So lebt dein Handy länger
Illustration image of a woman with a laptop

Thank you very much for your advice because we forget it or from time to time a reminder is good for our ecology.

An idea but successful, why not send a reminder through an app that we can activate in our customer area?

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Basically, it is important to generate as little data waste as possible. You can remove apps that you no longer need by long-clicking on the corresponding icon.

However, you can only completely free a device from data waste by performing a factory reset. Then you only reinstall the apps you really need. This method is very time-consuming but the most effective. Before that, you have to back up the data that you still need.

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“Regularly delete large apps to clear cache.” Please tell us how to do it!

“activates power saving mode.” You should know that with this mode, the calendar and contacts are not saved in the cloud! So if the phone is changed or reset, they will be lost!

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The battery tips for charging are very helpful. I think it’s also better not to charge the device overnight, because then it might keep recharging when the battery drops a little (99%…). Charging capacities that are too short will certainly cause damage in the long run.

Show original language (German)