connexion box tv

In your home too, the TV box crashes when you turn on the TV? since swisscomm got involved with his friend Gogol it’s been a real disaster! sloution we watch TV on a smartphone…. pitiful!

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@Jielleivau90 wrote:

In your home too, the TV box crashes when you turn on the TV? since swisscomm got involved with his friend Gogol it’s been a real disaster! sloution we watch TV on a smartphone…. pitiful!

Hello Jielleivau90

When turned on, the TV crashes. Could you give us more details on what exactly is happening? Please provide us with these details.


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It’s running, loading information in progress…. and it’s running, it’s running and it NEVER starts! I turn off everything, check all the connections (it’s not Wi-Fi since the rest is connected) we start again and repeat. It lasted 3 days, my husband spent more than an hour to find a solution (calling swisscomm after 8 p.m. is useless, I was put on hold twice, more than 20 minutes without anyone answering me! !!) and oh miracle!!! it’s good, ok, but last night… again! it is since swisscomm made its famous partnership with Gogol.

I think we’ll give Zatoo TV a try… cheaper too! what are we risking!!!

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Thanks for the feedback

This problem only occurs when you unplug the 220 volt plug. This poses a problem, because the TV Box must then search for network information and perform an update, which can take between 2 and 5 minutes maximum. It is therefore essential to put your TV Box on standby using the Swisscom remote control. When turned back on with the remote control, the délai is reduced to approximately 3 seconds.

Cordialement Doremi

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Yes then, BEFORE, before gogol it worked very very well! shows that sometimes the technological “advances” that we are forced to accept are rubbish! when we know that the devices in standby are programmed to fail within a given period of time (planned obscolesence) it’s a never-ending story of which we are the pigeons!!! End of story… it pisses me off!

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Hello and welcome to the Community 🙂

We are customers, just like you, and we can help with concrete problems.

Regarding the disruptions that were announced at the beginning:

- In your home too, the TV box crashes when you turn on the TV?

Explanations have been given to resolve this or else?

Otherwise take time to read this section it will undoubtedly help to calm the mind

TV update to Android 12 – Help | Swisscom

- since Swisscom took over its friend Google, it’s been a real disaster!

Please describe the “real disaster” in more detail, we would be happy to provide useful assistance

- solution we watch TV on a smartphone…. pitiful!

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We are happy to contribute to your peace of mind to watch blue TV 🙏

Have a good end of the day

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