Good day
I don’t know what it’s like at Swisscom. But in Telekom Deutschland’s network construction podcast, as an example, it was mentioned that new antennas are only integrated into the network on 3 or 4 fixed days a year, since when an antenna is put into operation there are always adjustments to the surrounding antennas, since they are have to work together.
It may well be that the antenna has been technically and mechanically ready for a long time, but has not yet been integrated into the network.
Incomprehensible for impatient customers, but probably necessary in order not to lose track.
Hello everyone @Wiheupau19
The antenna was put into operation, I saw the technician at the headquarters where the signal was coming from and he told me that they had just put the antenna into operation.
Greetings Lorenz
Yes, indeed! I finally have full reception in Eichberg. But to be honest, I’m a bit - actually quite - disappointed.
I was expecting a lot more speed via 5G (tested several times on/at different days/times of day, always about the same; directly at the mast, clear view of the transmitter modules, perhaps around 50m distance as the crow flies).
My subscription allows up to 2Gbit, for example in Oberriet (Swisscom mast near Coop/Piazza) I can achieve a good 1.2Gbit down.
Installationen, Netzwerk, Internet, Computertechnik, OS Windows, Apple und Linux.
Well, I would be happy for now. Why do you always complain? I mean, before you had hardly any reception and now you had full signal strength. The speed test values aren’t that bad either. I’ve seen much worse. You also have to see, I rarely have more than 1Gbit’s and seriously, people, for what???
It may also be that the fiber optic connection of this antenna is not yet ready and therefore you cannot yet benefit from the increased speed.
I observed a similar thing in Biglen / BE shortly after commissioning, although there was a 4/4 bar signal but not yet the usual 5G speed.
A few weeks later the turbo was fired and you get >1GBit/s download.
In the beginning, the fiber optic cable may not have been spliced and the system ran over a copper line.
According to OFCOM, the system in Eichberg does not have any adaptive antennas. The location data sheet also comes from a time when the band n78 frequencies had not yet been auctioned -> The band n78 is not approved at this location. (5G band n78 = 5G+ in Swisscom jargon = the fast 5G)
With the speed test we can come to the conclusion that no n78 antennas were installed here. The speed remains at LTE level, no matter what the status bar shows.
Most likely you are using 5G band n1 in DSS mode (5G in Swisscom jargon, 4G and 5G share the bandwidth). Do a speed test with 4G and 5G. The values will be very similar.
At Swisscom, n1 runs at 20MHz, although they could also run it at 30MHz. So you have no bandwidth advantages over LTE Band 1. (LTE supports a maximum of 20MHz bandwidth, 5G up to 100MHz)
Can you post a picture of the antenna?
Hi Walter,
this photo is just a screenshot from my phone. I was in my apartment and had the WiFi turned on. I probably won’t have WiFi on the roof since my apartment is on the ground floor in this apartment building.
Yesterday I tested the speed test once with and once without WiFi. Without WiFi I had 213 Mb/s and with WiFi I had 320Mb/s. And without WiFi I had 4 or even 5 bars. - That was never the case before the antenna. lg
After all, Swisscom is the only provider that has an antenna in this location.
Ok, the speed isn’t exactly a hit, but with other providers you probably wouldn’t have a better reception there.
I’m plagued with Sunrise for business, so I have to be lucky if I have any network at all, usually it’s barely more than 25 Mbit/s, regardless of whether it’s 4G or 5G.
With Swisscom, 4G is usually faster, but with 5G it really takes off.