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    I’m trying with the same SSID, so far it’s working fine. I think it’s a nice visual solution and doesn’t require an additional power supply.

    Thanks for the help 👍🏼

    Best regards


    Originalsprache (Deutsch) anzeigen
    • Integrate UniFi 6 In-Wall into the WLAN

    • Hello everyone

      I find the UniFi 6 In-Wall to be a visually beautiful solution and would like to integrate it into the existing WiFi network of my Swisscom router. I still have an empty pipe available on the upper floor, I could pull the appropriate LAN cable directly from the router, PoE would also be possible.

      But has someone integrated a UniFi into the Swisscom WLAN, is that possible?

      I have UniFi network cameras in the house, I don’t have any more knowledge 😉

      Can anyone help?


      Originalsprache (Deutsch) anzeigen
      • Also man kann dem Unifi einfach die selbe SSID und Passwort wie dem IB-WLAN geben

        Da Roaming primär der Entscheid vom Client ist geht das eigentlich meist recht Problemlos

        Jedoch verreisst es einem dann halt die WLAN-Statistiken vom Unifi Controller und von der IB wenn die Geräte hin und her wechseln

        Auch praktische Features wie ein Client an einen Access Point binden funktioniert dann nicht mehr (ist in Unifi und im Swisscom WLAN-Box und IB System schon seit einigen Firmware-Versionen möglich)

        Bei mir zu Hause solche Sachen “basteln” ist überhaupt kein Problem, bei Kunden setze ich jedoch nur auf ein System, sobald Unifi zum Einsatz kommt schalte ich das WLAN der IB aus und hänge an die auch einen Access Point wenn nötig

    • Thanks for the help… a reset caused a software update which now solved the “luxury problem” 🙂…

      Now everything is running smoothly again.

      Thanks and greetings

      Originalsprache (Deutsch) anzeigen
    • New wiring...TV Guide is getting slow

    • Hello everyone,

      I got the IB 2.0 so I can place it in the living room. Then it goes from the IB 2.0 directly to the TV box. Since this change, the TV Guide has had several seconds to start. Beforehand it was much quicker, practically not for a second. Navigating afterwards is quick, only starting the TV Guide is difficult.

      Installation beforehand: router in the basement, house cabling to the TV box in the living room, it was quicker, which doesn’t make sense to me.

      What could it be?

      Thanks for the help.



      Originalsprache (Deutsch) anzeigen
      • Das hat keinen Zusammenhang, das ist Zufall.

        Was zeigt den die TV-Box für Internet Verbindungsdaten an? Ansonsten TV-Box mal komplett kurz vom Strom trennen, und nochmals testen. Wenn das nicht hilft, TV-Box mal resetten

    • Internet Booster Anschluss

    • Hello

      You can connect the Internet Booster to the WLAN box… does it make a difference (is it better) whether I connect it directly to the IB2 or via the WLAN box?

      Which is better, directly on IB2 or is the performance the same if I go via WB?
      The question: my WB would be closer, but could connect directly to the IB2 via the home network, but would have to provide a socket for that. But if it doesn’t matter in terms of performance, I’ll go with the WB.

      Thanks and greetings

      Originalsprache (Deutsch) anzeigen
      • So wie ich verstehe ist die WLAN Box mittles Netzwerkkabel angeschlossen? Falls ja kannst du bedenkenlos über diese switchen. Das gibt keine Performanceeinbusse.

    • @hed

      Thanks for your input…can’t see the forest for the trees…for me it was the wrong cable. LAN cable is not the same as LAN cable… that was a lesson to me. It definitely works… Thank you very much!


      NB: the IB2 and WB are awesome… I previously had 7 Deco M5s from Tp-Link so I had stable WiFi… now I do it with 2 devices.

      Originalsprache (Deutsch) anzeigen
    • @hed

      Unfortunately the solution described above doesn’t work for me. Either I’m stuck or I have to wire something else.

      I was happy to receive the IB2 and a WB.
      My internet Anschluss is in the basement (new EFH building), lead it into the living room via Anschluss 1, where the IB2 is. Everything works so far. Now I wanted to bring the Internet back into the basement via another Anschluss (e.g. Anschluss 2) so that I can feed it to all sockets in the house via the existing distribution network. But the signal doesn’t come down? I can’t get a signal on my switch. I’ve already tested various connections, but none of them work. What I don’t understand is why can I get the signal up but not down via the house installation?

      If necessary, I laid a LAN cable over the stairwell where I feed my WB, which works, but is not the solution if you already have an existing house network. If other cables are needed, they are all 8-pin, the Anschluss cable on the IB2 only has 4 pins, is that correct?

      Thanks for the help.


      Originalsprache (Deutsch) anzeigen
    • @Werner

      I agree with you… but you pay a lot of money for the big box in the basement just to receive the data and distribute it in the house via the LAN… I also had to move the phone up to the ground floor so that the phone can be used in the living room. can.

      But as you already said, I’ll just let it run as it is and hope for the development team.


      Originalsprache (Deutsch) anzeigen
    • Join TiRohn…

      I’m using the TP-Link Deco5 and deactivated the WiFi from the Swisscom router and it works perfectly across the 3 floors… of course it would be perfect if it worked via the Swisscom router…

      Marco E

      Originalsprache (Deutsch) anzeigen
    • You are my hero!
      I didn’t have to delete the app, but I had to enter the entire address and everything from the beginning as you described.

      … and it works 😀

      Greetings and THANK YOU

      Originalsprache (Deutsch) anzeigen
    • I’m surprised that it should work for you, have you really tested it? Is that possible to send? iPad or iPhone, various settings, with the + sign you can view or edit the settings without a password, what do they look like in your outbox, with the automatic configuration?

      Originalsprache (Deutsch) anzeigen
    • all accounts deleted, also APP completely deleted, reloaded, only Bluewin address installed, receiving works, sending not?!

      Now I have installed the “Boxer Lite” APP, which also comes from, where both sending and receiving are possible, but here I can also make other settings, such as “Allow invalid certificate” or “Auth Type”.

      Unfortunately completely in English.



      Originalsprache (Deutsch) anzeigen
    • Hmm…

      What are your settings?
      The username is always the entire email address or just the one before the “@”?

      “, SSL on, port 465”

      Originalsprache (Deutsch) anzeigen