title you write about the locked display (screen lock) - this is something else and has nothing to do with SIM unlocking

      Show original language (German)
      changed by POGO 1104

      ….keep on rockin' 🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼


      Yes, I have a display lock! The only thing that is displayed to me is the PIN entry (numeric field only) in all variants. From PIN to SIM card, PIN to SIM 2 (?) and unlock PIN to SIM card! In addition, the confirmation button is also inactive!

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        I can’t really make sense of your request, I’ll give it a try….

        If you have set a PIN but no password (with numbers and letters) for the screen lock, it is normal that it only shows you the numbers and says “Enter PIN”… Then type in your PIN and press OK. As long as you don’t enter anything, the confirmation button is also inactive. Or do you not remember your PIN?

        This personal PIN code or password cannot be displayed anywhere. If you have forgotten it, further steps are necessary either via Google account or Samsung account. If you can’t remember this either, the only thing that helps is a factory reset with complete data loss.

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        changed by Samsi

        POGO 1104

        I already did it a long time ago! The answer was that the lock would only work with complete data loss. I don’t accept that, because there is GUARANTEEDLY a solution to prevent this with a special code!

        You don’t know where I can find the SIM card PIN to unlock my SIM card either?

        In any case, thank you very much for your help.

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          Where can I find the SIM card PIN to unlock my SIM card?

          I’ve already written above where you can find the SIM unlock code!


          And again:
          You seem to have a salad between display lock and SIM lock - they are 2 different things.
          Unfortunately, you can’t find out exactly which one you mean - you write about both in a mixed-up way….

          Show original language (German)
          changed by POGO 1104

          ….keep on rockin' 🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼


            If you do not remember the SIM card PIN, please enter the code 3 times incorrectly to block the card. It can be unlocked again with the PUK code. The PUK can be viewed in the customer centre. The hotline can also help.

            But as mentioned, you are now talking about the SIM PIN and above the device (unlocking) PIN? That’s not the same thing. If you no longer know the device PIN, you have to make detours via the Google account or Samsung account. If you don’t know this data either, the only option is a factory reset. There is no trick to unlock the device somehow. Hopefully not. After all, that’s the whole point of a lock to prevent unauthorised access.

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            changed by Samsi


            In the first post you said no to the Puk of the sim card and now suddenly yes, why you open a second post is not quite clear to me either. In any case, you can find the Puk in your own customer centre. But as already mentioned, it’s best to go to a Swisscom shop.


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            Installationen, Netzwerk, Internet, Computertechnik, OS Windows, Apple und Linux.

            Plachestio98 And the whole mess was caused by an official form of the Swiss Confederation!!!

            No but definitely not!

            If at all if you have caught malware. But it’s only possible if you actively install apps outside the Google Play Store from dubious sites (blocked by default anyway). Otherwise it’s hardly possible. And a SIM card is not suddenly blocked like this. Sorry, but you’re simply doing something wrong. Please get someone to help you or take the device to a Swisscom shop. They can also help or advise you.

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            changed by Samsi


            **It’s not me (the salad).

            You say so…..

            As already written here several times - without being able to look at the display in front of your device and see what is happening, it is almost impossible to help from here.
            Get external help from a trusted person or go to a Swisscom - or a reputable mobile phone shop

            I have finished here.

            Show original language (German)
            changed by POGO 1104

            ….keep on rockin' 🤘🏼🤘🏼🤘🏼

              POGO 1104

              Thank you very much for the effort. Swisscom is no help (already visited several shops).

              They’d rather just sell!

              This concludes my call for help to the Swisscom community.

              A big thank you to everyone for their help!

              Show original language (German)