@philipp_BREM0_1 wrote:
[…] Of course I understand Swisscom’s corporate goals. But do you have to lie to Wingo customers? I think that’s not appropriate.
Which statement makes you feel lied to?
Have you tried turning it off and on again?
@philipp_BREM0_1 wrote:
[…] Of course I understand Swisscom’s corporate goals. But do you have to lie to Wingo customers? I think that’s not appropriate.
Which statement makes you feel lied to?
Have you tried turning it off and on again?
I asked Wingo and Swisscom whether the bandwidth of my 5G Wingo subscription is reduced more during peak times (from 100 to less than 10 Mbps) than for 5G Swisscom customers. Both companies have said that such prioritization will not be done for 5G subscriptions.
However, I was able to measure clear differences on my own iPhone with a dual SIM card from both providers at the same time: Swisscom prepaid data flat option had 5x higher bandwidth than the 5G Wingo subscription.
The mobile network is a shared medium and is simply not designed to provide everyone with several 100 Mbit/s of bandwidth at peak times. Swisscom will certainly not provide additional services like those at the Zurich Festival for spoiled Zugers with a holiday home and a cheap mobile phone subscription. You learn to save with the rich! Holiday home, pay practically no taxes in the Zug oasis and then have the highest standards for mobile communications at a low price. 😂 It’s not for nothing that Swisscom is investing billions in expanding fiber optics into the home. It doesn’t even have to have much to do with prioritization, but simply with fluctuations in workload. For a statistically meaningful test, you would have to measure for several days.
I also wonder why you pay 3x more at Wingo than at Lebara? I pay exactly 25.95 Fr./month for Wingo Swiss Pro with 5G option. Wingo constantly has promotions that existing customers can also switch to using a promo code. I wouldn’t even be a freebie on Sunrise’s miserable network, and I certainly wouldn’t be deprioritized by the low-cost provider.
What is Wingo for? This brand is intended for price-sensitive customers so that they do not migrate to other providers and ultimately still stay with Swisscom. Well, Wingo is cheap with a few drawbacks. It is clear that Swisscom certainly does not aim to have many of its own customers switch to Wingo. The goal is to win customers from other providers, if not directly to Swisscom, then at least to Wingo.
At the same time, data consumption via the mobile network continues to rise unabated. A lot more antennas would be needed, but I think everyone knows how difficult that is. As soon as you want to build a new antenna, there is a hail of objections. Many are likely to be approved sooner or later, but objections can delay this for years. Well, everyone wants a cell phone and a good network, antenna no thanks.
The bottom line is that Swisscom in particular operates an excellent mobile network. It’s one of the best ever. The tests also show this. I personally see that many people with other providers are significantly less satisfied with mobile communications.
I think this is getting ridiculous here. This is not about Mr. Äschlimann’s salary. Everyone here can and should criticize. We super users do that too, even in the non-public forum here. But I think it’s simply wrong to criticize with false facts without knowing anything about it. But if we want to talk about raw numbers. Swisscom invests around 1.6 billion francs in the network and expansion every year. More than anyone else. Just on the sidelines. It’s a complete joke to accuse Swisscom of doing too little on the internet. Swisscom, of all companies. Why is Swisscom the test winner in the Connect network test, even in comparison with other countries? Is this the result of a lack of development in your network?
@philipp_BREM0_1 wrote:
[…] Both companies have said that such prioritization will not be done for 5G subscriptions.[…]
OK, I agree with you on this one point. If Swisscom and Wingo were to clearly deny prioritization, but this could be clearly proven, then that would be a lie and not okay.
The two problems I see there: Firstly, as far as I know, neither Swisscom nor Wingo has ever made a public statement of this kind, and secondly, the proof that prioritization is actually being made would have to be on a more solid basis than is currently the case . If the matter is of such great importance, it would at best be something for consumer protection.
As written, I don’t really care. I would even welcome prioritization in this case, because that way the speed test fetishists would cross-subsidize my subscription a little. Only a conscious denial would be wrong.
Have you tried turning it off and on again?
@philipp_BREM0_1 wrote:
I find it exciting that you are so committed to Swisscom for a sandwich in this forum. They make more than a billion CHF in profit. The network could still be optimized a lot if the money were invested instead of paying the Swisscom CEO a salary of 1.8 million. He can afford several holiday homes.
As a Zuger, you should be able to read annual reports and analyst presentations:
@philipp_BREM0_1 wrote:
I asked Wingo and Swisscom whether the bandwidth of my 5G Wingo subscription is reduced more during peak times (from 100 to less than 10 Mbps) than for 5G Swisscom customers. Both companies have said that such prioritization will not be done for 5G subscriptions.
But I was able to measure clear differences on my own iPhone with a dual SIM card from both providers at the same time: Swisscom prepaid data flat option had 5x higher bandwidth than the 5G Wingo subscription.
contact both of them in writing (registered mail) and confront them both with your test results and your accusation that they are lying to you.
If you receive conclusive answers, please get in touch here again. Until you’ve done that, it actually stays the way @Samsi writes…
There is no such thing as a false fact. Either it is false or a fact. My bandwidth measurements were over several hours and several days in multiple locations with identical software/hardware/location. So far I have not received any counter-evidence of my measurements from Swisscom. I strongly suspect that I have hit a sore spot with my measurements and therefore my inquiries are not being answered in a qualified manner. However, I find it ridiculous when, as a Zug holiday home owner, I am accused in this forum of not having the right to compare prices and services. In my opinion, Swisscom’s 5G pricing and product policy is dishonest. I would not advocate for this Konzern in this forum.
