Firmware Internet Box plus

  • In the Internet Box plus manual firmware download section, the app offers firmware 11.04.20, but with manual download the previous version ibp_ap_11-03-48.acs is downloaded instead of the ibp_ap_11 as shown -04-20.acs

    Where can I get the new app firm 11-04-20.acs?

    Probably needs to be corrected.

    Likewise, with old WiFi boxes, the newer firmware wb_13-00-23.rui is displayed and also run reloaded. If you scroll down, a beta is displayed, 11.03.33, which is significantly older than the regular firmware.

    Probably needs to be corrected.

    Thanks and greetings

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    • Thanks for correcting the firmware for the IBox plus and WLAN-Box 1.

      Very well solved.

      Wish everyone good days.

    Unfortunately, the old app firmware was still not corrected when downloaded manually.

    [\_ap\_11-03-48.acs]( swisscom/de/biz/sme/public/hilfe/ibp_ap_11-03-48.acs)

    The app 11.04.20 version shown on the left should actually be downloaded.

    Addresses the errors noted in my first post. Internet-Box plus

    The second concerns the old beta WLAN-Box 1, which has long since been replaced by new firmware.

    Please correct. Thanks

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