Protecting children on the internet
The internet poses a significant challenge for parents. The older the children, the more difficult it is to enforce complete media abstinence. Here, we give you an overview of tips, tools and guides to help navigate a safe passage.
Cyberbullying, violent videos or pornography: the depths of the internet can be a nightmare for children – and their parents. However, there are ways of introducing children to the digital world gradually. Just as in road traffic, parents can only protect their children to a certain extent – after training wheels and local paths, they will inevitably have to ride on a busy main road. A combination of media skills, open communication and technical aids is helpful:
1. Share your experiences with others
Whether online or offline: talk to other parents about how they deal with it. Open communication between you and your child is also necessary. Because ideally, parents are the first point of contact before problems become exacerbated by silence and secrecy.
2. Use technical aids
As a Swisscom customer, you can set up parental controls on your mobile phone, Internet-Box and blue TV. For mobile you can do this directly in your child’s phone settings (instructions for Apple or Android).
You can also use My Security's Family Manager to protect your child from online dangers. In the Security app, you can set content and time limits yourself.
3. Choose an appropriate device
You don’t need a brand-new smartphone: an old mobile phone with limited internet access will be sufficient for an introduction. There are also children’s smartwatches, which can only contact specific numbers, or child-friendly tablets.
4. Use special subscriptions
Swisscom blocks access to value-added services for anyone under 16 by default. To ensure that your first steps on the Internet do not become a cost trap, there are also special subscriptions for parents and children – such as our blue Kids Mobile and blue Kids Watch.
5. Do your research
With our Youth Media Protection service, you will find interesting media guides, the Medienstark podcast and various advisory services for parents and teachers. Using an online form, you can even put your personal questions to our expert, Michael In Albon. Other organisations such as Pro Juventute offer help with media and parenting or counselling.
Useful links
- What is the right age for a mobile phone?
- Our Security & Service products
- Set up parental controls
- Keeping you safe from scams on the internet
- Media smart: media education for children
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