SIP Credentials are now available

Hello everyone

SIP Crendentials allow the use of a Swisscom number on third-party VoIP devices and clients. The customer can directly activate and administer the service from the Customer Area ( under landline and my HD telephones. Find more information on SIP Credentials and step-by-step configuration by clicking on the following link: [] (

We remind you that Swisscom does not provide any support for SIP Credentials.

Best regards


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Hi @KatrinM

is it possible to configure my SIP account on my iPhone? (I know that on Android it is possible natively)

If yes, how??

Because I couldn’t find this option in my iPhone settings.

Thank you 🙂

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so… I just did the configuration on my iPhone with the Linphone app - which is apparently recommended by Swisscom - and everything works perfectly! THANK YOU SWISSCOM! 🙂

On the other hand, the app is really not fast… do you have any other apps to suggest?? free ones please 😉

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Good morning;

My little question would it be possible to make a SIP trunk for example with Freepbx. I tried to trunk but I can’t put the authentications on the freepbx. I think I must have entered something incorrectly in the config. If a person has knowledge of Freepbx and Asterisk server. I’m interested 🙂 ^^.

Thanks to Swisscom which is finally opening up to more ^^

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12 days later

Good morning,

I also tried for a long time with an Asterisk pbx, without result 😞

Registering a trunk must be different from registering a SIP client…

I’m also interested in the solution, if there is one…

Good evening.

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23 days later


I have my SIP credentials (authentication name and password) but I can’t do it on Linphone either but I must be wrong along the way:

on the Linphone assistant you have to go to “Use a Sip account” then as user name is it the phone number? with +4121….? and what is the domain??

In short, I’m lost if anyone sheds any light on me. THANKS

Show original language (French)
7 months later


Swisscom SIP Register Command in Asterisk

register=udp://<sip credential="“ password=”“>:<sip credential=”“ username=”">

further information in German (thanks @Anonym)
[]( frei.html)

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  • @Hellite

    It’s actually possible natively on Android
    (With versions without overlay like Nokia 3, 5, 6 and 8, guaranteed on the 5 that I use with native SIP only happiness Nokia phones)
    (note: on certain brands such as certain Samsung models, this is not available see plausible causes below)

    The reason for the absence of native SIP on iOS integrated into the already existing numeric keypad.
    (so without adding an application specifically for SIP telephony):

    Plausible causes:

  • Most severe, the battery drains twice as fast when SIP service is enabled with incoming call enabled.

  • Too complicated for an average user and risks leading to too many support requests in the current state.
    The complete opposite of Apple, simplicity.

  • Competition with mobile telephony (a limited/unlimited Data subscription is sufficient in this case depending on occasional/intensive use and its landline number becomes truly portable)

  • Competition with third-party SIP applications (application developers not happy)

    Maybe with the next generation or iOS version it will be simpler and less energy-consuming!
    Only the future will tell us.

Show original language (French)
9 months later

Hello Pioupiou,

I tried it on Nokia 8 and it was a disaster. It works half the time, it cuts out, the sound only goes in one direction, it rings and you can’t answer. In short, unusable! Can you confirm that this works flawlessly on the Nokia 5?

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7 days later

1. not being in battery saving mode (decreased audio quality)
2. have at least a good Internet connection (good or excellent signal) otherwise weak signal, it’s not great.

3. Nokia updated, Settings > System > System update (Android 8.1.0
4. good service only on the Swisscom fixed and mobile network, without any guarantee on other competing networks.

I have just tested in both directions in SIP and DECT mode, impeccable between Nokia 5 and Swisscom Rousseau 300 DECT
not tested between SIP to SIP

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This is all OK and it doesn’t work. In short, I give up!

I’ve done a lot of testing with SIP credentials on several different devices. I also tested several software on PC and also a professional VoiP device and nothing works. I called several of my providers specializing in VoiP and they all told me the same thing: “If you want to do VoiP, work with anyone but not Swisscom, it will never work!!!” So I opened an account with the competition and as luck would have it, everything works!
Don’t make me think it’s a technical problem! It’s just Swisscom’s desire to make it not work and that’s why they don’t offer any support!

Show original language (French)
3 months later


> This is all OK and it doesn’t work. In short, I give up!

The other suppliers are not playing fair, they are defending their creamery, nothing more!

The problem is between the chair and the computer because it works for me as a residential client and yet I am only a novice in IP telephony
I use the native SIP function of the integrated phone application (original, no app download) so away from home on my Nokia 5 smartphone

Show original language (French)
a year later

Hello haters^^

For my part, I install ALL swisscom products, and the activation of SIP credentials is not necessarily great, but their use works very well!

For those who called “professionals” you may have to change installer…

To say that this will never work, you have to be either stupid or a very bad installer to think that swisscom provides services that don’t work!

The “Bria Mobile” application works wonderfully, and is available for IOS, Android and PC!

Swisscom VoIP telephony to be done on the LAN of the Swisscom router, not behind a firewall!!!


SIP Config

SIP setup

For 100% SIP connection, I recommend:

Gigaset DX800 ALL in one which is a landline telephone with integrated DECT base for wireless (practical for small SMEs)

Gigaset S850H Go box for individuals or small SMEs only wanting wireless. (remote antenna separate from wireless)

Swisscom offers SIP accounts with credentials! SIP TRUNKS are another parameter with other subscriptions, which are for professionals with a telephone exchange! The SIP trunk is not made for direct telephony on devices!

Go to Salt, diversion is impossible on their internet box and they don’t know what SIP is^^ HAHAHAHA

ABE, Romain

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Like the guy who shows up 2 years later and allows himself to judge and criticize people without even knowing them and without even having read all the parameters, I love it! Ahhh but +4122 is not this region known for having a g…..e g…..e ABE

Good luck with your experiments, Sir, I know everything!!!

The bad stupid salutes you!

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