HbbTV – the modern version of Teletext
With HbbTV and the red button on your blue TV remote control, you can access channel content from the Internet. Find out exactly what HbbTV is and what you can use it for.
HbbTV stands for Hybrid broadcast broadband TV and it connects your digital TV with the Internet. With the red button on your remote control, you can access additional channel content, such as sports results, competitions or polls. Each channel decides for itself which additional information it provides.
On which channels is HbbTV available?
On blue TV, HbbTV is currently available on 12 channels:
- SRF 1 HD, SRF zwei HD, SRF info HD
- RTS un HD, RTS deux HD
- Das Erste HD, ZDF HD
- Arte D HD
- ORF 1 HD, ORF 2 HD
Channels need to contact us proactively if they want us to broadcast the HbbTV signal. We will only activate the HbbTV service on a channel if the channels accept our content, advertising and user-tracking requirements.
How does it work?
If you are on an HbbTV-enabled channel, there will be an on-screen notification about additional content for the programme currently being broadcast. Press the red button at the bottom left of your remote control (not to be confused with the recording button) to access this channel content.
HbbTV is free for all blue TV customers and is only available on the TV-Box. HbbTV does not work on the blue TV app.
Deactivating HbbTV
If the programme notification displays on the bottom of your screen disturb your viewing or you want to protect yourself from any security vulnerabilities, you can disable HbbTV on your TV-Box:
- On the TV-Box, use the remote control to select ‘Home’.
- Open the settings via the cogwheel.
- Select ‘TV and radio’ > ‘Interactive TV’.
- Remove the tick next to ‘HbbTV activated’.