As already mentioned several times, I also have problems with my two Montreux. I’ve had the devices for a year now and nothing has improved! On the contrary, with the latest firmware 0041 the crashes are even more frequent and the date, which was always okay until now, is no longer correct for a long time after the restart. My wife has drawn the conclusions for herself and found a “solution” if she wants to make phone calls without any problems: she uses the mobile network from Salt…

Greetings, Peter

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Quite strange. Many owners (including me) are happy with the Montreux, but others seem to have major problems.

Does it depend on the HW release or the production batch?

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I have the problem too. The Montreux reboots sporadically about 3-6 times a month after a conversation or just an unsuccessful attempt to establish a connection.

This is particularly annoying because you have to wait a few minutes until the Montreux is running again to try again. This has been going on for over a year now. I also updated the firmware again and again as suggested here in the forum.

Luckily, we rarely use the landline phone in the family (thanks to WhatsApp) and the general grumbling about the Montreux crashes has subsided. Otherwise it’s ok for what you actually need a landline connection, we have 3 on each floor, it happens in all cases, not just in a specific one, but it’s still difficult to say because we don’t keep statistics 😉

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9 days later

Hello all troubled Montreux users

I run two My SME Office S, each with an Internet box.

I also have 4 IP Montreux.

These phones all restart for me after a few days after a call ends.

Sometimes twice a day.

The FW 41 didn’t bring any improvement either.

A call to Swisscom revealed that this problem was not known. (Michael K.)

But things look different in the forums!

I think it’s high time for Swisscom to do something.

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See 2 posts above, where GuidoT from Swisscom writes that the problem is known and that they are working on a solution.

Since the error only occurs with some users and cannot be reproduced, it is extremely difficult and time-consuming to isolate it. Then the error has to be fixed, then there are tests with some test users,…

It takes a few months before the corrected release appears.

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Hello hed

Yesterday I was handled in a relatively unprofessional manner by a Swisscom employee.

He doesn’t know of any problem with the Montreux and Swisscom can’t make any effort because of a device that isn’t supposed to work properly.

That’s why I want to show with my entry that there are a lot of Montreux that don’t work like this.

This is just to encourage troubleshooting.


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Hello everyone

So, I was contacted by a Swissocm employee on August 7, 2015 and have been in constant contact with Swisscom since that day.

You pull extended logs from my IB, I always report when problems occur and so Swisscom can further analyze the LOGs.

In this context, Swisscom has already replaced my two Montreux… but unfortunately the two new devices have some similar problems. Swisscom is already analyzing the new logs again…

So something is really happening! I know from my own experience how difficult troubleshooting is when only some of the customers are affected and not all of them!

I agree with Büe on one point:

You should inform the call center employees that customers may have problems with the Montreux and that you are analyzing them. This way the employee could also provide correct information.


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6 days later

Hello everyone

I would like to add my voice to this problem case.

I also own 2 Montreux telephones.

I noticed that the battery shows a fairly low charge after an induced restart, but I can’t yet understand whether the low charge could cause the restart.


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I also own two Montreux and can confirm that the things can sometimes be a bit unpredictable when loaded very deeply. Apart from that, I’m happy with the Montreux, but I don’t have too high demands.

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21 days later

My Montreux also had the error that it would hang at the end of a call depending on the router. That has now disappeared. But now I had a new problem: When someone calls from outside, the Montreux doesn’t ring, but registers a missed call. The Montreux will only ring if the caller immediately calls a second time. The Swisscom helpdesk is at a loss.

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Hello folks,

I also belong to the circle of frustrated Montreux owners. My 3 devices (FW 41) crash at irregular intervals and I have to re-register some of them to the Internet box. In some cases they remain logged in after a rebbot, but with incorrect date and time information. The ringtone for calls will then no longer be heard and an unanswered call will be displayed. Absolute disaster! I changed everything due to the latest Swisscom technology - so there is no longer an alternative!

Dear Swisscom, I ask you to take this problem urgently and seriously and to work hard on a solution. A non-functioning telephone infrastructure represents an extremely high security risk!!!!!

Greetings Kuesu

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We are taking the problem very seriously. A new firmware will be available at the end of October. It can’t be done earlier, as it also brings new multiline functions and other bug fixes.
Please switch off the ECO mode for the DECT devices. And one question: are only HD phones connected directly to the Internet box via DECT or are other old DECT devices also?

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Hello GuidoT,

Thank you very much for your immediate comment. Will try this with ECO mode.

Only 3 HD Phones type Montreux are in operation and connected to the Internet box.

Greetings Kuesu

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It is definitely a disaster with the Montreux and after more than a year of operation, an update is urgently needed that not only brings new features but also solves essential problems! At least for me it got worse with every update. Yesterday during a 30 minute conversation it was interrupted/disconnected 3 times, recently the Montreux has been ringing but you can’t answer the call. This has absolutely nothing to do with telephony!

I recognize Swisscom’s efforts to solve the problems, but in my opinion you brought the Montreux onto the market too early and in an immature manner.

Greetings, Peter

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@Peet If it were that bad, then we would certainly have a problem. I can assure you that this is not the case. Nevertheless, it is of course annoying if it doesn’t work properly for you.

Can you please turn off ECO mode? Same question for you. Do you only use HD phones or other devices too?

If things don’t get better after the Internet-Box plus update in October and the Montreux at the end of October, please contact me directly via PM.


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Thank you Guido, I’d be happy to take you up on your offer, that’s definitely a ray of hope.

Yes, I have tried ECO mode on/off several times and only the two Montreux are connected directly to the Internet box.

It may not be a general problem with the Montreux, but there are a lot of dissatisfied voices. As a consequence of the problems, we increasingly only use cell phones, but it would be important to be reachable as a family via a central number and fixed telephone (school, clubs, doctor, etc.), just as it worked perfectly in the old days has. In the end you pay for it…

Greetings, Peter

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