- Solutionselected by wolewo
[read here](https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/Internet-Allgemein/Kurze-ca-1-2-Sek-Unterbr%C3%BCche-beim-Online-spiele-mit-dem/m-p/ 740990#M67458). Might be interesting for you. Had the exact same issue with my kids.
The “prioritization for devices” on the IB3 never had this effect for me, i.e. did not bring any improvement.
Ps: the ping values that you achieve with speed tests do not necessarily have to be the same as on the game servers. And with “Bufferbloat” or the IB3 settings you only get the in-house management under control, but not what’s going on “outside”.
A bad ping doesn’t necessarily mean that the destination has a problem, as everything between the source and the destination is at issue.
In addition, a slow DNS would have little influence on the delay when gaming, because the DNS is only needed for address resolution and nothing more after that.
You should also not overestimate Ping, because on most devices this protocol (ICMP) has a low priority in processing.
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 1544, Received = 1544, Lost = 0
(0% loss),
Approximate times in milliseconds:
Minimum = 3ms, Maximum = 14ms, Average = 4ms
And this is measured on a normal copper connection in the network where TV, YouTube and several downloads/upgrades are running at the same time.