Fiber optic expansion

Dear Swisscom

I have the same problem as some on these forums. The fiber optic connection at Wänibachstrasse 4, 8840 Einsiedeln should actually have been working since the 3rd week of November. Unfortunately, the expansion has suddenly been postponed. Nobody can tell me what’s going on now. One time they say wait another 2 weeks, the other time they say wait until January and otherwise they say we have no idea. How can you not have a clue??

I called the construction service and the hotline several times. They pushed the ball back and forth to each other without giving any reliable information. What makes me very thoughtful is that no one at Swisscom has an E2E view, but just keeps referring to their area of ​​expertise. If you should think beyond the team boundaries, then it is immediately seen as very complicated. But that’s exactly what it would take, because customers don’t call just for fun.

Therefore, as a last hope, I turn to this forum, specifically to @Roger G

Can you please tell me what the problem is? It already works at Wänibachstrasse 3.

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Hello @DaniloPaterra

There can be many reasons…

There may be unforeseen complications when pulling in the fiber optic cable so that the cable could not be pulled in.

Empty pipe no longer continuous etc

Current Anschluss does not match.

An additional building permit may be required which has not yet been issued.


It’s not postponed just for fun.

As a technician, I see how complex everything out there is when I’m with the customers.

Who and what disrupts the signal that the customer receives a negative message.

I hope that you will soon be able to enjoy the higher performance.

If the end date is pushed back even further, ask for the booster until they fix it.

Greetings Lorenz

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Hello Lori

Thanks for your answer. I received no such information from the Schacht project manager. He said everything was going according to plan and there were no difficulties. The ad is a mistake and does not correspond to the facts. The expansion took place on October 28th due to complications.

That’s why I would like to get a clear statement from Swisscom about what the problem is. Nobody can say more precisely. If it continues like this for a long time, then the decision will be against Swisscom. There are also alternatives to Swisscom.

I realize that problems can arise. But what is incomprehensible is that no one can articulate it and there is also no outlook.

Still hoping for @Anonym-G

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By the way, Sunrise uses our network. They don’t dig themselves. Then you will have the same situation. And I understand that you would like to have more information, but that is not possible in every situation. However. Your mCAN is not yet in operation. The mCAN on the other side of the street does. That’s why the number 3 already has There are still quite a few mCANs not in operation. But this is definitely happening little by little. The statement that we display in the checker is only intended to say that there is a delay. This happens quite often because something is different on site than expected. But @Roger G can check. It’s not his job to provide information, but he’s happy to do it. 😉 So please be patient.

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@DaniloPaterra et al

It is always difficult to give everyone the right answer. And even more difficult to feed the agents on the hotline with information. Imagine that people had to answer questions about the monthly bill, about proof of connection, about WiFi problems or why I only had such a low speed. If you now provide detailed expansion information, the list of questions gets longer and longer. Just imagine that you tell your daughter not to put her hand in the crocodile’s mouth. Then come back… “Why?” Because it is dangerous…“Why?”… because it would bite…“Why?”… etc. If I now tell you that Bearer 1 had a signal loss and as a result the mCAN was no longer accessible , then exactly 1% of customers can do something with it.

For everyone else, this means that the expansion or activation of the new service has been postponed, but we don’t yet know when it will be solved, as the cause may also still be unknown. It may be that the fiber optic was bent, that it was poorly welded during the splice, that the laser in the control center is defective… etc.

And that is exactly the case here. There are 2 mCANs in the same shaft on the street and both were built and measured as planned on October 30, 2019. And now there is a problem that needs to be investigated with the mCAN, but you can’t easily open the shaft in the street, and then it could have filled with water in the meantime. All points that simply can’t be planned for and won’t be done the next day. And that’s why there is no date when everything will run smoothly and the lines can be activated. Even I only see “postboned, no reliable date available” in the systems, and that’s exactly what we pass on in the checker.

Sorry, as Guido said, it still takes a little patience until the switchover takes place.

Best regards

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Roger G.
Swisscom (Schweiz) AG, Product Manager Wireline Access

Thanks for the reply. I only partially understand the argument.

I also work in IT as a project manager and would… expect to be able to give the customer an outlook. The explanation with the crocodile goes more in the direction of what the problem is.

If something is broken, then I have to. know when I’m working on the problem and I can’t leave it like that forever. Of course you can say again, depending on the problem itself, but I have to narrow it down in time. If it were to last longer than, for example, 3 - 6 months, then… the customer should think about whether he wants to stay with Swisscom. There are also alternatives. The patience thing is nice, but if someone needs it, then there are limits. The booster is not a solution because the network is constantly overloaded. In the evening, when the three of us surf the Internet and watch TV, we have a very slow network, which is really not satisfactory.

In addition, the project manager for the shaft never mentioned anything about problems. I found out about this for the first time here in the forum. The transparency is really not good. I expect PL Schacht to know his problems and that is not the case here.

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19 days later


If everything were as simple as you describe, the mCAN would have been in operation long ago. Apparently there is a more complex problem. That you have the 1st level in this regard. cannot give a date has something in common with the crocodile example.

