Powerline - No connection
Good morning,
Currently configuring a brand new PC, connected to the Internet via Ethernet via an “old generation” Powerline kit ([those with the red/green bands](https://www.swisscom.ch/dam /swisscom/fr/res/hilfe/swisscom-tv/Anleitungen/einrichten/Powerline_03.2011_fr.pdf)), I suddenly found myself without Internet connection.
In the Network and Sharing Center, I get the message “Local area connection does not have a valid IP configuration”. I started by telling myself that the network card was perhaps faulty but by pinging ([as advised there](https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/Discussions-sur-l-Internet /Ethernet-IP-invalid/m-p/393503/highlight/true#M8897)), I was able to verify that the network card did not have issue.
I then tried to connect with my Xbox One (which has been connected via this Powerline since I got it, so far without problem) and again, I have no connection either.
So I tell myself that the problem certainly comes from my Powerlines and I check them. And I notice that on both of them, the “Powerline connection” light (the house icon) is off. Not orange or red, completely off.
I tried unplugging/replugging them. To reset them… but nothing.
So I conclude that one or the other is dysfunctional… but not being an expert, I prefer to check here if my diagnosis is a priori correct or if it could be something else.
I specify that the two Powerlines are connected alone to their respective wall socket (the transmitter on an extension cord because the socket is not directly accessible, but no other device is connected with it).
And aside from this new PC being setup, I haven’t made any changes to my network in quite a while.
Thank you in advance for your feedback. 🙂