Space allocation Swisscom TV 2.0 is incorrect

Hello everyone,

With my Swisccom TV M subscription I have a storage capacity of 240 hours.

However, when I check this now, I have a significant discrepancy:

The display in Swisscom TV shows me that I have already occupied 75% (180h), but this cannot be the case:

When I look at my list of recordings I see that there

40 recordings of 90 minutes each -> 80 hours
3 recordings each 95 minutes -> 6 hours
5 recordings longer than 100 minutes -> 15h
1 recording of 60 minutes -> 2 hours
1 recording of 45 minutes -> 1 hour

That gives a total of 104 hours.

I have already taken a significantly longer time into account for the individual recordings (2 hours for 90 minutes) in order to take into account the lead-in and follow-up.

In total, that’s still less than 50% occupancy!

Has anyone seen anything similar?

Where is my storage?

The Swisscom service does not (yet) have an answer to this.



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That may be true, but:

1. The subscription includes 240 hours, there is no difference between HD and SD

2. Who else watches SD?

3. The service employee told me that too


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As IMHO there is a mixed calculation. You don’t have 240 hours, but rather a certain amount of memory. The films recorded there are all one size, but SD is less than HD. Divided by the storage size, this results in approx. 240 hours. If there are only HD films, fewer films will require a larger amount of storage. So the occupancy is different. But as I said, this is just my interpretation, it could be different


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I wouldn’t look at it that way, hours are hours, it would have to be explicitly stated somewhere.

… or Swisscom should specify it in GB, then it would be clear, then 90 minutes SD is perhaps 10G and HD 15G

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  • hed likes that.

There is still SC MA here where you can read along, maybe someone will make a statement.

Or the complete professionals here in the forum:smileywink:


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The storage space you specified is correct. @Tschamic has actually already said it all. It also says up to 240 hours of recording, with emphasis on “up to”. So you can only use the full 240 hours if everything is in SD, with HD it is significantly less, because HD is much more
Space required.

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Well, clearly, it looks a little different to me.

The configurator clearly says nothing about SD or HD for 240 hours, if I have to read a thousand other pages first, it’s a bit of a window dressing.

Yes, it’s true, it’s there somewhere, but it would be honest if you wrote something like that directly in the properties.

… the link you posted says something about 2400h at L, but there is nothing about M at all

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