@philipp_BREM0_1 wrote:
I already wrote a letter and they said you never received a letter. I’ll end this here now.
Enrolled? If not, “rookie mistake.” You ALWAYS do something like that while registered. Then this excuse doesn’t apply…
Without statistically meaningful data and series of measurements, it won’t work anyway. I now compared Wingo (with 5G option) and Swisscom (In One SME Mobile Go) on my iPhone 14 Pro Max from the sofa: it simply fluctuates significantly between 50 - 300 Mbit/s from measurement to measurement for both providers. If you really want to be smart, I recommend an identical measurement setup: 2× 5G routers, 2x identical computers with exactly the same drivers, settings, Windows build, etc. and CNLAB Speedtest, but triggered so that only one measures at a time. Then you diligently take series of measurements over several days. Afterwards we’ll continue to talk about Zug cherry cakes 🍒🍰
It’s like @PowerMac said… There is no official statement, neither from Swisscom nor from Wingo. I have never read anything official about deprioritization from other providers either. Even if something like that is completely understandable and actually logical given the low price at Wingo. Yes, there have already been 1-2 statements here in the forum regarding this topic, but the argument doesn’t work, answered by some employee who is probably still in a call center in Portugal or something similar. An official statement is needed and this is missing from all providers! That’s a fact! And as an individual small customer it is very difficult or even impossible to prove something like this professionally with cell phones and speed tests.
None of us here know whether Swisscom is deprioritizing your brands.
But this is already possible.
Other brands sometimes do this with their brands, which I have heard personally.
But I can tell you that deprioritization with Wingo etc. will not have an extreme impact on your usage experience on the smartphone etc., so that the connection would really become unusable, since the Swisscom network compared to the other competitors:
A: Almost all antenna locations in Switzerland are connected multiple times via fiber, whereas the other two competitors often connect via directional radio.
B: Swisscom has significantly more antenna locations throughout Switzerland than its competitors have.
_________________________ _______
This means that in the Swisscom network there is hardly ever a point where the network would really come to a complete stop. And where a capacity bottleneck could occur, Swisscom often ensures that you set up temporary mobile antenna locations, for example, in order to avoid a bottleneck. This, for example, on larger occasions etc.
Swisscom also has indoor coverage in many buildings. Firstly, reception is greatly improved and the signal from outside and its antenna, if present, are relieved.
If a situation were to arise where the network or an antenna were really in a bottleneck, Swisscom could theoretically deprioritize Wingo and your other brands.
But that would be a slightly different reduction in performance than you would feel with Lebera or Yallo on the Sunrise network, for example.
An example.
A Sunrise antenna is massively overloaded via LTE.
In the worst case scenario, it is still connected via radio link and only sends out LTE800-only.
Even normal customers only get a few megabits of data speed.
Sunrise’s secondary brands and brands, if they were deprioritized, would receive even less speed. Thanks to deprioritization, internet access is sometimes less than one megabit.
In the Swisscom network, a scenario like this one occurs much less often, for the capacity reasons I mentioned above.
This means that if Swisscom were to actually de-prioritize your brands, a fairly acceptable and usable connection would still be possible for most usage scenarios.
I don’t want to say that the Sunrise or Salt network is consistently bad, there are also places where Salt or Sunrise performs best.
Seen across the board, the really extremely good speed values and network stability are what are most common with Swisscom.
What do I mean by this:
If you are not satisfied with Wingo because you might be deprioritized but don’t know whether it will actually be done, I would recommend a Blue subscription directly from Swisscom, which of course costs significantly more than a Wingo subscription.
You could also try another network provider to see if it can provide better speed values. Or, if possible, have a landline installed with all kinds of connection options.
But at the same time I think you can definitely live with your measured 10Mbits, especially when using a smartphone. And at most locations in Switzerland, Wingo almost always has much higher values.
In my opinion, even after many years, I have never experienced a really negative speed value with a Wingo mobile subscription. Neither in cities, aglos, buildings, nor in the countryside.
In any case, I think the price/performance ratio of Wingo is unbeatable.
LG Funkfuchs🦊
You probably mean deprioritize - as in many other places in your text
@funkfuchs wrote:
A Sunrise or Salt antenna is massively overloaded.
Even normal customers only get a few kilobits of data speed.
Such an antenna case occurs much more often than with Swisscom, based on the capacity reasons I described above.
So with a low-cost provider on the Saltnetz or Sunrise network you no longer have any speed at all, and you are down-prioritized much earlier.🦊
Nana, experience has shown that the competitors are definitely not as bad as it is portrayed here, they are also at a pretty high level…
….keep on rockin'
But that doesn’t mean that Sunrise doesn’t have that too. There, too, you will not find any information regarding a possible deprioritization of MVNO providers. Only when it comes to the fair use policy does Sunrise say that they de-prioritize their own customers, even with expensive mobile subscriptions with consumption of around 100GB per month. From 500GB onwards, there is further deprioritization, and they also expressly reserve the right to take further control measures 😃 They are transparent on this point.