Neue My Swisscom App

  • With the old MY Swisscom app on my cell phone, I had the opportunity to switch my WiFi on and off on my router. Does anyone know how to do this with the new app? I can no longer see the menu item.

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    • Hello @Jothecka88

      It is still possible to switch the WiFi on/off in the new app. However, this is very user-unfriendly.

      The procedure is:

      Products => Internet => WLAN & Router => Router => Router Settings / To the router

      But you won’t be redirected to anything other than the browser and then you’ll be able to log in to the Internet box. You then have to navigate through the menu again.

      For easy and quick access, I recommend the Home App mentioned by @DomiP.


    This should be possible, but only within your network.


    But with the Swisscom Home app you can also use this function outside the network, among other things. There you also have numerous other functions that the old mySwisscom app also offered.

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    Kærar kveðjur - herzliche Grüsse

    Hello @Jothecka88

    It is still possible to switch the WiFi on/off in the new app. However, this is very user-unfriendly.

    The procedure is:

    Products => Internet => WLAN & Router => Router => Router Settings / To the router

    But you won’t be redirected to anything other than the browser and then you’ll be able to log in to the Internet box. You then have to navigate through the menu again.

    For easy and quick access, I recommend the Home App mentioned by @DomiP.

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    4 days later

    Hello @Jothecka88

    Thank you for your valuable contribution. At the moment it is actually the case that it is best to use Home App for this function.

    Be that as it may, we received your input. Your post sparked some discussions internally. 😉

    We are now checking whether it makes sense to add this function. There are arguments for and against. We have to weigh these up first.

    We’ll let you know if there are any updates.

    Best regards


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    8 days later

    In addition to the fact that it is no longer easy to switch the WLAN on and off, the inOne mobile prepaid item is also missing from the menu in the new version. Until now, the prepaids were even displayed with the beloved Natel Easy logo. It’s not just in My Swisscom App that prepaid customers don’t receive much attention. WiFi calling has still not been activated despite several announcements. And another tip: it would be nice if the My Swisscom App could perhaps be displayed in landscape format again on the iPad.

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    4 months later

    Hello @Stephan_76

    As promised, I’ll be back with an update. There are now so-called quick access options on the app’s homepage. One of the quick accesses allows you to turn the WiFi on or off while you’re on the move. We have rebuilt the function.

    @bsbg thanks for your input. As of this week, the first customers have a better overview of costs. The new function will be rolled out gradually. I like to take the iPad with me.

    Best regards


    My Swisscom App Product manager
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