Suddenly high ping today

  • Hello everyone,

    My kids noticed today that the ping was suddenly over 150 ms. Of course, this isn’t ideal for gaming.

    Normally we have a ping of 5-10 ms.

    I’ve already restarted everything.

    Where could the problem lie?

    Thank you for your help.



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    Is the high ping only to the game server or also to other destinations on the Internet, e.g. to the IP

    How is the game console connected to the router, Gigabit Ethernet LAN or WLAN?

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    @hed so the gamer PCs are connected with cables via a Unifi switch.

    I have now restarted everything and now it shows me a better ping of 25 ms.

    Does that mean that when the kids are gaming, the ping goes up? Then the ping should also increase if both TVs are running.

    Or am I confusing something now?



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    It depends on how high the available bandwidth is. how busy your Anschluss is. For example, if your Anschluss delivers 500 Mbit/s, even 5 simultaneous UHD streams have no effect.

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    [read here]( 740990#M67458). Might be interesting for you. Had the exact same issue with my kids.

    The “prioritization for devices” on the IB3 never had this effect for me, i.e. did not bring any improvement.

    Ps: the ping values ​​that you achieve with speed tests do not necessarily have to be the same as on the game servers. And with “Bufferbloat” or the IB3 settings you only get the in-house management under control, but not what’s going on “outside”.

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    A bad ping doesn’t necessarily mean that the destination has a problem, as everything between the source and the destination is at issue.

    In addition, a slow DNS would have little influence on the delay when gaming, because the DNS is only needed for address resolution and nothing more after that.

    You should also not overestimate Ping, because on most devices this protocol (ICMP) has a low priority in processing.

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    The QoS only has an influence on the LAN and TV and VoIP have the highest priority anyway, which you cannot fade unless you reprioritize the packets with an additional L3 device.

    In the WAN, the priority is set by Swisscom and TV, VoIP and Mgmt are prioritized and everything else is BestEffort.

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    @wolewo what do the values ​​look like if you deactivate the “Smart Queues” settings on the UDM?

    And out of pure surprise: what firmware do you have on the UDM? Have you put the new 2 on it yet?

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    then it looks practically the same as mine 😉

    However, I cannot confirm the increased ping values ​​in the UDM dashboard; and are hidden behind

    Screenshot 2022-12-31 131308.jpg

    How do you run the UDM? As a DMZ device for the Internet box? Or with another router?

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    Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 1544, Received = 1544, Lost = 0
    (0% loss),
    Approximate times in milliseconds:
    Minimum = 3ms, Maximum = 14ms, Average = 4ms

    And this is measured on a normal copper connection in the network where TV, YouTube and several downloads/upgrades are running at the same time.

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    …measured 5 minutes ago. Certainly helpful, considering that @wolewo had the problem several hours ago. By the way, you can also see it in my picture.

    @wolewo I would now simply leave the settings for Smart Queues in the UDM and see whether the kids complain again about increased ping values.

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