Mail account still shows full

  • Hello, can someone help me? It was displayed to me that my mailbox is full, now I have deleted a lot of messages, but suddenly it shows that 1 out of 1 GB is full. I can’t write messages anymore. I tried restarting, even shutting down the laptop, new login… but nothing helps. Does anyone know what else I can do?

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    • Stephan_76 has responded to this post.
    • Important, remember that archived messages also take up memory. Just as @WABU wrote, sent emails also take up memory.

      So be sure to look through all folders.

      Yes, trash too. Even my archive. I first moved the emails to an archive so I still had some storage space. But after moving it, it suddenly said it was full and I couldn’t get rid of this status. I have to write an email but a message keeps popping up saying that I can’t because I don’t have any more space.

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      @Stephan_76 wrote:

      Hello @Daupriebing97

      Did you also empty the trash?

      And also the ones sent.

      If you want to keep the email, you can install Thunderbird then create local folders there and move the email into it, thus relieving the load on WEB email.

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      @Daupriebing97 wrote:

      I checked and emptied all folders. That’s not where the error lies. But thanks for the effort.

      Experience has shown that with Bluewin this can take up to a day until the mail storage actually becomes available again.

      So just wait and see and don’t use a Bluewin email address for important things anyway 🙂

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