I already wrote recently that…:

- Detailed information about the actors - e.g. from Wikipedia - which were previously available, are missing
- Dates of birth of the actors are missing
- In some series such as Crime Scene has been episode number for some time now. missing

As I have now discovered, I have series recordings that no longer run (example Continuum on SciFy); the 2nd season or I had to re-record the entire series separately because the existing series recording no longer shows any continuation… That’s just annoying.

A lot of (negative) things have already been written here. But there are no statements from Swisscom about this. Really weak☹️

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@Sunnyboy67 wrote:

….A lot of (negative) things have already been written here. But there are no statements from Swisscom about this. Really weak☹️

What do you want to hear from Swisscom? That the migration is still ongoing and is expected to be completed by the end of the year? It’s in the opening post. Or that the new supplier is working hard to continually analyze and improve the situation? It goes without saying that the current situation is more than just suboptimal. Or that the change was hoped to result in better program data, but this better data is currently blowing up in everyone’s face? You’ve already discovered it yourself.

A statement would certainly be ok, but there will hardly be anything else in it.

Therefore: wait until the end of December and check every now and then whether all the series programming you want is still available 😉

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In fact, there was a lot wrong here 7 days before the live game.

But: the closer the broadcast, the more correct the display.

On the match day itself, when most of those interested also watched this program item on SRF two, things looked correct.

See: [https://tv.blue.ch/details/tv/single/UEFA-WM-Qualigung-2022-Schweiz-Nordirland-id-t0401c52f8f3a312] (https://tv.blue.ch/details/tv/single/UEFA-WM-Qualigung-2022-Schweiz-Nordirland-id-t0401c52f8f3a312)

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@Gross-ATuin wrote:


October 10, 2021, 3:40 p.m., “Adèle and the Pharaoh’s Secret”: The film information is misleading. The hatched prehistoric creature mentioned only has a minor role. It’s more about mummies that come to life. But not in the horror sense. It’s an action comedy.

Of course, Swisscom doesn’t watch every film on the box. We rely on the legitimacy of the provider’s summaries. However, the film on Tele5 seems difficult to define in terms of genre. It is delivered to us with 5 genre names.

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Good day

The change of provider is keeping the community busy - and will continue to keep Swisscom busy too. A lot of questions and ambiguities have already accumulated.

@kincaid03 wrote:

The Geburtsdatum has now disappeared. I haven’t found a shipment with a date yet.

It’s a shame, I always found it interesting to see the age of the actors.

So I just have to look on the internet again…

@Sunnyboy67 wrote:

I can only confirm what has already been partly mentioned:

- Detailed information about the actors - e.g. from Wikipedia - which were previously available, are missing
- Dates of birth of the actors are missing

@Andy7171 wrote:

Yes, it is really absolutely unacceptable that a gravestone is shown instead of a photo of Brigitte Mira!!

The Actor Biographies

  • These will not come back. The old provider offered a biography in 4 languages ​​for around 10,000 contributors. Always based on information from Wikipedia. This information was static and was not added in the event of a death, for example. The pictures - also from Wikipedia - were often not suitable for the TV Guide: e.g. pictures of the red carpet with the stars from the side. Or even a tombstone, as has already been criticized here in the forum. The texts were also different. For Horst Tappert, all of his stations as a soldier in the Second World War were mentioned. For Hollywood stars, all their (failed) marriages. Etc. The graphical display was no longer adapted to the latest menu.
  • The new provider offers many more and better images of the contributors. Several 100,000 heads are newly displayed. We are also working on ensuring that at least the Geburtsdatum is displayed again. The new provider also offers this data.
  • And you can still find all the programs and videos with the participants you are interested in on one clear page. That was the main reason why these information pages were installed.

@nummelin3 wrote:

E.g. crime scenes. No more showing the episode number. The last crime scenes this week in the 3rd programs in Germany are listed as CH. Sure, if Ballauf, Odenthal, Singer, etc. are investigating.

Continuous recordings are gone.

Crime scene without sequence number

  • It will stay that way. Unlike the old provider, the new provider no longer provides the episode number for series that are not very specifically based on a linear plot. Just the title. The crime series is treated in a new way like the romantic films by Rosamunde Pilcher and similar other film series. This eliminates the “next episode” display behind the option button in these rows. Binge-watching several episodes in one go isn’t the norm when it comes to crime scenes. If you want to know the episode number, you can google it using the episode title.

Crime scene from Switzerland

  • The country abbreviations have been shortened to two characters. The USA became US, CHE became CH. The problem with the new provider is that he correctly supplies three countries of origin to Tatort. With Switzerland in first place ahead of Germany and Austria. The restriction to just one country goes wrong here. Especially since Germany is not in first place. A solution will be developed with the provider.