It’s obviously frustrating when you know that your neighbor is already surfing the internet with UBB. Nevertheless, the complexity of such an expansion should not be underestimated. Many factors come together to ensure the successful operation of an mCAN. If the CAN does not run stably during the test phase, it will not be armed. I assume that you would only be so enthusiastic about Swisscom if your Anschluss kept popping up due to a problem, right?

I am also convinced that our specialists are on the trail of the cause - we definitely won’t keep customers waiting because we think it’s “funny”. As simple as the network architecture with FTTS/FTTB may sound, in reality it can sometimes lead to unforeseeable complications.

It is quite possible that the PL shaft - this term is new to me - knew nothing about the problems. If a shaft needs to be enlarged to accommodate the mCAN, this is often done by a building contractor. I assume that by PL Schacht you mean the entrepreneur. Should you speak to the boss cable puller; He coordinates and accompanies the cable pulling work. Once the fiber cable has been pulled in, everything went smoothly from its side. But if you mean the splicer, the same applies to him too. Once he has spliced ​​and checked his copper wires or glass fibers and shrunk/sealed the sleeves, everything has been done without any problems on his part. You see; You could ask 6 different specialists and everyone would give you the same answer.

What is now crucial is what the provincial INBS has revealed. Patience is now required - but that doesn’t mean that the specialists can rest comfortably until April or May 2020.

Happy Holidays!

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5 days later

Of course, I understand any postponements. However, I have no understanding of the strange politics of communication. At the beginning of the year it was announced that the network would be expanded in my village at some point in 2019 and I put myself on a list to be informed about the progress. At some point in the fall I was actually informed that the switch to fiber optics would take place on December 4th and therefore there would be no internet available between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. A few days before, I even received a reminder via text message. Great service, I thought, they’ll keep me updated. December 4th came and at 9:30 the internet was cut off. The interruption lasted until 5 p.m., then the internet was back on. Nobody informed me about this, which I found strange, but: well, after all, I had been informed beforehand that there would be internet again in the late afternoon. The next day I noticed that the speed was unchanged. In response to my written request, an employee called me and told me that the changeover had been postponed until the end of December. Nobody here in the village was informed about this either. That’s more than strange, namely bad or completely missing information. Now, at the end of December, the date has been postponed again, this time without any further details being given. I haven’t been informed about this yet either, but rather found the information by chance while browsing. Apart from the information: Is there no appointment schedule at Swisscom? Do the technicians get up in the morning and decide where they want to work today?

Swisscom: if you’re already setting up a service where you can log in and which is supposed to provide information about the status of things, then please provide information and don’t remain silent. This is simply bad service. A delay is much easier to accept if you know about it.

Nevertheless: A good ride

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I assume that the switchover date is simply during the Christmas break. Therefore, the switch will probably take place after January 6th, 2020. I agree that communication can be improved for such situations.

@Roger G will take a quick look at this in the new year.

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As Guido rightly said, there are no switches over the holidays. The planned switchover day was December 24th, 2019… which was of course nonsense. Unfortunately, the planner missed moving the date to the first week from January 6th, 2020 😞 That’s why the system reacted and entered the postponement to “indefinite” itself (otherwise it would even be empty).

Best regards

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Roger G.
Swisscom (Schweiz) AG, Product Manager Wireline Access

13 days later

Well, the week after the holidays is almost over, but unfortunately there is still no update of the information. “Unfortunately, the expansion of the location has been delayed for unexpected reasons. We currently do not have an expansion date.” Apparently we don’t know why something is being delayed and we have no idea when the expansion will continue. Maybe the technicians will feel like doing more later in the year. It’s not nice in winter either. Oh yes: information still doesn’t come by itself. I have to gather them myself.

I guess I wasn’t that wrong with my dice after all.

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6 days later

Now the week of January 6th, 2020 is over. Still no information about the fiber optic expansion, which was actually scheduled for December 4, 2019, a month and a half ago. The current message, which has been displayed for a month now, is this: “Unfortunately, the expansion of the location has been delayed for unexpected reasons. We currently do not have an expansion date.” It cannot be the case that Swisscom cannot provide even an approximate date for weeks as to when a planned change will be implemented. There has to be someone working somewhere who knows what Swisscom has planned and when. @Anonymous communication should not be improved, but rather should take place at all. When can I expect information, or even better: when will the expansion take place? @Roger G what did you see on your “watching in the new year”?

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There is a LAN-.i customer (business, major customer) with whom a date for the switchover process must be found. This is possible in so-called maintenance windows, where its services are interrupted. All lines are then switched to the mCAN and the entire functionality is tested. Since all lines have to be switched at once (otherwise spectrum violations will occur), we are now waiting for an appointment where the customer can carry out these tests with us. I wrote to the person responsible for the region to put pressure on this, as all other customers are waiting for the new service.

Best regards

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Roger G.
Swisscom (Schweiz) AG, Product Manager Wireline Access

Cool. Did I understand it correctly: the tail wags the dog and all other customers have to wait until the major customer feels comfortable interrupting their services for the tests. For us ordinary mortals, things like this are simply announced and then carried out. The residents of Schönenbuch can only hope that he will occasionally show mercy.

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The business customers also have different contracts and SLA. In addition, the projects in this customer segment are in a different league in terms of price. It is logical that a BC is served differently than a private customer.

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