hi @davy3c
Some HDMI-CEC functions are allready in place.
But the HDMI-CEC commands like TV on/off and “TV source selection” are focusing to be used with the remote control from Swisscom 😉
The other way round like you think (HDMI-CEC from the Samsung TV to the Swisscom Box) is not planned to be implemented…
On the other hand Samsung Switzerland has of corse some Swisscom blue TV boxes.
If Samsung has implemented all the IR commands to be able to controll the whole Swisscom blue TV box, I don’t know.
That’s a question for Samsung its up to them if they want to implement all commands or just some of them…
So at the moment if you would like to control the Swisscom blue TV Box from another remote control (IR = infrared) which is not from Swisscom then you need a additional IR-adapter for the Swisscom blue TV Box so that the box can receive the IR commands from other devices like Logitech Harmonie or from a SamsungTV (if Samsung is supporting that).
This IR-adapter is working for both IP1400 and IP2000: