Samsung remote control - recordings and hbbTV questions

I have my Swisscom Box via HDMI on my Samsung TV and can access the Samsung menu with the Samsung remote control (not via Swisscom Box/remote control) and from there view my Swisscom channels as well as the TV Guide. There are also the options “Record” and “Record” but these do not work.

I can click on “Record” and the message appears that the recording has started. But I can’t find the recording in the Samsung “Recordings” menu or in the Swisscom TV Box "Recordings.

And when I click on “Recordings” in the Samsung menu, I get the message that “HBBTv is not available”. However, I have now found out that HBBTV is only offered to a limited extent, i.e. when I click on “Recordings” on SRF1, the error message does not appear, but there is also no menu where I could see the recordings.

Does anyone know if you can activate this so that you can record via the Samsung menu and also view the recordings?

[Post separated by moderation from HbbTV – der moderne Teletext.]

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Hello @Dolce83

I’m afraid that Samsung FB is transmitting something incorrectly. As a test, start a recording via the FB of Swisscom Box. I’m sure it will work then. And the recording can also be found on Swisscom Box. Unless of course you have a subscription without a recording function.

You definitely cannot record hbbTV.

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Hello @Stephan_76 thank you for the answer.

My setup: Swisscom tv box with HDMI > HUE HDMI Sync Box with HDMI > Samsung TV.

I have to correct the following: when I clicked on “record” via the Samsung FB / Hub menu, the program was in the recordings within e.g. Blue TV app available. So the recording function seems to work via the Samsung FB. However, I cannot view the recording list when I select the menu item via the Samsung menu/hub. How can I view the recordings via the Samsung menu?
My expectation would be that I would be taken to the recording list, which I can also see if I selected “Recordings” via the Swisscom box/FB.

Hope you understand what I mean by “Samsung Menu”. see here: [samsung tv menu – Google Search]( ahUKEwjtwenjtMf-AhUdgf0HHZUgDWoQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1718&bih=1279&dpr=1#imgrc=bIibBqncjNvTiM)

In the menu selection below, according to the screenshot link, I have my HUE SYNC as a selection. When I select it, the “Recordings” and “Record” menus appear. The latter seems to work as I corrected above. But I can’t see the “Recordings” menu.

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@Dolce83 Aren’t you making a bit of a mess?

Everything you do within the blue TV app, including the recordings, is only visible there and not somewhere in the recordings of the Samsung menu.

The TV Box from Swisscom always has advantages when it comes to operating blue TV. Therefore, if you already have a TV box, I would use this. You can also find recordings within the blue TV app on Samsung, but the ease of use is also limited there.

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So, I guess I didn’t describe it exactly. It would be easier to show. Is there a way to upload screenshots here? 🙂

But to your question: If I start a recording in the blue TV app then it is also available on my Swisscom TV Box and vice versa.

The Samsung menu accesses the Swisscom Box directly, but the menu navigation is different, i.e. that of Samsung.

This morning I started a recording via the Samsung menu and I now have this recording on my Blue TV app and also on my Swisscom Box.

What is not possible is to view my recordings via the Samsung menu as described.

Theoretically, the recordings from my Swisscom blue app/tv box should also be displayed in the Samsung menu because the recording seems to work. 🙂

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@Dolce83 wrote:

How can I view the recordings via the Samsung menu?
My expectation would be that I would be taken to the recording list, which I can also see if I selected “Recordings” via the Swisscom box/FB.

That doesn’t work. The recordings from the Swisscom Box are not saved on the Samsung TV, but in the Swisscom cloud

When Swisscom TV is running, press the Rec button on the remote control of Swisscom Box for about 2-3 seconds. Then you come to the recordings of Swisscom Box.

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Yes, it works with the REC button on the Swisscom FB. This isn’t the problem either.

But it’s strange that the recording works via the Samsung menu and is saved in the Swisscom cloud and is also available in the app and box, but accessing the recordings via the Samsung menu doesn’t work.. 😕

Too bad…

Then I would have been able to operate everything using just the Samsung FB/menu.

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I don’t know exactly what kind of TV you have. Does it have Android TV?

According to one user, the hotline told him that there would be a Blue app for Android TV from May 2nd. Then your problem might be solved with 2 FB.

It’s a shame that Logitech no longer produces remote controls, I always thought they were great. Press a button and the TV, the Swisscom Box and the soundbar switch on. The FB then knows exactly which button controls which device. I still have one myself and hope it lives for a long time.

Apparently there is a universal FB from Sofabaton, but I have no idea what use it is 🤷🏼‍

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@Stephan_76 that’s correct, my Samsung TV has Android and yes, the blue TV app is also available. Unfortunately the app doesn’t support recordings. I requested this via support. but well, then I know…

yes, it’s a shame, the logitech harmony is the best universal FB. You can still find some occasionally, it’s not cheap and therefore less often in demand… but I treat it like a raw egg 😄

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