@Gnu76 wrote:

What else stood out in my recordings:

Tina mobile is an adventure series

Wrong genres

  • The many adventure series that appeared a few weeks ago, especially among funny series, were a number twister in the system. This has now been fixed.
  • The documentary and infotainment genres are currently represented more often than necessary. The genre names of the new provider still need to be refined when matching with the well-known Swisscom genres. We are working on a solution.

@Cabonesha wrote:


I also had a series recording missing today. I was surprised that under “coming soon” no recording was shown a week after the current one. However, in the EPG I found that the series is very much in the program.

Renew series programming

  • Unfortunately there was no way around this. Which is why there was a warning about it. A large part of the series programming continued without any problems. A fraction of the programs that were only active as series programming for a few dozen customers could not be taken into account in the complex changeover. However, any new series programming after changing providers should work without any problems.

@Gnu76 wrote:

It’s not just that new series or new seasons are simply suppressed […]

The tape with season starts and new series

  • This tape was only active on the web at tv.blue.ch. The speakers hadn’t shown this tape for a while. Ein Bruchteil der Sendungen, die nur bei ein paar Dutzende Kunden als Serienprogrammierung aktiv waren, konnten beim komplexen Wechsel nicht berücksichtigt werden. Jede neue Serienprogrammierung nach dem Anbieterwechsel sollte aber problemlos funktionieren.

@Gnu76 schrieb:

Nicht nur, dass neue Serien oder neue Staffeln einfach unterschlagen werden […]

Das Band mit Staffelstarts und neuen Serien

  • Dieses Band war nur noch im Web auf tv.blue.ch aktiv. Die Boxen hatten dieses Band schon länger nicht mehr angezeigt. The new provider does not offer this content information separately for use in a volume.

@Gross-ATuin wrote:


Archived episodes of a series are resumed.

Archived series will be resumed

  • It has always been the case in series programming that the fresher charisma is taken into account in the recordings. “Old” recordings are “dubbed over”, so to speak. Kind regards,

Roland Me

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The statement about the volume of new series and seasons is not true. As long as it was displayed on the box, it was on the web.

For me as a serein junkie, this is essential. Then I’ll probably have to consult different websites again in the future. If this had been actively communicated, I would not have missed several new series.

Your communication needs massive improvement.



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Thanks for the detailed comment @RolandMe

Is it still the same provider that was originally announced in this thread?

Apart from the fact that in theory there should be more pictures, I don’t read of any improvements. Are there photos of the actor in each role?

You write that we should search for the missing information on Google ourselves. On the computer this isn’t a problem with the right mouse button, but on the TV box I don’t have direct access to a search engine or something similar, I have to take the detour via, for example, “Lifestyle & Cooking” -> Selected YouTube channels -> Search for a video Search for the desired link and only then am I in the browser without an address bar.

Are you planning on providing direct access from EPG without us having to enter the search term Nez again?

“And you can still find all the programs and videos with the participants you are interested in on one clear page.”

Do you have an example of how I can call this? I haven’t found a complete list here yet. Not even the offerings on linear television, let alone the streaming providers.

When I search for Wonder Woman 1984 using the remote control, I am offered the Blue and Sky variants.

When searching by voice command or from the actors’ information, only the Blue variant is displayed.

Is this intentional or is there an adjustment to be made?

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@RolandMe Well, improvement is relative. There are still shows that have great pictures of the actors (yes, more than before) but don’t have the names of the film roles, e.g. “all under one roof” on Nitro. Without this information, the sharp image of the actor is rather useless. But it’s nice to see that the information in the EPG seems to go back to the level of the 80s and 90s in the good old TV guides, I actually found the time quite cool and can live with it, don’t care that we’re in 2021 (irony out )

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Agus fágaimíd siúd mar atá sé

Just another example of how bad the new supplier’s data is. It’s currently playing on the home channel, white and blue stories, with Willy Harlander, who is also listed among the actors, according to the EPG this is from 2014, although the man died in 2000. I assume Swisscom pays the supplier something, probably not all that little, but given the substandard quality you can leave that out and that’s common to many shipments. EPG, that you know what’s coming, leave out the rest, that saves costs.

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Agus fágaimíd siúd mar atá sé


Has Swisscom ever seriously asked itself whether it had chosen the wrong provider? With premium prices, customers also expect premium services. Unfortunately, the gap between price and performance is becoming ever wider (keyword program data, MyCloud, helpdesk, 1080p,…)

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