“blue”: Even more entertainment, all under one roof

  • Swisscom bundles its entertainment offerings under the name “blue”. You can read about what this means for you here.

    Swisscom TV becomes Swisscom blue TV, the Teleclub offers are now called blue+ and instead of going to the Kitag\ cinema, your visit will now take you to blue Cinema. Swisscom’s newly structured entertainment offering brings new opportunities for you.

    blue TV as an app on the TV (OTT) blue-Entertainment.jpg

    Swisscom is taking the first step towards OTT (over-the-top content) in the TV sector. The blue TV app is available on the Samsung Smart TV (from model year 2017). Support for other Smart TV providers is currently being examined.

    You can find out the year of your television from the model name (example: UE55RU7170). Devices with the following names came onto the market in 2017: Q, RU, LS, R, NU, N, MU, M. [Find out more](https://www.samsung.com/de/support/tv-audio -video/what-does-my-TV’s-model-code-mean/)

    In the coming weeks, UPC customers will also be able to subscribe to and enjoy all blue+ content such as sports, series and documentary channels or rental films directly via the app on the UPC TV Box. UPC customers with an existing Teleclub subscription can continue to watch the content directly via the channel list, although blue Sport has a larger selection of channels on the app. The new blue Max, blue Doku (DE, EN) and blue Premium (FR) packages are only available via the app.

    On multiple devices without additional TV-Box

    Swisscom inOne customers with a TV subscription no longer necessarily need a TV-Box in order to use blue TV on additional televisions. Additional streams can be subscribed to directly via the app on the Smart TV. The TV-Box becomes optional, but it still offers the best all-round experience.

    If you are not yet a Swisscom customer, you can order blue TV Air (without an Internet/landline subscription from Swisscom) and enjoy TV fun via the app on your television, tablet or smartphone. This includes an extensive range including 30 hours of replay, 60 hours of recording capacity and attractive channels. Click here for the offer.

    New Pay TV Packages

    Swisscom is also introducing new pay-TV packages, simplifying the offering. In German-speaking Switzerland, the new package is blue Max, the best for series freaks and film fans. blue Doku combines the 10 largest international documentary providers in one package. For French-speaking Switzerland, blue Premium and Les+ offer content for the whole family with films, documentaries and children’s channels. Teleclub Sport is now called blue Sport and continues to show the biggest sporting events and most important football leagues in Europe and Switzerland.

    What do you think about this news? And what news are you most excited about? As always, we are eager to receive comments or questions.

    By the way: If you buy your blue Cinema ticket online at blue.ch, you will receive your cinema admission at a special price. You can read more about the changes to blue Cinema and everything else in the official media release from Swisscom.

    [card info]

    Useful links to explain and set up blue TV

    Show original language (German)
    • Black Mamba, Stonck13, dont_p4nic, and ThomasS like that.
    • Gegenüberstellung Teleclub / blue+


      Die Inhalte sind dieselben, stehen aber nur noch linear zur Verfügung. Das Interesse am nicht linearen Doku Angebot war laut interner Quelle zu gering.


      Ich kann euch folgende Gegenüberstellung nun geben:


      Wichtig zu wissen ist auch, dass blue+ nicht gleich blue Now und Now kein eigenes Angebot oder Paket ist.

      Bei einigen Sendern ist leider noch nicht klar, in welcher Form diese weitergeführt werden. Neue Sender wurden keine hinzugefügt. Hier noch eine vielleicht leichter lesbare Gegenüberstellung der Sender:

