Update EOS4.1: Improved software for your Swisscom TV-Box

Dear community

Swisscom TV is becoming easier to use again! We will release the new software in stages over the next few weeks for all Swisscom TV customers. Some new features await you at the UHD and Swisscom Box:

Trash for deleted TV recordings

Did you accidentally delete your recording or was it removed because the recording memory was full? No problem! Deleted recordings now end up in a trash can. They then remain there for 30 days and can be restored at any time before they are permanently deleted.


App store in new design

The app store has been cleaned out and better organized. The Swisscom TV apps are now grouped by topic and the “My Apps” category is replaced by “Recently Used Apps”. Thanks to fewer apps per band, you can also find the app of your choice more quickly.


Adjusted font for better readability

Thanks to your numerous feedback on the dark theme introduced with EOS4, Swisscom has made some improvements to the user interface and adjusted the font. This makes the texts easier to read on the black background and makes it easier for you to find your way around.

Watch series on Teleclub

Would you like to watch several episodes of your new favorite series in one go (binge watching)? This is now possible without any problems. You can now skip both the intro and the end credits for selected series that you purchased on Teleclub. The Teleclub series page has also been revised so that you can keep a better overview thanks to the changing cover photo per season.



Best possible quality and subtitles for VoD

You can rent or buy more and more films for one price. The price is the same for all qualities of a video and you automatically see the content in the best possible quality. The TV-Box now also shows in the overview whether subtitles are available for a video. The prerequisite for this is that you have activated accessibility in the settings.


Improved responsiveness and easier homescreen personalization

We have adjusted and optimized the loading times in various areas of Swisscom TV. The reaction speeds on the home screen and in the Teleclub and sports areas have improved significantly. You can also personalize your home screen even more easily using the Options button and display the app bands of your choice.


TV Air 4.1

Of course we also worked on TV Air again. Innovations such as the trash can for deleted recordings or the best possible quality for videos are also available for TV Air. Or you can record your series across channels. This means, for example, that you plan a recording on your laptop, then watch the show on your cell phone and manage it on your tablet. In addition, TV Air users on iOS can now transfer their content to other screens via Chromecast, provided they are unencrypted.

What do you think about the renewals? Share your inputs and experiences with us. This helps us to constantly improve Swisscom TV.

Kind regards

Corina S

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Recycle bin for deleted TV recordings = Great, because a mishap can happen quickly and the recording is gone. Still a question, is the memory released even if the recording is still in the trash?

App store in the new design = you can do it like this 😉 But please start the view with “last used app”, not at the bottom as shown here!
Please integrate Sky Sport so that you don’t have to choose between sport and show when starting the app. It works on Sky Show 😉 So you can also separate and display the two nicely in the Übersicher app.

Customized font for better readability = Apparently certain users had trouble, but for me it was always easy to read. I’ll be surprised if I can read it even better, even without glasses 😉

Watch series on Teleclub = Great, it was also overdue, just like Sky Show, Amazon Prime Video and Netflix are already doing.

Best possible quality and subtitles for VoD = individual price hopefully not generally at the HD or UHD price. Clear display of whether it has subtitles is definitely good, hopefully more content with subtitles.

Improved responsiveness and easier homescreen personalization \= More speed in the homescreen was also needed as it felt a bit sluggish when starting the homescreen.

TV Air 4.1 \= had to be adjusted 😉

Overall, all great news. Once we receive the new version, we’ll definitely be able to say a little more and talk shop 😉

Then I still have a few points that are still open:
-When will streaming providers automatically switch between 50 and 60Hz?

-When will the Telelcub UHD channels be integrated into the Teleclub Sport / Sport Live channels so that you can select the picture quality from the Tecleclub Sport channel with the option button (SD, HD, UHD)? Separate Teleclub sports UHD channels would not be necessary and could then simply be selected via the normal TC sports channels.

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If possible, please set up a functioning app for Internet Radio in the App Store. V tuner wasn’t good…

You should have the opportunity to access various international radio stations on TV.

Thank you Swisscom 😀

Best regards

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So, now I have received the update too. The menus and the TV Guide now load noticeably faster, and everything else runs smoothly.

The radio programs also start faster.

I still have to test the trash can if there’s something to delete.

The first conclusion is very positive.

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Thanks for the updates. What I still miss is the list of recordings without the preview image. Just a simple list of how things used to be before the UHD box.

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@Wammeutist22 wrote:

If possible, please set up a functioning app for internet radio search… in the App Store. V tuner wasn’t good…

You should be able to watch various international radio stations on TV.

Thank you Swisscom 😀

Kind regards

You can’t easily switch on international TV channels because licensing permits have to be in place.

Show original language (German)

Installationen, Netzwerk, Internet, Computertechnik, OS Windows, Apple und Linux.

It’s not about TV channels, but about radio channels. An app where you can search for radio stations. You used to be able to find one in the App Store, but you can’t anymore. One that works and not like V Tuner, where you couldn’t find anything when searching…

Thank you.

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OK all clear.

I have an independent NOXON Internet radio with over 1000 stations and it is also more economical in terms of power consumption.

Show original language (German)

Installationen, Netzwerk, Internet, Computertechnik, OS Windows, Apple und Linux.

Hello everyone,

The new EOS4.1 makes a good impression overall. The speed boost on the home screen in particular is a great thing.

But I noticed a small problem. The ‘red’ Now Play hint icons are missing from the tips for Teleclub on the home screen:

Here is an example:


I think the show thumbnails used to have the red Teleclub Now Play icons at the bottom of the title text. (Analogous to the replay icons).

Below is a detailed view of the show to show that this show is now playable:




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I’m not concerned here with the radio device Noxon, Ruark, Sonoro and the power consumption. Just want to know if the Radio Search app will come on TV.


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4 days later
a month later

Now I have the update too, the channel list is now totally chaotic and not the way I organized it, tons of deleted programs are back, many recordings are now shown twice (if the same series was running on 3+ and Sat 1 and serial recording If it is set comprehensively, it is not only displayed twice, it is also “calculated” twice. It was previously at around 50% utilization of my memory, now it is 99%! I have now deleted the recordings that I had deleted again until I’m at 65%…

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Since the switch to OS 4.0 - and it has actually gotten worse since 4.1 - the UHD box occasionally crashes, preferably when fast-forwarding, but sometimes just when scrolling through the guide. I recently replaced my second HD box with a UHD, and I notice the same behavior here. Now I’m surprised that no one else has apparently reported this (or I didn’t search well). This never happened to me until OS 3. Is this issue known?

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a month later

Hello Smurf,
I have the same problem as you with the update to 4.1
Then the operation will restart. If you try again a little later, it will always be exactly the same when fast forwarding.
Greetings ballu

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