However, we are specifically discussing the topic of Swisscom TV boxes here, and what you should avoid is this:
Hobby-Nerd ohne wirtschaftliche Abhängigkeiten zur Swisscom
Ich bin ein als Privatkunde getarnter Swisscom-Mitarbeiter im Bereich Service Continuity.
_In my experience, if you disconnect the box from the power rail using a toggle switch to save energy when it is not in use, you will have to wait much longer during a cold start than before, that is normal.
That is actually the case. I control my TV and the box via a MyStrom switch and with Apple HomePod mini. The cold start takes over a minute - a few seconds in standby mode.
So I leave the TV box in standby mode and just connect the TV to the MyStrom switch.
Greetings wändi
There is nothing about sound problems in the problem solving post.
Since the update, the surround sound no longer works as desired.
The TV BOX is connected to a Denon receiver with Dolby Atmos boxes. Only the front left and front right arrive on the receiver as input signals (see comparison below)
The surround sound is much quieter than before and you have to turn it up very loud, especially for series and films. The behavior can also be traced in the Sky and Netflix apps.
A PlayStation 5 Pro and an X-BOX are also connected to the same receiver, both of which correctly transmit the sound at the appropriate volume. Here too, Sky, Netflix,… behaves normally at the usual volume with Dolby Atmos (input signal can be viewed on the receiver).
TV BOX has already been reset.
Hello everyone
I think Swisscom is good. Even if sometimes things that aren’t true are written, like when you want to punch in your last Gsndy and then receive a report that pushes the price.
But what I don’t understand is that after the update so many people have problems with their Xernseer, be it image or sound. And you almost always have to give the brand and what do I know?
It really shouldn’t matter which brand of Midell you own. Either the Swisscom Bix works after the update, or; sorry Swisscom, you have done something that is not necessary, if I may say so, nonsense.
Hello @vinci66
The new TV boxes are tested very intensively before they are released. Be it internal or external.
But in Switzerland there are x - thousand TV models.
Each TV model also has different software, some make firmware updates and others don’t.
It is also impossible to have all AV receivers.
As testers, we notice many errors and can also report these errors to Swisscom.
That’s why we always ask about the TV model and the AV receiver. Maybe we can give you a tip.
Greetings Lorenz
@vinci66 wrote: What I don’t understand is that after the update so many people have problems with their Xernseer, be it image or sound. And you almost always have to give the brand and what do I know?
It really shouldn’t matter which brand of Midell you own
From years of experience in testing and supporting multiple TV boxes: If only it were that easy.
With countless combinations of STBs, TVs and amplifiers, with each manufacturer cooking their own soup, it is absolutely impossible that it “doesn’t matter”. In addition, precise information can be used to narrow things down much more quickly. Internal testing can only be done if we have all the information (before/after, what changed and the details of all devices involved).
By the way: given the number of customers that Swisscom has, the number of those with problems is relatively small. Of course, here you only read the problems. Like in every forum. Nobody says “Hey, my Netflix works, the remote control switches the TV on and off, everything’s great”…
Greetings Stefan
Ich bin ein als Privatkunde getarnter Swisscom-Mitarbeiter im Bereich Service Continuity.
Hello @StefanSch
Can you possibly help me, I had problems with the television several times before the TV system was changed and when I called they couldn’t find a problem and now after the change the same problem occurs again when switching on the TV with the Swisscom remote control . Last night I didn’t have the opportunity to use the television. First of all, when I opened My Swisscom in the morning, I only had a white screen for a long time until I got help here in the forum and was able to do my emails.
Last night I had my cell phone nearby and took some pictures, maybe you can find a clue or other colleagues.
Hello @vinci66
The startup time from deep standby is longer with the new Android. Here the customer has to decide what is more important to him: a quick start-up time or lower power consumption.
If you want the box to be ready almost immediately after switching it on, you would have to activate sleep mode. By default, energy saving mode is active:
1. Press Home on the remote control
2. Click on the Navigate gear at the top left and press OK
3. Navigate to the top of TV Box and press OK
4. Select Energy Save at the bottom and press OK
5. Select sleep mode at the top and press OK
6. Select the Sleep Mods (Recommended) box and activate it with the OK button.
7. Select Save at the bottom and save with the OK button.
Now it should be massively faster when you turn it on.
This is what it would look like:
I calculated it for myself. With 19 hours of standby time, that’s about one coffee a year for me. Or about 5.- per year.
What kind of change?
Your IP1400, which is already slightly “gray” (according to the picture), is not affected by any change.
Only the newer IP1800 and IP2000 get an update….
Tip on an HDMI problem on your Philips TV, which is already slightly “gray”.
I remember reading about HDMI issues with older Philips TVs here in the past…
….keep on rockin'
Hello everyone
the update on our IP2000 worked without any problems. Have no sound and picture failure.
There is a normal Samsung TV UE49MU7000TXZG attached to the IP 2000 and it is a few years old.
Didn’t have to change anything or anything. No reset of the box either. Remote control works as before.
Thank you all very much for the very useful tips!
Thanks for your answer, I set the setting according to the picture from @Stephan_76, the economy mode was ticked and I have now disconnected the devices, the television is switched off on its own.
@POGO 1104 I replaced the HDMI cable on the advice of the television specialist because that can also cause problems, the old one was included with the television and now I have the latest generation.
Then the Swisscom’s sound output is about 10 dB louder. However, it is not useful for me if my AV receiver and my Dolby Atmos boxes continue to output Atmos sound or Dolby Surround correctly on the Playstation 5 or XBOX without any problems, but I have noticed different volume levels on the Swisscom Box since the update. Netflix only outputs stereo sound in the menu via PCM and it is extremely loud when I had previously watched a film with the surround settings.
I have now documented the Google sound settings in the extended menu in detail for the Swisscom ladies and gentlemen and the corresponding behavior when viewing a film (volume, input source(s),…)
There have been errors several times after Android updates on various TV manufacturers in connection with Chromecast. Since the update, my girlfriend also has to restart Netflix very often because the app causes an error.
With the old Swisscom OS there was still the setting to automatically adjust the sound (exactly for volume changes between films/series and advertising)
So as SnoopDog would say “Yo Swisscom, get your sh$t fixed”
I find the migration to this old AndroidTV horrible. The much longer restart and what feels like constant updates are annoying. This is more of a significant downgrade. Sorry, but I’ve rarely seen such a failed update. A clear step back from a usability perspective. I don’t need or want Android and its apps.
I disconnect the TV-Box from electricity after use to save money. The thing simply consumes too much, even in standby or sleep mode. Extrapolated to Switzerland, that’s a lot of kWh. With this kind of hardware, they are not as ecological as Swisscom claims to be.
But now to my problem: If I want to use energy saving mode and select “Energy saving” in the settings that the box should go into energy saving mode when idle, I can no longer start it with my Logitech Harmony remote control. as soon as it is in energy saving mode. Then I have to use the white Swisscom remote. What endless nonsense! Does anyone have the same experience and a tip? Can you really only wake up the box from energy saving mode using the Swisscom Remote?