      Senderbisher verfügbar inNeu verfügbar in
      blue Prime (ehem. Teleclub Cinema)Teleclub Movieblue Max
      blue ActionTeleclub Movieblue Max, (blue Movie)
      blue CityTeleclub MovieIn keinem neuen Abo verfügbar, Inhalte aber grösstenteils in blue Max zum Streamen
      blue Stars (ehem. Teleclub Emotion)Teleclub Movieblue Max
      blue RetroTeleclub MovieIn keinem neuen Abo verfügbar, Inhalte aber grösstenteils in blue Max zum Streamen
      TNT FilmTeleclub Moviein Prüfung für mögliche Aufnahme
      Romance TVTeleclub Moviein Prüfung für mögliche Aufnahme
      13th StreetTeleclub Serieblue Max
      AXN Deutschland HDTeleclub Serieblue Max
      FoxTeleclub Serieblue Max
      pro 7 fun HDTeleclub Seriein Prüfung für mögliche Aufnahme
      RTL CrimeTeleclub SerieTop Deutsch+
      RTL PassionTeleclub SerieTop Deutsch+
      Sony ChannelTeleclub Serieblue Max
      Syfy DTeleclub Serieblue Max
      TNT ComedyTeleclub Serieblue Max
      TNT SerieTeleclub Serieblue Max
      Universal TVTeleclub Serieblue Max
      Animal Planet DTeleclub Familyblue Doku
      Boomerang DTeleclub Familyin Prüfung für mögliche Aufnahme
      Cartoon Network D CHTeleclub Familyin Prüfung für mögliche Aufnahme
      Crime + InvestigationTeleclub Familyblue Doku
      Discovery Channel DTeleclub Familyblue Doku
      Disney Junior DTeleclub Familyin Prüfung für mögliche Aufnahme
      GEO TelevisionTeleclub Familyblue Doku
      HeimatkanalTeleclub Familyin Prüfung für mögliche Aufnahme
      History HDTeleclub Familyblue Doku
      JuniorTeleclub Familyin Prüfung für mögliche Aufnahme
      National Geographic DTeleclub Familyblue Doku
      National Geographic Wild DTeleclub Familyblue Doku
      RTL LivingTeleclub Familyblue Doku
      Spiegel GeschichteTeleclub Familyblue Doku
      Spiegel TV Wissen HDTeleclub Familyblue Doku

      Ich hoffe fest, diese hilft euch weiter.

      Liebe Grüsse, Miriam

    Could you perhaps tell us what this means for the future subscription structure (What will happen to Swisscom TV M, S, L, the top additional packages, etc?) or is there no change except perhaps the name.

    Show original language (German)

    Agus fágaimíd siúd mar atá sé

    @Gaeilgeoir wrote:

    As an app (Apple / Android), if I understood correctly, this should also work with other internet providers.

    The only question is whether Apple TV too. And I fear that Swisscom will unfortunately remain backwards and unfortunately does not offer an app for Apple TV. But I also like to be pleasantly surprised.

    Show original language (German)

    @Klothilde You can use blue TV with another provider, but you use the blue TV app and not the TV-Box von Swisscom. The app will be available on Samsung Smart TVs (from model year 2017) from October 6th. More devices will follow.

    @Gaeilgeoir There is no change in TV subscriptions.

    By the way, starting tomorrow you will find useful links for explaining and setting up blue TV in this thread.

    Kind regards, Miriam

    Show original language (German)

    Hello @macabiel

    Unfortunately, I don’t know the difference between the open and restricted versions. I can only give you the following official message:

    PrimeVideo is a VOD offer that is offered in Switzerland by Amazon at www.primevideo.ch. The offer requires that the user creates an account at www.primevideo.ch. It is not possible to use any existing Amazon accounts (DE, FR, IT) and a separate account for PrimeVideo must be created.

    PrimeVideo content is not integrated into the blue TV app with Lacierung. To use PrimeVideo’s offering, the PrimeVideo app must be installed on the mobile device or Smart TV, or it can be used via a browser.

    I hope this information is enough for you for now. Otherwise, you can only find more information at Prime Video.

    Kind regards, Miriam

    Show original language (German)

    It’s simply not the truth and this content, as was announced this morning, is simply a deception, I’m sorry. But there are ways and means by which you can enjoy all the diversity. But probably 98% of Blue customers won’t even notice

    Show original language (German)

    Hello @MiriamF

    You write that the offer is available on new Samsung TVs with an app and that you no longer need an additional box. Does that mean the entire range of channels as I have them on my box?

    And what restrictions do I have to continue using the box? With AppleTV, for example, I can’t install any apps on the TV using just the app, but what does that mean on the Blue TV Box? For example, will I not have access to my recordings?

    Many thanks and greetings


    Show original language (German)

    The really interesting thing about today’s announcements is actually not the question under which name and color the former Teleclub offers will now be re-bundled, or whether one or the other app will now be offered additionally, but is really relevant for the future Swisscom’s first step towards an OTT offering.

    With the easing of the compulsory bundling of Swisscom TV and Swisscom Internet now beginning, completely new combination options will open up for us customers in the future, not all of which are so clearly visible today.

    For many years, for example, I would have loved to subscribe to a combination of fast Internet from UPC and convenient TV from Swisscom - as of today, we have certainly come a big step closer to freedom of choice for the individual components.

    So thank you Swisscom for now starting to relax the previous compulsory bundling!

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    Hobby-Nerd ohne wirtschaftliche Abhängigkeiten zur Swisscom