Frajammaud27Oct 10, 2019Post no. 62 Thursday, October 10, 2019 12:00 PMHello, How do we know if we have been chosen? I haven’t received an email. GreetingShow original language (German)
hedOct 10, 2019Post no. 63 Thursday, October 10, 2019 12:01 PMIf you don’t get an IB3 by Christmas… 😁Show original language (German)
Jean-Pierre_FeronOct 10, 2019Post no. 64 Thursday, October 10, 2019 12:02 PM@Frajammaud27 Message number 42 says the IB3 will be sent in the next few days!Show original language (German)
SamsiOct 10, 2019Post no. 65 Thursday, October 10, 2019 12:22 PMIf you are there, you will receive an email. I have just received these.Show original language (German)
Jean-Pierre_FeronOct 10, 2019Post no. 66 Thursday, October 10, 2019 12:26 PMI just received it too!Show original language (German)
Frajammaud27Oct 10, 2019Post no. 67 Thursday, October 10, 2019 12:28 PM@Jean-Pierre_Feron I received the email 🙂Show original language (German)
ThommyOct 10, 2019Post no. 68 Thursday, October 10, 2019 12:30 PMYes, I’m there too.Show original language (German)
Jean-Pierre_FeronOct 10, 2019Post no. 69 Thursday, October 10, 2019 12:34 PMSo maybe we can get the whole list together!😀Show original language (German)
SchnuepfliOct 10, 2019Post no. 70 Thursday, October 10, 2019 12:37 PMI also received the email. LGShow original language (German)
ChipsOct 10, 2019Post no. 71 Thursday, October 10, 2019 12:40 PMI’m there too! 😚Show original language (German)
JJauffoplo41Oct 10, 2019Post no. 72 Thursday, October 10, 2019 12:41 PMYou can also join in! 🙌Show original language (German)
PoweruserOct 10, 2019Post no. 73 Thursday, October 10, 2019 12:55 PMGreat congratulations to all of you winners👍 Have fun once you receive it, the test nights will be long 😊😉Show original language (German)
POGO 1104Oct 10, 2019Post no. 74 Thursday, October 10, 2019 1:24 PM @roku73 wrote: If you have problems with the IB3, is it possible to simply reconnect the IB2? I’ll put it this way: The IB3 is now completely suitable for everyday use. And that’s saying something in a household with 3 teenagers… I can’t afford anything else here 🙃Show original language (German)….keep on rockin'
kaethoOct 10, 2019Post no. 75 Thursday, October 10, 2019 1:35 PM@roku73 of course it works, but I don’t see any reason to switch to IB2 today.Show original language (German)
DocOct 10, 2019Post no. 76 Thursday, October 10, 2019 1:54 PMmail has arrived 💪Show original language (German)
ChipsOct 10, 2019Post no. 77 Thursday, October 10, 2019 2:53 PM@kaetho I’m not even sure if it’s possible to switch back. Normally you should send the IB2 back after installing the IB3. Or are there new rules?Show original language (German)
PoweruserOct 10, 2019Post no. 78 Thursday, October 10, 2019 3:03 PM@Chips is beta testShow original language (German)
WernerOct 10, 2019Post no. 79 Thursday, October 10, 2019 3:11 PM@Chips The IB2 is not a rental device, but belongs to you. So you don’t have to send them back unless you want to dispose of them professionallyShow original language (German)Hobby-Nerd ohne wirtschaftliche Abhängigkeiten zur Swisscom
ChipsOct 10, 2019Post no. 80 Thursday, October 10, 2019 3:13 PMOkay and thanks, I didn’t know because I was allowed to keep these after the last beta test. So she’s mine now. 😀Show original language (German)
roku73Oct 10, 2019Post no. 81 Thursday, October 10, 2019 6:26 PM… oh yes, I’m there too 🙂Show original language (German)
Frajammaud27 Hallo, Woher wissen wir, ob wir ausgewählt wurden? Ich habe keine E-Mail erhalten. Gruss
Jean-Pierre_Feron @Frajammaud27 Der Nachricht nr 42 sagt die IB3 werden einfach in den nächsten Tage versendet!
Poweruser Super Gratuliere euch allen ihr Gewinner👍 Viel vergnügen ab erhalt werden die Testnächte lang😊😉
POGO 1104 @roku73 schrieb: Sollte man Probleme mit der IB3 haben, ist es dann ohne weiteres möglich, einfach wieder die IB2 anzuschliessen? Ich sags mal so: Die IB3 ist Stand jetzt durchaus alltagstauglich. Und das will was heissen in einem Haushalt mit 3 Teenagern…..was anderes könnt ich mir hier nicht leisten 🙃
Chips @kaetho Bin mir gar nicht sicher, ob ein Zurückwechseln geht. Normalerweise sollte man ja nach Installation der IB3 die IB2 zurücksenden. Oder gibts da neue Regeln?
Werner @Chips Die IB2 ist kein Leihgerät, sondern gehört Dir. Musst Du also nicht zurückschicken, ausser Du möchtest sie fachgerecht entsorgen
Chips Okay und danke, wusste ich nicht, da ich diese ja nach dem letzten Betatest behalten durfte. Also gehört sie jetzt mir. 😀