Samsung remote control - recordings and hbbTV questions
I have my Swisscom Box via HDMI on my Samsung TV and can access the Samsung menu with the Samsung remote control (not via Swisscom Box/remote control) and from there view my Swisscom channels as well as the TV Guide. There are also the options “Record” and “Record” but these do not work.
I can click on “Record” and the message appears that the recording has started. But I can’t find the recording in the Samsung “Recordings” menu or in the Swisscom TV Box "Recordings.
And when I click on “Recordings” in the Samsung menu, I get the message that “HBBTv is not available”. However, I have now found out that HBBTV is only offered to a limited extent, i.e. when I click on “Recordings” on SRF1, the error message does not appear, but there is also no menu where I could see the recordings.
Does anyone know if you can activate this so that you can record via the Samsung menu and also view the recordings?
[Post separated by moderation from HbbTV – der moderne Teletext.]